Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1579: 1579: Ghost Festival is approaching (2)

From the bottom of Ning Huanxin's heart, he thought of many thoughts in an instant. When she and Jiang Lixing retired, there would be fewer opportunities to meet everyone.

Wei Shuangshuang and Mo Xiao will definitely stay at Gu's house in the future, and Zhang Nian may go to the underworld. In any case, letting everyone get to know and familiarize them now will definitely have a lot of benefits, and a large group of people will be lively and lively It's fun and exciting.

Seeing Ning Huanxin's news, Jiang Lixing soon returned the news to her.

Qin Guangwang: Everything depends on my wife. I will let Cui Can prepare the place. This time, everyone can play as much as possible.

As long as the daughter-in-law is happy, Lord Pluto will be happy.


Underworld, Palace of Hades.

After passing the news with Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing took his mobile phone around, and immediately asked the ghost servant to call the black and white impermanence.

"grown ups!"

Two people hurried over, wondering what Jiang Lixing ordered.

"It's almost the Midyear Festival again. What's the holiday arrangement for our Jifu this year?"

Jiang Lixing sat on the high seat and asked coldly.

Arrangements for the Midyear Festival?

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s question, Heiwuwuchang glanced at each other, Heiwuchang blinked at Baiwuchang, and then Baiwuchang stepped forward and replied in a low voice; "My lord, the arrangements for this year are the same as in previous years. As long as the ghosts who have no grievances and no evil barriers on the Zhongyuan Festival can get the chance to return to the sun after the ghost gate is closed."


Jiang Lixing responded, then slowly raised his eyes and asked, "What about the WeChat group? What are the arrangements this year?"


Bai Wuchang was startled, WeChat group?


Hearing Jiang Lixing’s words, the black impermanence on the side immediately reacted: "My lord, there was a party in the WeChat group last year that everyone liked it, and I plan to hold a party this year, but...have not found a place yet."

"No need to find a place, just go to Yanjing, Hall 7!"

Jiang Lixing made a final decision.

Yenching, Hall 7?

Hei Wuchang was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked overjoyed: "Understand, I will notify everyone in the group."

Although it is rare to have the opportunity to walk around Yangjian, Heiwuchang knows that Yenching Hall 7 is a good place! All the services, all the dishes, and even the guest rooms are absolutely top-notch in Yanjing!

"Well, I will prepare for other things, please go down first!"

After Jiang Lixing ordered everything, he let the black and white impermanence leave.

Coming out of the Hall of the Underworld, Hei Wuchang kept a smile on his face: "Xiao Bai, we are blessed this time. Yanjing is a good place! The dragon veins are located, and the No. 7 Guildhall is a good place."


Hearing Hei Wuchang's words, Bai Wuchang nodded in a daze, Yanjing... is really a good place.

On the day of the Zhongyuan Festival, he could just go to the ancestral grave to pay respects to his relatives.

In fact, it is more than white impermanence?

When Hei Wuchang released the news in the group that this year's Zhongyuan Festival, the group will hold a big party in the Yanjing No. 7 Guild Hall, and everyone in the group is boiling.

Drowned Ghost: Wow, Wow, Yenching! I have never been there before! I heard that the dragon veins are over there, can little ghosts like us really go?

Hanged Ghost: Are you really going to Yanjing?

Toilet girl ghost: Why did you choose Yanjing this time? Isn't it...the one you choose?

Starving Ghost: Right, how about you? Will she attend this party?

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