Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1590: 1590: Don't fight and don't know each other

"grown ups."

Hei Wuchang had already told everyone about Jiang Lixing's identity before coming to Yanjing, so when I saw Jiang Lixing again at this time, Xia Jinling and Nan Xiao both looked very respectful.

Jiang Lixing just nodded lightly, and then looked at Ling Leyuan, who was not far away.

Obviously, the two sides have fought each other just now, and the battle is fierce.

Ling Leyuan felt Jiang Lixing's gaze, and immediately shivered, because his eyes were really too cold.

"Miss Ling, they are my friends, do you have any misunderstandings?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin had already smiled.

"Your friend?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Ling Leyuan frowned slightly: "They've been following Nan Xiao and Wen Yuru sneakily, don't they want to plot wrongdoing?"

After the last incident, Ling Leyuan and Wen Yuru and Nan Xiao became good friends.

Knowing that the Ghost Festival was here, and fearing that they would be in any danger, Ling Leyuan paid special attention to it, but she did not expect that she would actually see strange things.

"This is Nan Yu, Nan Xiao's sister."

Ning Huanxin turned his head and pointed at Nan Yu behind him, whispering softly.


Ling Leyuan was taken aback for a moment and looked at Nan Yu in surprise. At this time, Nan Yu nodded slightly: "Yes, Nan Xiao is indeed my brother. I didn't want to hurt him here today, I just want to look from a distance. He is fine."

"It turned out to be so."

Ling Leyuan nodded hesitantly: "That seems to be my misunderstanding."

This eldest lady, who was once aloof, has now learned how to restrain her edge.

Seeing Ling Leyuan didn’t intend to continue doing it, Ning Huanxin smiled slightly and turned to look at Nan Yu and said, “You are not acquainted with each other. Last time Nan Xiao was in trouble, but Miss Ling personally helped. he!"

"Is it?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Nan Yu immediately became excited, and took a few steps forward and bowed respectfully at Ling Leyuan: "Thank you Miss Ling for saving my brother."


Ling Leyuan was in a daze at this time.

"I saved Nan Xiao, do you all know? Gu Huan told you?"

Why is it that the more you listen to it, the more wrong it becomes?

"Ahaha, yeah, yeah."

Ning Huanxin made a haha, almost forgot that the person who bet with Ling Leyuan last time was "Gu Huan".

"We have something to do. Let's go first, there will be a period later."

Ning Huanxin blinked at Jiang Lixing beside him, and the two quickly turned and left with Nan Yu and Xia Jinling.

Ling Leyuan: What's wrong?

Everyone has gone far, leaving only Miss Ling with a blank face still standing there, thinking hard about something...

Leaving the vicinity of Yanjing Medical University and finding a secluded place, Jiang Lixing directly took Ning Huanxin and the others back to the No. 7 Hall.

"Everyone can live here these two days, so let's get acquainted with the environment first."

Jiang Lixing gave an order, and Xia Jinling and Nan Yu nodded respectfully at once, not daring to hesitate.

"Oh, don't be so afraid of him, he is actually very cute."

Seeing Nan Yu and the others were a little afraid of Jiang Lixing, Ning Huanxin immediately raised her hand and pinched Jiang Lixing's face: "Look, how cute?"

Nan Yu:...

Xia Jinling:...

We didn't see anything!


At this time, Jiang Lixing coughed. Just when they thought Jiang Lixing was going to show off his power, who knew Jiang Lixing smiled suddenly: "Now, do I look more cute now?"


Lord Pluto, your design is broken!

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