Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1592: 1592: Gu Xiao returns


The moment Ning Huanxin opened the door of the room, a very gorgeous and delicate beauty appeared in front of her. She was wearing a purple dress with a charming and brilliant smile on her face.

"Sister Qiuhan!"

Ning Huanxin yelled in surprise, and almost rushed in without hesitation, and grabbed Lin Qiuhan.

"Sister Qiu Han, you are back! You made it!"

Her body is warm, her breath has also changed, and she no longer has the original chill. Now Lin Qiuhan is a real, ordinary mortal.

"younger sister."

At this time, Gu Xiao, who was standing behind Lin Qiuhan, also took a step forward, smiling at Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing: "This time, Qiuhan is safe thanks to Ah Xing."

"Brother, we are all our own family, don't be polite to me!"

When Jiang Lixing heard the words, he waved his hand humbly, and he was able to deal with his brother-in-law with the highest degree of difficulty, Master Pluto still felt that he had made a profit.

"Well, that's right, big brother, don't be polite with Ah Xing."

Ning Huanxin smiled brightly on the side: "If your parents know that you are back safely, they will be very happy!"

In fact, Lin Qiuhan had already successfully sculpted into an adult as early as yesterday, but in order to make the two people return more smoothly, Jiang Lixing specially arranged for the two to return tonight.

Because Lin Qiuhan had just rebuilt an adult, he was still very weak. But today is the day when the ghost gate of the underground palace opens. After the ghost gate is opened, the boundaries between the night, the sun and the underworld are the most blurred. Their bodies and souls travel between the two worlds at this time. Danger.


Ning Huanxin actually has a lot to say to Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan, but at this moment she feels that perhaps Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan need time alone, and the family has been looking forward to them. The return.

Therefore, after just chatting with his brother a few words, Ning Huanxin urged them to return to Yuhaishan as soon as possible.

After leaving Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan, Ning Huanxin let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's really great to see that everyone around me can be happy."

"My daughter-in-law is really smart and kind."

Jiang Lixing heard Ning Huanxin’s words and smiled aside: “Your eldest brother and Lin Qiuhan are finally married together. Although Lin Qiuhan has lost all her cultivation base, she has experienced the body tempering by the thunder. Her aptitude is already much stronger than the average person. In addition, she has been practicing for the past thousand years, and she has nothing to say in terms of comprehension. Therefore, although she has to restart her practice, with her innate conditions, she will practice for one year. It can be worthy of ordinary people's cultivation for ten years, so... she and your eldest brother will definitely live for a hundred years and grow old together, and your Gu family will definitely have a long history and enduring prosperity."

"Well, I hope so."

Ning Huanxin nodded. She knew that she could not accompany the family to the end, and she actually had more things to do.


When the two people returned to the top floor of the venue from the outside, they found that the entire venue was crazy. Wei Shuangshuang was soon able to play with a group of people, and Zhang Nian, who worried Jiang Lixing the most, was actually with Bai Wuchang at this time.

Well, Bai Wuchang has always been set up in the underworld, no problem, just...

"Axing, do you think Zhang Nian is holding red wine?"

Ning Huanxin touched Jiang Lixing and asked in a low voice, "Is Zhang Nian planning to drink with Big Brother Bai?"

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