Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1612: 1612: Big Wedding (7)

"Thank you."

Ning Huan smiled slightly at Jiang Liran.

But Jiang Lixing raised his hand and patted Jiang Liran's shoulder gently: "If you want, you can keep calling like this in the future, I think... how to go the future, you have already thought about it, right?"

People will never grow without experiencing some setbacks and difficulties.

"Well, I plan to move out and start my own business."

Jiang Liran smiled slightly: "Others say that my third youngest is a stubborn prodigal, and I just want to be a successful businessman."

"Oh? Ambitious! What do you want to invest in? Foreign trade? Real estate? Retail? Or finance?"

Ning Huanxin on the side heard Jiang Liran's ambition and immediately asked curiously.


Jiang Sanshao immediately looked confused.

"This...I'm still thinking about it!"

Real estate is a hugely profitable industry, but with high competition and high investment. Jiang Liran doesn't have any familiarity in retail and foreign trade. As for finance... well, Jiang Sanshao admits that he is not a financial talent, not this material.

Ideals are so beautiful, why is reality so bad.

"Actually, I have a proposal."

At this time, Jiang Lixing suddenly leaned against Jiang Liran and said in a low voice: "You can consider registering an entertainment company with all your funds. I can introduce some qualified artists to you. Of course, as an agent, you can ask Cui Can. "

"Yes indeed!"

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Jiang Liran immediately opened up--isn't the film and television company in the entertainment circle a very profitable business?

"Brother, you are really my real brother!"

Jiang Liran excitedly hugged Jiang Lixing and almost kissed him on the cheek.

After the excitement, our three young masters immediately went to Cui Can full of fighting spirit, planning to immediately join the media and entertainment circle.

"Are you sure you are not digging holes for San Shao?"

Ning Huanxin smiled and whispered.

"Why? He will like it, and Lin Chu hasn't signed with other film and television companies now? You just announced your withdrawal from the entertainment industry, and the major film and television companies are not optimistic about her. This time it is really cheap. Jiang Liran is."

Jiang Lixing actually made this suggestion after careful consideration.

Of course, the beauty in the entertainment industry is like a cloud, and whether the Third Young Master can control it depends on his own character.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin nodded. Axing asked Jiang Liran to find Cui Can for help. Cui Can would definitely recommend Lin Chu first.

This is really a win-win situation.


The banquet hall was very lively. After Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing had a chat with Jiang Liran, they were toasted by disciples from several other families. In fact, those disciples didn’t know the details of Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing. They didn’t dare to approach Gu Xiao. Looking for Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing, I want to get some useful information from them.

Especially the people of Xijiang Mi's family have always wanted to know the whereabouts of Gu Huan, both openly and secretly.

Ning Huanxin knew in her heart that not only did she forge Liangzi with Ling Leyuan in the last competition, she also forged an enmity with Miyue.

It seems that Miss Mi is also unwilling to give up.

However, "Gu Huan" may not appear anymore in the future, so I want to find someone to take revenge? I am afraid it is very difficult.

Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin dealt with the disciples with a few words, and then pretended to be too strong to drink and hid to rest.

"Hey, getting married is really a tiring thing."

Ning Huanxin leaned on the sofa in the corner of the hall and sighed.

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