Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1615: 1615: The Past of Po Meng (2)

People die, but the soul does not enter the underworld?

Hearing Po Meng’s words, Ning Huanxin stared slightly: “Po Meng, this is probably not that simple. If you are sure that he is dead, but you can’t find his soul, I’m afraid there is something Mysterious power prevented him from entering the underworld. It is possible that someone set up a magic circle to make his soul inseparable from the sun, or his soul could not enter the underworld because of something strange happened to his soul."

There are too many strange things in this world, let alone people, sometimes even ghosts and gods can't tell what is going on.

"I understand what the princess meant."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Po Meng suddenly brightened her eyes and whispered eagerly: "Wang Hao still remember the strange space-time gap that you and I saw last time at Naihe Bridge? Later, the government sent someone to check it out. After leaving the souls of several people, the souls of those people really disappeared without a trace, and they can no longer be checked. Could it be... he was also..."

Time and space gap!

Ning Huan was also startled when she heard Po Meng's words.

What was the void at that time? Is it formed naturally? Where will it take the human soul?

Will your soul travel through time and space?

Ning Huanxin thought of her encounter with Mu Yuxin, but she was not sure whether the gap was a gap in time and space.

Ning Huanxin sighed. Just as she was about to comfort Po Meng, the Po Meng who was beside her suddenly smiled apologetically at Ning Huanxin and spoke first.

"Sorry, princess, today was a day for you and the prince to rejoice, but I said so many things that shouldn't be said, I was so abrupt, I punished myself for a glass."

With that, Po Meng picked up a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

At this time, other people had poured several barrels of wine around Jiang Lixing, and five of the nine palaces of the Hades had already drunk and lay down.

The remaining four are still continuing to work harder to fight with Jiang Lixing.

"I said...Did you secretly use your spiritual power, why are you still not drunk?"

King Chu Jiang looked at Jiang Lixing suspiciously and asked aloud.

"This king has a good drinker, can't people be refreshed on happy occasions?"

With that, Jiang Lixing smiled proudly, wanting to get him drunk? These guys are still a little tender!

The final outcome of the entire banquet was naturally that Jiang Lixing successfully brought down the other nine princes, and none of them were spared.

The Emperor Fengdu was in a good mood, and after a few rounds of drinking with Jiang Lixing, he went back to rest.

"Wife, let's go back too... go back to bed."

Jiang Lixing was full of alcohol, but his eyes were clear and bright like never before.

Seeing the whole hall full of drunk ghosts and gods, Ning Huan couldn't help but shook her head and smiled. This scene is really spectacular. It's a pity that she didn't bring her mobile phone when she changed her dress, otherwise she must take this picture!

What a miscalculation.


Underworld, Palace of Hades.

Jiang Lixing pulled Ning Huanxin directly back to his bedroom.

Today, the entire palace has been decorated in a big way. With bright red silk and beautiful bouquets, the entire palace is no longer so gloomy.

Jiang Lixing directly pulled Ning Huanxin to the side of the bed, and the two sat together and looked at each other quietly.

At this moment, it seems that time has stopped.

The red candle in the bedroom was still burning, as if three thousand years of time had never passed.

At this moment, the whole world seems to be only two of them left.

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