Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1646: 1646: Fan Wai: Cui Can's Choice

"It seems that now you just lack a good screenwriter."

Cui Can saw the light in Lin Chu's eyes. He knew very well that Lin Chu could not lose or lose in this battle.

She will not lose to that scumbag, not because of feelings, but to prove her strength to everyone.

"It's a coincidence. I know a good screenwriter. He himself liked "Mingyue Master" very much. I asked him if he had time. If possible, please contact me. I believe he can write it. Do you think The story you want!"

"Really? That's great!"

Hearing what Cui Can said, Lin Chu immediately smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

Lin Chu's qualifications in the entertainment industry are still a little bit shallow. She is too good to be a screenwriter with too high a status, and she really can't see or speak.

Fortunately, there is Cui Can beside him, he can always give her the most intimate help when Lin Chu needs him most.

"Why are you polite with me?"

Cui Can just smiled faintly. At this time, there was a soft knock on the door outside the private room. It turned out that the dishes had already been prepared and the waiter began to serve them.

"Okay, let's eat, you see you have lost weight recently."

Lin Chu saw the warm meal, and while talking, he brought Cui Can some food.

Since Jiang Lixing left the entertainment industry, Cui Can also retired. During this period, countless entertainment companies wanted to invite him out of the mountain, and many of them had sky-high salaries.

But Cui Can really doesn't need money.

Because he saved a lot of money during the years when he worked for Jiang Lixing. Maybe others think that no matter how rich an agent is, how much money can he have?

It's just... Is Choi Chan an ordinary agent?

What's more, Jiang Lixing is definitely not an ordinary male star. The bonus he gives to Cui Can every year is astronomical, and because Cui Can is familiar with Jiang Lixing’s temper, he has never been polite to him.

Since Young Master Jiang has too much money to spend, why would Cui Can refuse?

He doesn't think the money is dirty, and Cui Can has always done his duty for Jiang Lixing, so he can accept the money with peace of mind.


With money, a house and a car, Cui Can can be regarded as a winner in life. Of course, he is now in his thirties. The only thing he lacks is a close person and a warm home, but Cui Can knows that these are things to rely on. Fate can't be forced.

Jiang Lixuan actually sent Uncle Hai to find Cui Can, hoping that he could go back to Jiang's house again.

At this time, the Jiang family needs fresh blood and a backbone. Cui Can has received the most stringent and strongest training since he was a child in the Jiang family. He is an all-rounder. Jiang Lixuan very much hopes that he can return to the Jiang family again. .

The conditions offered by the Second Young Master to Cui Can were really good and attractive, but in the end Cui Can tactfully rejected him.

Although he would still go to Jiang's house for dinner during New Year's and holidays, and take a gift to see the old man by the way, he would never go back to work at Jiang's house.

He was tired of those days.

He just wants to live an ordinary and warm life.

From the time when he offered to act as an agent for Jiang Lixing, Cui Can had already made up his mind to withdraw from the battlefield of fame and fortune in the Jiang family.

In the past two years, Cui Can opened a big coffee shop by himself and led a very quiet and comfortable life.

On weekdays, Cui Can grinds coffee beans in his own coffee shop, and then makes a cup of warm coffee for the customers. This life is completely different from the first half of his life, but he feels very comfortable. .

Once a person slows down and enjoys it slowly, he will slowly understand life and know a lot of truths.

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