Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1650: 1650: Fanwai: The Old House and the Dog

Jiang Liran is a person who likes to lively, and Jiang's old house, the whole old house is too big and empty.

When he took the key and came to the old house, he had a cold war as soon as he entered the door, feeling as if he had come to a ghost house——

Cold and empty.

Does the ghost know how Jiang Lixing lived here?

Dashao Jiang:...

In fact, Jiang Lixing was accustomed to this atmosphere, and after Ning Huanxin came to live a few times, the old house was reborn with new life.


When Jiang Lixing moved away, he naturally ordered people to take away everything Ning Huanxin bought.

So when Jiang Sanshao moved in, it would appear that the house was more empty and lonely than before.

But would Jiang Liran be such a lonely person?

He spent a fortune to hire a babysitter, a gardener, and a housekeeper, and even kept a husky at home.

That's right, Jiang Sanshao especially likes Huskies, probably because Huskies are two more than him?

When Jiang Liran got out of the car and just pushed the door, a white shadow rushed over.

"Xiaoxue, stop making trouble."

Jiang Liran skillfully pulled down the dog's paw that was thrown on him, smiled and looked at Xiaoxue in front of him. This is his pet, a snow-white husky.

"Xiaoxue, are you good at home today? Did you watch TV series secretly while I was away?"


You put the remote control so high, are you sure you didn't mean it?


The snow-white Husky wagged his tail and followed Jiang Liran into the hall, saying that the things were like masters. Before Jiang Liran sat down, Xiaoxue on the side had already jumped on the sofa expertly, found the best position, and then lay down lazily. , His head was facing Jiang Liran's face, his big eyes blinked and blinked, and his face looked stupid and cute for praise.


Jiang Liran smiled, raised his hand and patted Xiaoxue's head, then took out the remote control and turned on the TV.

It’s boring to do everything alone, but Jiang Liran finally discovered a very interesting thing not long ago, that is, whenever he turns on the TV to watch a new TV series broadcast by Satellite TV, Xiaoxue will jump on the sofa. , Watching Jiang Liran intently.

Jiang Sanshao:...

So my dog ​​is a dog who likes to watch TV shows?

Huskies who don't like to watch dog blood dramas are definitely not good dogs for their owners.

"What shall we look at today?"

While talking, Jiang Liran took the remote control to switch channels, and found that there was nothing to watch. He simply turned on the Internet TV and selected the latest TV series.

"This play was newly released by Linfeng Entertainment some time ago. Let's see how it goes."

In fact, Jiang Liran himself doesn’t like watching TV series very much, and he didn’t have such a strange hobby before, but...

Since opening a film and television company, especially focusing on television, Lin Chu will bring out the works of major film and television companies, TV series, and movies for discussion every time he meets, and occasionally Jiang Liran has to give his opinions and choose new people or something.

As a hands-off shopkeeper, Jiang Liran really wanted to be a person lying down and collecting money, but...

What about the ambition to leave the Jiang family?

Jiang Sanshao: What is that? I don't have that stuff!

Wouldn't it be looked down upon by the Jiang family?

Jiang Sanshao: Okay, I'm heartbroken.

I can't let the rest of the Jiang family watch jokes, right?

Especially those elders and old men, Jiang Liran decided to make a good result.

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