Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 813: 813: Sanqing Jianqi

The mysterious book disappeared.

But at this moment, Ning Huanxin could even clearly feel that there was a sword in the sea of ​​consciousness, the white lightsaber, exuding a familiar and cold breath.

this is……

Sanqing Royal Swordsmanship!

This name flashed through Ning Huanxin's mind, and countless formulas hovered in her sea of ​​knowledge, as if she had already known these things.

Ning Huan was sitting cross-legged on the bed, practicing quietly.

At this moment, in the Yellow Spring Pub on the boulevard.

Xuan Ming was cooking in the back kitchen. Suddenly, he stopped and subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Sanqing Royal Swordsmanship!

He was actually in the mortal world, feeling the breath of Sanqing Jianxian!

No, this breath is...

Ning Huanxin.

Xuan Ming gave a wry smile--

Jiang Lixing was really messed up, and actually gave the Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship to Ning Huanxin. Although she is now a mortal body and spirit, her spiritual consciousness is still very strong. If she cultivates this spell, it will be within a short time Greatly improving her cultivation level will also make her the strongest in the mortal world. At that time, I am afraid that it will not only arouse the idea of ​​all mortal cultivators, but also alarm the immortal world, right?


This is exactly what Jiang Lixing wanted.

When Ning Huanxin's cultivation reached a certain level, the seal in her mind was self-breaking, and she would naturally think of everything.

"The advent of what love is?"

Xuan Ming couldn't help but sighed.


At the same time, Yanjing was everywhere, even the monks of the profound door in a radius of thousands of miles, feeling that strong aura.

Jian Qi? Or... Immortal?

Yuhaishan Gujia.

Grandpa Gu, Gu Qianchen and Gu Xiao all looked at the sky at the same time. The soaring sword aura felt so strong in Yanjing, it proved that the man was in Yanjing!

In a lively bar in Yanjing.

Chang Ziang drank another glass of whiskey and touched his bald head subconsciously.

"Yenjing, I'm afraid it will really change."

He whispered silently, and suddenly curled his lips and smiled again: "Well, yes, the little monk has to get some more magical artifacts back, this time he is not rich?"

Donghai, Yunjia.

The seven-story pagoda standing in the courtyard of the Yun family, and the bells hanging outside the tower, suddenly rang without wind, and even a faint sound of fairy music floated from the tower.

That voice can be heard clearly in the entire Yun family's house.

"Patriarch, this pagoda..."

In the dark night, Yun Ye was dressed in black, standing in front of the pagoda, his eyes filled with surprise.

The Patriarch of the Yun Family on the side, his eyes are calm and his breath is calm.

"Yun Ye, Yun Xi has been in Yanjing and hasn't come back. You should go and see her! Remember, when you arrive in Yanjing, everything is low-key. It's almost the end of the year. The triennial newcomer contest of Xuanmen will also start. In the past, even if it was to make arrangements in advance for the new members of our family."

"Yes, Yun Ye understands."

Yun Ye nodded solemnly, he knew what his responsibility was.


A flash of Sanqing Sword Qi caused the entire Profound Gate to surge.

As the instigator of all this, Ning Huanxin practiced in her own home all night, but when she opened her eyes the next day, she looked strange.

In the past, she practiced blood forbidden red lotus and psychic spells, even if the spiritual energy in the city was thin, Ning Huanxin still practiced very smoothly and made rapid progress, and this Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship, she practiced for one night, actually...without any feeling, just and Never practiced before.

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