Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 827: 827: Not seen in nine years

"Smelly girl, finally willing to come back!"

Ning Huawei stood aside and spoke softly.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

Ning Huanxin dropped the luggage in her hand, quickly stepped forward, opened her arms, and embraced the two people at the gate of the villa.

"I miss you so much! I miss you so much."

"Just come back, just come back."

Gu Qianliang whispered in a low voice. At this moment, she raised her head again and her eyes fell on Jiang Lixing.

At the moment when his eyes met, Gu Qianliang's eyes flashed with shocking colors.

how come……

Jiang Lixing didn't want to conceal his identity in front of them. Only in this way, only when they have enough strength, can Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang and his wife be able to give Ning Huanxin to them without any worries.

Therefore, at the moment when he and Gu Qianliang were looking at each other, Jiang Lixing used his spiritual power at the same time to send a word to Gu Qianliang——

No see in nine years.

Just four words are enough to make Gu Qianliang understand everything.

"what happened?"

Perhaps Gu Qianliang was too shocked, and the whole person was stunned, and there was no reaction for a while.

Ning Huawei on the side noticed something wrong with his wife and immediately asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm so happy, let's enter the house when we are happy, and..."

Gu Qianliang glanced at Jiang Lixing.

"Hello, uncles and aunts! I am Jiang Lixing, you can call me Axing."

At this time, Jiang Lixing smiled at Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang while carrying a large bag.


Ning Huawei greeted Jiang Lixing very kindly.

Gu Qianliang also nodded with a complicated expression: "Come in, come in!"


At this time, Ning Huanxin deliberately waited for Jiang Lixing for a while to help him get things, and the two entered the villa side by side.

The hall of the villa is very grand.

"Is our house luxurious? You are not allowed to laugh."

As soon as he entered the door, Ning Huanxin whispered in Jiang Lixing's ear, and Jiang Lixing nodded immediately.

Gu Qianliang, who was walking in the front, saw the two people whispering sweetly there. Her eyes flashed, and she suddenly whispered: "Huanxin, Axing. You are tired when you are running all the way, be happy, you take Axing first Go upstairs, choose a guest room, you two take a shower, take a break and then go downstairs."

"Oh, that's fine."

Ning Huanxin turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lixing: "When you get here, you are at your own home. Let's go. I will take you upstairs."


Jiang Lixing didn't see the outside, but...

He looked at what he was holding: "Uncles and aunts, this is a gift I specially prepared for you, please accept it."

With that said, Jiang Lixing put the boxes he had brought on the jade tea table aside.

Then, he took his luggage and went upstairs with Ning Huanxin.

Looking at the backs of the two people, Ning Huawei couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "This kid is half as handsome as I was back then, not bad, he can barely see it."


Gu Qianliang couldn't help but smiled, "Is someone better than you?"

"Yes? Wife, it's not good for you to hit people like this."

Ning Huawei shook his head and looked at the things on the coffee table: "These gifts will be taken to the study room upstairs in a while. I guess they are also high-end tea supplements. He is from the Jiang family and should be very generous, but our family also Nothing is missing."

"Not always."

Standing on the side, Gu Qianliang suddenly walked to the coffee table and stared at the gift boxes on it. Finally, his gaze condensed, and he took out the smallest box from inside.

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