Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 850: 850: Ning Huanxin's temptation

Jiang Lixing is definitely ready to be a super dad.

Ning Huanxin:...

"Do you think I am a pig? Ten or eight? Who...who is going to give you that much."

Ning Huan gritted his teeth.

One or two is enough.

"What are you muttering?"

Jiang Lixing moved closer again, and his long eyelashes swept across Ning Huanxin's cheeks.

Ning Huanxin blushed immediately.

It’s all because of alcohol that caused trouble yesterday. Today she is forbidden to drink, she can’t drink it herself, nor can she let Jiang drink it strictly!

Who made King Jiang be so, so sultry?

Miss Ning finds it difficult to control herself.

"Go, go downstairs."

Ning Huanxin hid, lowered his eyes, and walked outside while pulling Jiang Lixing, telling him while walking without forgetting.

"You are not allowed to drink with my dad today, and you are not allowed to drink a bite!"

With Ning Huanxin's "sacred decree", Jiang Lixing said that he hadn't drank anything during dinner, but Father Ning didn't force him, so he directly shifted the target and started drinking together with Mo Yu.

Who is Mo Yu? After living for more than a thousand years, the amount of alcohol can only be described as "massive", and finally Daddy Ning was successfully drunk, but Mo Yu was still okay.

It's terrible.


The days of getting together are always short. In a blink of an eye, Ning Huanxin has been home for seven days. In addition to spending time with Jiang Lixing, Ning Huanxin also took time out to accompany her parents.

Mo Yu and Mo Xiao are very sensible. They are used to staying quietly. Basically, they spend all day cultivating in the room, and they don't seem to feel bored.

Yancheng is actually not big, and there are few interesting places.

Ning Huanxin even took Jiang Lixing to the school where she used to go to school, and also went to Wu Yi's house once, because when Wu Yi’s parents called last time, they sounded like Jiang Lixing very much, so Ning Huanxin took The actor Jiang went to Wu's house for a stroll.

It was only when she arrived at Wu's house that she knew that Wu Yi's mother was also a fan of Jiang Lixing.

Well, our male gods really kill all the young and old.


"Mom, tomorrow I and Ahang, the four of us will return to Yanjing together."

Ning Huanxin went to the bedroom of Gu Qianliang and Ning Huawei after dinner. She wanted to talk to her parents before leaving.

In fact, there is no schedule in these two days, but the identities of Mo Yu and Mo Xiao are troublesome, but Mo Xiao can recover into a soul body, and no one can see her.

But Mo Yu can't.

So Jiang Lixing called Cui Can to find someone to Mo Yu. Mo Xiao arranged an identity in Yanjing. The ID cards of the two were mailed to the Ning's house just this morning.

With their ID cards, it will be convenient for Mo Yu and Mo Xiao to follow Ning Huanxin to travel around, or to help her with errands.

Well, all that Jiang Lixing did was for Ning Huanxin of course.


In the bedroom, the lighting is soft, Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang both put on their pajamas at this time, but they are not sleepy yet.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Gu Qianliang nodded.

"I know that you still have something to do in Yanjing. Now you are not alone. There is a bank to take care of you. Mom is very relieved, but..."

Gu Qianliang took Ning Huanxin's hand and let her sit by the bed with her.

"In any case, you must take good care of yourself and don't let yourself be wronged. If you are unhappy, you must tell your mother, you know?"

"Well, I got it."

Ning Huan nodded vigorously.

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