Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 866: 866: Asking for help from Gu's family (2)


Ning Huanxin nodded. The teacup was very hot, but not hot. She lifted the lid of the teacup and smelled the tangy fragrance, which made people feel full of energy.

This is no ordinary tea!

Ning Huan's eyes flashed, immediately lowered her eyes and took a serious sip.

The tea is very light and fragrant. After taking it, it looks like a trace of spiritual energy flows directly into the body.

"Good tea."

Ning Huan said softly, raising his eyes to look at Old Man Gu.

"Master Gu, this tea...should be Lingcha?"

"Haha, that's not the case. It's just that I grew up with some medicinal materials in the medicine garden, and absorbed some spiritual energy and medicinal properties."

Mr. Gu seems to be in a good mood today: "Huanxin, if you like it, I will ask someone to pick more fresh tea leaves for you to bring back later! If you finish drinking, come and get it next time. Also... I didn’t say it last time. Are you going to call me Grandpa Gu? Why are you still calling Master Gu to be so dismissive?"

"Haha, I was excited just now and forgot. Thank you Grandpa Gu for the spiritual tea."

Ning Huanxin smiled and said thank you, such a good thing, it is natural to get some, she would not be polite.

"Huaxin, are you here to practice today?"

At this time, Gu Qianchen, who was sitting aside, glanced at Ning Huanxin, and he could already feel that Ning Huanxin's cultivation seemed to be a lot more diligent than the previous period.

She deserves to be the blood of the first genius girl in the Gu family. Sure enough, she, like Gu Xiao, is an extraordinary genius in cultivation!


Ning Huanxin, who was sitting aside, heard Gu Qianchen's question, her eyes flashed, and she put down the teacup, and then spoke lightly.

"Uncle Gu, in fact, when I came this time, I asked for something. I believe you can see it. I recently acquired a ghost servant. Although she has wandered around the world for thousands of years, she hasn't got a perfect practice method. In the past few years, her spiritual power was disintegrated due to some reasons. Now she signed a contract with me, and her spiritual power has just improved, but I don’t have any ghost cultivation skills here, so I..."

"I have this."

At this time, Lin Qiuhan suddenly floated into the room. She glanced at Ning Huanxin, and then at Gu Qianchen and Old Man Gu.

"Why don't you let me pass on my practiced magic to her, what do you think?"

Except for Gu Xiao, Lin Qiuhan doesn't believe anyone in the Gu family now.

If Ning Huanxin's ghost servant is allowed to practice the spell provided by the Gu family, what if there is any accident?

Lin Qiuhan had to be careful about whether there was any inner ghost in Gu's family, and who the inner ghost was.

Hearing Lin Qiuhan's words, Old Man Gu looked at her in surprise——

This stingy female ghost turned her **** today?

"If Qiuhan teaches it, it's the best."

Gu Qianchen on the side suddenly spoke, as if he was afraid that Lin Qiuhan had changed his mind.

After all, Lin Qiuhan's exercises are quite powerful, and the Gu family really doesn't have such a powerful ghost cultivation exercises.


Hearing Gu Qianchen’s words, Lin Qiuhan just rolled her eyes, and then she floated to Ning Huanxin’s body: "Huaxin, my practice cannot be completed in a day or two. You need your ghost servant to stay here. Did you have an opinion last time?"

"This is best."

Hearing Lin Qiuhan's words, Ning Huan's heart was overjoyed: "Actually, I am going out tomorrow, and I was about to ask Qiuhan and Uncle Gu to help me take care of Mo Xiao and me, Brother Mo Yu!"

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