Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 870: 870: Just because of love

It's so cold. How can it be said that the sky will change in the autumn of Yanjing? It's been raining all day, which is really annoying.

In the living room, the TV is still ringing, and Wu is wearing a white pajamas, lazily retracting there to watch the TV.

"Would you like supper?"

Yu Ye walked over, sat aside, and asked lazily.

"Stop eating."

Fog raised his head and looked at the wet hair of the elm leaf: "Why don't you blow dry your hair? You will catch a cold."

With that, Mist suddenly got up from the sofa, rushed into the bathroom quickly, and took out a hair dryer in a short while.

"Do you still know this?"

Yu Ye looked curious.

She felt that the current fog was really very different from the previous fog.

"Why don't I understand? It's the same in TV dramas. A man blows her hair so that the woman will laugh."

Mist held the hair dryer, bent down and looked for the power source, while looking for it, while whispering quite proudly.


So, how many children are being taught badly by TV dramas?

After a while, Fog finally found a power source behind the sofa, plugged it in, and turned on the hair dryer enthusiastically.

"I'll go, it's so cool!"

Yu Ye looked unlovable, eldest brother, you blow your hair, can you turn on the hot air first?

"This...how do you do this?"

Wu looked at the elm leaf pitifully.

Yuye: You can't take care of yourself!

"I'll do it myself."

Yu Ye grabbed the hair dryer, blowing his hair slowly.

In fact, she can use the technique to make her hair dry instantly, but she just likes the feeling of being wet——

"Little Ye Zi, did you fall into the river? Why are all your hair so wet? Come on, I'll give it to you, or you will get sick."

In her memory, she was always gentle and considerate, although she was obviously younger than herself, she always looked like her sister.

If it wasn't for Li Chongzhen, if it wasn't for Li Chongzhen...

Yuye gritted her teeth suddenly, her eyes full of murderous intent.

"You want to kill?"

Wu suddenly leaned in front of Yu Ye and looked at her with innocent eyes.

Only for a moment, the killing intent in Yu Ye's eyes gradually dissipated.

"There is one person, I have always wanted to kill him, but I can't, because I promised others that I can't kill him, but also protect him!"

Yuye laughed at himself: "Fog, you said, am I sick?"


Wu Wu nodded involuntarily: "I originally thought that only humans would be so strange. It turns out that you foxes are also so strange."


Everyone says that foxes are deceptive by nature.

How many people know that the fox is also the most infatuated creature in the world?

"We are not weird, just because of affection."

Yuye glanced at the fog: "When one day, when you have emotion, you will understand it."



what is that. Fog blinked, and he thought it was delicious.


Heavy rain, all night, the annoying sound of rain, how many people sleepless all night, and how many people recall the sad past?

When Ning Huanxin gently opened his eyes, the night had passed.

The sky is still gray, but the rain has stopped.

Opening the window, the cold morning breeze accompanied the breath after the rain, blowing on your face, making people instantly drowsy.

A new day has begun.

It was still early for the time agreed by Yue Xinyi and Ning Huanxin, but Ning Huanxin packed up things early, because she might have to stay in the hot spring resort for one night, so she had to prepare everything.

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