Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 874: 874: New Mission: Lonely Soul

Xu Liwei suddenly smiled and interrupted Tang Jiyao.

This buddy who knows him best, he can't stop when he talks about data. You can only stop him from talking decisively at this time.

Sure enough, when he heard Xu Liwei's words, Tang Jiyao was stunned for a moment, then reacted with an awkward smile, and raised his hand in a sealing gesture.

Then, he lowered his head and began to carefully organize his schoolbag.

At this time, Yue Xinyi also drove the car down the mountain, and then found a good place to stop.

"This mountain is not high, let's go up the steps."

There are two roads up the mountain, one of which can be driven directly up, which is very convenient and trouble-free.

On the other road, you can choose to climb on your own. The road is also very spacious and has very gentle steps, not steep. This is left for those tourists who like to exercise or love nature to experience for themselves.

Several people got out of the car one after another. At this time, Ning Huanxin slowly took out his mobile phone and turned to look at the village in front of him.

"The architecture of this village is very distinctive, the houses are all white."

Ning Huanxin turned on the phone and took a picture.

Exiting the camera, she opened WeChat quietly, and sure enough, she had a new WeChat mission——

Search for a new WeChat mission: Lonely Soul, do you accept it?

Ning Huan clicked Accept without hesitation.

After that, she put the phone away with a calm expression, and turned to look at the people around her: "The air here is really good, let's go and climb the mountain together."

With that, Ning Huanxin had already walked quickly to the forefront with her backpack on her back, and Tang Jiyao immediately followed her with her big schoolbag on her back.

Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei walked at the back, holding hands together, looking very sweet.

"How? Huanxin, do you feel anything special here?"

At this time, Tang Jiyao had already caught up with Ning Huanxin, holding a compass with a serious look, and whispering solemnly.

He seemed to be really obsessed with supernatural events.

Ning Huanxin couldn't laugh or cry, she took a deep breath and felt with her mental power that even in the late autumn, this mountain was still full of vitality without any ferocious aura.

"There should be no problem with this mountain. The environment here is very good, the air is better, and it is suitable for living."

Ning Huanxin looked at Tang Jiyao and whispered lightly.

Tang Jiyao:...


Isn't this haunted?

Tang Jiyao looked at the compass in his hand that the pointer was still spinning. Did he buy a fake? Look at the turning of this pointer, it is obvious that this place has a strong magnetic field!

When Tang Jiyao recovered, Ning Huanxin had already gone a long way.

"Hey, Huaxin, wait for me!"

Tang Jiyao rushed and chased after him.


Because the altitude of this mountain is not very high, Ning Huanxin quickly reached the top of the mountain. At this moment, the gate of the resort village appeared before her eyes. Like the one seen in the brochure, this hot spring resort was very built Luxurious and beautiful, on the top of this fresh-air mountain, in the lush greenery of the jungle, it is like a holiday paradise.

The color of the main building of the entire resort village is mainly white, clean, beautiful, and refreshing.

Now Ning Huanxin finally knows why the houses in Shanxia Village are all white. It is probably to match the design of this holiday resort?

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