Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 967: 967: Xie's accident

After a while, Yang A Nuan seems to have grown taller, and his eyes are still so beautiful and special.

"A Nuan, why did you come to Yanjing? How could you be with Xiaodie?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin not only noticed Yang A Nuan, but also Zhou Han standing aside.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yang A Nuan pointed at Zhou Han, "Sister Huanxin, I came with Brother San, he is sister Xiaodie's boyfriend!"

Zhou Han is indeed a member of the Xuanmen.

Ning Huanxin was not surprised at this point, but he didn't expect Zhou Han to be Yang A Nuan's senior? In other words, he was also born in Baiyun Temple, and was the disciple of Taoist Master Baiyunzi?

The world is really small.


"Hello, you are Miss Ning Huanxin Ning? I often hear Xiaodie mention Miss Ning you."

At this time, Zhou Han had already walked to Ning Huanxin's side, while speaking, he nodded at Ning Huanxin.

"Hello. Just make me happy."

Ning Huanxin looked at Zhou Han and nodded politely at him.

At this moment, Yang A Nuan's eyes flickered, and suddenly turned his head to stare at Jiang Lixing behind Ning Huan's heart in a daze——

this person.

This person...

He is not human?

"What's wrong? What do I do?"

Jiang Lixing felt Yang A Nuan's gaze, and suddenly took a step forward, his gaze flickered, and he asked faintly.

Yang Anuan’s eyes are very special, different from those of Song Yi or Zhang Yuanjian.

In this world, some people can see ghosts in their eyes, which are called sky eyes, trick eyes or yin and yang eyes.

And Yang A Nuan's eyes are not just as simple as seeing ghosts.

She can still see through the human soul. This ability will gradually become more and more powerful as she gets older and deeper.


Yang A Nuan looked at Jiang Lixing and wanted to say something, suddenly her face turned pale, and then turned her head in a panic.

"I, I didn't see anything."

She was afraid to go on.

"A Nuan, are you okay?"

Zhou Han on the side noticed the strangeness of Junior Sister, and immediately asked in a low voice.

"I'm fine."

Yang A Nuan's heart thumped and throbbed very hard. She was shocked very strongly, because she couldn't see through Jiang Lixing's soul, and she was almost backlashed by the strange and powerful power of him.

This man, no, it should be said that this guy who doesn't know whether a person is a ghost or a devil is really scary.


"Xiaodie, sit down for a while, how could something happen to uncle?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin on the side didn't notice Yang A'nuan's strangeness. She helped Xie Yudie to sit aside and asked with some concern.

At this moment, she is more concerned about the affairs of the Xie family, after all, everyone in the Xie family is her relative.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Xie Yudie took a deep breath, raised her head and glanced at her, and then said lowly: "Huanxin, I...I don’t know what to say about this! Originally, my father had paid for it. Well, he was very careful when he went abroad a few days ago. I heard my mother said that your friend gave my dad a piece of jade pendant. My mother said that they met an armed organization in a foreign country. Fortunately, that piece of jade pendant saved me. Dad died, they also said that they would invite your friend home for dinner! My mom said that the company's feng shui was not good recently, and I wanted to find a feng shui master. I thought that Zhou Han was also learning feng shui, so I wanted to take advantage Take him home and show it to my parents. We made an appointment to have dinner together tonight, but my parents said to go to the bank to pick up things, but... there was an accident!"

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