Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 979: 979: That winter (1)

"Big brother, look at you, you like acting and you like to enter the entertainment circle. Cui Can is obviously the elite of our Jiang family. Now you are dragged down by you to become a full-time nanny!"

Jiang Sanshao has always seen Jiang Lixing not pleasing to his eyes, so naturally he would take the opportunity to provoke Jiang Lixing any opportunity.

Hearing what Jiang Liran said, Jiang Lixing still had a calm expression on his face.

He lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at Jiang Liran, his eyes very dark and gloomy.

"Why Cui Can left Yuhaishan? Heaven knows and earth knows, and you know."

Jiang Lixing's voice was very low and solemn.

Hearing what he said, the expression on Jiang Liran's face was a bit stunned.

Could it be that Jiang Lixing also knew about that?

He subconsciously looked at Cui Can on the side, seeing Cui Can also looking at Jiang Lixing with astonishment.

"All watching what I do? I don't know anything!"

Jiang Lixing glanced at the two of them and then walked forward suddenly.

It turned out that Ning Huanxin had already finished discussing with Uncle Hai at this time. As soon as the two of them retreated, Jiang Lixing walked up slowly and stood beside Ning Huanxin.


The gentle voice is like spring breeze and rain.

Jiang Sanshao on the side was stunned.

Although Jiang Lixing is the actor, but this face-changing technique is too good?

Just now he was still indifferent, with a deep and secluded expression, how could he turn into a gentle loyal dog in an instant?

Seeing Jiang Liran's dull look, Cui Can was comforted by him——

I am finally not alone!

"Three young masters, just get used to it!"

Cui Can lightly patted Jiang Liran on the shoulder, and there is still a month to go. Third Young Master, the three views of your Jiang family will definitely be refreshed by Jiang Da Young!


"I am not tired."

At this time, Ning Huanxin looked up at Jiang Lixing, smiled at him, and then turned to look at Uncle Hai next to him.

"Uncle Hai Baodao is not old, I admire it!"

"Haha! The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward, you young people are terrible!"

Uncle Hai’s words were very pertinent. When he said this, he also subconsciously glanced at Cui Can on the side, feeling Uncle Hai’s gaze, Cui Can immediately touched his nose and turned his face aside.

"Ah, Third Young Master, do you see the sun coming out? Isn't it time to have breakfast? Let's go back!"

While speaking, Cui Can pulled Jiang Liran around and left.

Jiang Sanshao naturally knew what Cui Can meant, and he was still running away.

The two left quickly, and halfway through, Jiang Liran suddenly slowed down.

"Brother Cui Can, are you... still complaining about my sister for what happened back then?"


Hearing Jiang Liran's words, Cui Can's figure stopped, and then he shook his head with a bitter smile on his face: "What can I complain about? She chose a path she wants to take, and what I want to go is not the same as what she wants to go. Road. Roads are different, do not seek each other."

From that year, at that moment, their relationship broke.

Others may regret it, may guess.

But Cui Can knows very clearly that everything will never go back to the past.

"I also think that my sister is doing something wrong, even...some cold-blooded, but I actually..."

Jiang Liran moved his lips as if to say something, and Cui Can beside him suddenly quickened his pace.

"Oh, it suddenly occurred to me that there is a notice today, so I want to reschedule, I will go back and check the information!"

With that, Cui Can's footsteps were getting faster and faster, and in an instant, Jiang Liran was left behind.

Jiang Sanshao stood there with complicated eyes.

"Actually, the day you left... I saw in secret that my sister was crying."

[I heard that today is the 18th birthday of a certain Phoenix? Happy birthday little Phoenix! 】

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