Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 197 Natural disaster is coming!

Without any mercy, the spear directly smashed Mei Wu's head.

The human traitor who had haunted the souls of countless souls died just like that.

Her shadow was absorbed by Li Yelai and turned into a new shadow army.

And her soul came to the foggy space.

In this misty space, there were several angels or knights that she was familiar with. They were all forbidden creatures and forbidden humans who died at the hands of Li Yelai in previous battles.

At this moment, these angels are no longer handsome or beautiful, but have turned into strange creatures.

Some are huge eyeballs with wings, and some are rings made of feathers, with strange eyeballs growing on the rings.

Ferocious and terrifying, this is the most original appearance of angels.

On the contrary, Meiwu still retains the human posture.

And these angels who revealed their true identities howled in terror.

They are immortal beings. Even if they are killed, they are just exiled to the virtual realm.

But at this moment, they all felt the mortal danger! They did not return to the depths of the virtual realm, but were dragged into this space! Came in front of a terrifying existence!

They cried, they begged, they resisted, but all to no avail.

Dark tentacles stretched out from the mist, dragging them all directly into the mist.

Meiwu was also entangled in the dark tentacles. She looked at the mist in fear, her eyes lit up with white light, but it seemed as if she was peeping into some invisible existence, and she let out a crazy and frightened roar.

"Time Worm!" She shouted unexplained words, and her body began to rapidly deform, swell, twist, and dissolve.

This was the price she paid for peeping into something. She, who was already distorted, became distorted again.

But this did not stop her fate, she was still dragged into the depths of the fog.

Soon, only the terrifying sound of chewing echoed in the depths of the mist.

Li Yelai, who was touching the corpse in the physical world, couldn't help but sneer after seeing this.

This is the fate of human traitors!


Die for me!

But what are time bugs?

At the same time, Li Yelai also saw a dark tentacle stretching out from the fog, revealing a new blank face.

It's the new Facebook!

When Li Yelai saw this, he complained in his heart, he was really evil!

He knew that the further to the back, the more difficult it would be to obtain facial makeup. The more sacrifices are needed.

But this time he killed Mei Wu who was in the fifth level of consciousness, and also killed at least five angels who were in the fourth level of consciousness, but only got one?

So what kind of sacrifice is needed for the next facial makeup?

Six sleeps? Or higher? You can't let him kill an overlord, right?

Complaining about Mr. Ying in his heart, Li Yelai did not delay in his movements and touched Mei Wu's body as quickly as possible.

Although Mei Wu was indeed a rare beauty when she was alive, now her body has been beaten to pieces, not to mention her beauty, she even has no head.

However, she does have good things in her.

Li Yelai took off the bracelet of green leaves from her wrist.

There are nine green leaves on it, three of which are damaged.

You must know that whether it is the super large dragon thunder, the armor of the Dharma, or the falling of the evil stars (the lovely stars flying into the sky), they are all powerful attacks that can kill the powerful ones with five senses.

It was this bracelet that blocked Mei Wu from three fatal attacks.

Otherwise, Li Yelai should have been able to complete the task long ago.

That's right, with her curse, there are many attentive people around her, such as Gotwin, so it is normal to have good things.

If the assassination hadn't happened suddenly, Meiwu might have brought some difficult psychic weapons or even forbidden objects with her.

She lost because she never thought that someone would really ignore her charm and not even prepare a battle armor for herself.

If she was fully prepared, Li Yelai might not be able to take her down.

Of course, it may also make Li Yelai's loot even richer.

Li Yelai put the green leaf bracelet on his wrist.

After trying to inject a small amount of psychic energy into it, he raised his arm, and a green leaf floated out of the bracelet and stood in front of Li Yelai.

Very good and easy to operate. As long as you can raise your hands and inject psychic energy, you can defend.

However, the spiritual energy consumption is not small and cannot be used continuously.

Then, Li Yelai raised the black gold dragon pattern gun.

This spear is about 30% heavier than the Azure Dragon Halberd in terms of weight, but its quality is much higher.

Li Yelai originally thought that there was a projection similar to the tiger hidden in it. After using it, he discovered that the golden dragon was the ability of this spiritual weapon. It is not yet known what path the ability is in. It is most likely Wanxiang.

And with Li Yelai's current psychic level, he couldn't use this level of ability, otherwise he would be immediately distorted.

However, even without the ability, this gun is still a very powerful weapon.

It's all good stuff.

Now, they all have the surname Li!

After collecting the trophies, Li Yelai spoke in the beast language of the virtual realm: "Tiger, come here!"

The next second, a giant black tiger with four eyes appeared under the ruins not far away.

It held the broken Green Dragon Halberd in its mouth and quickly came to Li Yelai's side.

It was also scarred, whimpering like a kitten in response to Li Yelai's call.

If the tiger himself saw it, he would probably commit suicide immediately in shame and anger, right?

The Green Dragon Halberd had been scrapped, so Li Yelai let the tiger clone enter the black gold dragon pattern gun.

Later, Li Yelai rode on the unicorn.

One of the wings of Lao Ma No. 2 was pierced, but it was not fatal. At most, the speed was slightly slowed down.

As Li Yelai sat on it, red spiritual flames gushed out from the wings of Tianhui Qilin, and in an instant, it turned into a red light and soared into the sky.

And just a few seconds after Li Yelai left the deep pit, several angels rushed to the big pit.

They quickly rushed to the bottom of the big pit, but saw Meiwu's body.

Then, the angels roared sharply. Their angry voices echoed in the virtual world!

"Human, I must kill you!"

All the love for Meiwu turned into hatred against Li Yelai. Their hatred seemed to ignite everything.

One by one, the angels soared into the sky, chasing Li Yelai with red eyes.

Li Yelai was not worried that they could catch up with him. Even if Tianhui Qilin was injured, it would be difficult for the double-winged angels to catch up, not to mention that Li Yelai could use the shadow army to speed up.

But at present, Li Yelai really couldn't escape from Yinshan City.

The red light curtain covered the entire Yinshan City. Even if Li Yelai was faster, he couldn't leave here. He could only deal with the angels in the sky, and he would eventually run out of spiritual energy.

Similarly, those comrades fighting in the main battlefield could not leave here.

If the time drags on too long, even if there are strong people in the official to block the enemy's support, they will not have a good end.

After all, this is in the restricted area, and the support power of the restricted area is endless. Time is not on the side of humans.

Li Yelai looked at the east side of Yinshan City.

There, the comrades were still fighting with the main force of the angels. Go and meet them first?

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yelai immediately turned around and rushed to the west side of Yinshan City, as far away from his comrades as possible.

At the same time, he quickly took out the flare from his backpack and fired a shot at the sky. Then, he changed to another kind of ammunition and fired continuously at the sky!

"I want to see if your net can withstand natural disasters and my bad luck!"

Li Yelai gritted his teeth and took out a washbasin-sized disc from his backpack.

There is a crystal skull pointer on the disc, and the surface is a gold and red award area.

Gold represents blessing, and red represents curse.

And in these award areas, there is an extremely fine black area, less than one millimeter in range.

This represents destruction!

It is estimated that God can't stand it anymore and wants to directly destroy the unlucky person who shakes to such a place.

And this is Li Yelai's final trump card, the lucky turntable!

Li Yelai opens the face, Fenglangjuxu, Huo Qubing!

Use the shadow army to run like the wind and increase the speed of Tianhui Qilin to the limit.

Rush to the west at the fastest speed and stay away from teammates as much as possible.

When it was about to reach the west wall, Li Yelai turned the pointer of the big turntable.

The skull pointer rotated quickly, turning through the award areas one by one. During this period, no force could stop the pointer or interfere with the result.

After more than ten seconds, the skull pointer slowly stopped and stopped accurately in the black area with the lowest probability.

In an instant, black light bloomed in the eyes of the skull pointer!

"Sure enough, my luck is invincible!" Li Ye said self-deprecatingly, and then said: "Then come on! Come harder!"

Earthquakes or hurricanes, as long as they can destroy the net of heaven and earth!

Anything can come!

However, a few seconds later, Li Yelai and the angels chasing behind him looked up at the sky in horror.


A few minutes ago, on the other side, in the main battlefield on the east side of Yinshan City, Ye Bushou and his men resisted the siege of the main angels while trying to break through the red light curtain.

They should have broken through and escaped from Yinshan City immediately after rescuing the three hostages.

But they were blocked by the forbidden object, the net of heaven and earth, and were stopped within the walls of Yinshan City.

"No, even if a small hole can be opened, it will be repaired in an instant. Most of us can't get through."

"Can you determine the location of the body of this taboo? Let's go and take the taboo directly!"

"I can't do it. I can't deduce it. The other party is on guard and is interfering with us."

"Damn it, it seems that we can only go back and kill them!"

"Not enough time"

In fact, their record is very dazzling. Facing the strong men in the restricted area who are several times stronger than themselves, they killed nearly a hundred of them.

And the restricted area army was even wiped out as a whole.

But the price is that all the more than 40 Ye Bu Shou here are injured. Some people are seriously injured. The gap in numbers is too big.

The restricted area wants to use the vassal army to grind the Ye Bu Shou to death!

At this time, a blue firework ignited in the distance, which was the firework signal of Ye Bu Shou.

"Is that a signal that the mission is complete?" You Ye Bushou frowned and asked, "Are there any other comrades? What is their mission?"

"That's Ye Jiang from our Champion Team 1. His mission is to kill the human traitor Mei Wu!" Gu Yue, covered in blood, said, "It seems that he has succeeded!"

"Mei Wu?" You Ye Bushou was shocked: "The traitor who is loved by everyone?"

"Yes, it's her! Look at the reactions of those angels." Gu Yue said.

Some angels in the distance, as if stimulated by something, immediately left the battlefield and flew at full speed to the location where the signal was sent.

Obviously, they also received the news of Mei Wu's death. Driven by the endless hatred, they immediately divided their forces and wanted to cut the human into pieces!

"It seems to be true!"

"Well done!"

"But, is that Ye Jiang the next generation champion of yours? Because he has a wooden head, he is not affected by Mei Wu?" Youye Bushou asked.

"Mei Wu's curse can even be overcome by species, gender, and orientation. A mere wooden head will have no effect. Otherwise, Captain Yang Chen would have killed Mei Wu with a halberd." Gu Yue said with a smile: "But at least you are right. Half of it.”

"But why did the night general expose his position? He shouldn't be able to leave Yinshan City like us, right?" Youye Bushou said worriedly: "Then he is in danger now and should join us as soon as possible."

Indeed, it is too dangerous for a person to be chased by so many angels at this time.

However, at this time, the fireworks in the distance appeared again, no longer blue, but purple.

This signal means 'Danger, stay away from this area! ’

Fireworks exploded one after another, warning everyone to stay away from his location!

"He's going to..." You Ye Bu Zhan was surprised: "What is he doing?"

Gu Yue said: "He brought the forbidden lucky wheel."

"Big turntable? What's the use of that? He might as well bring the Star-Shattering Spear or the Invincible Gloves!" Youye Bushou said.

"His luck is very bad, and he will inevitably choose the worst option. Therefore, he will summon a natural disaster!" Gu Yue grinned: "Look forward to it, everyone, and see if the natural disaster he summons can tear it into pieces. broken."

Gu Yue stared at the sky with wide eyes, and Ye Bushuang and the angels also looked at the sky in shock.

The whole sky lit up!

In a battlefield dozens of kilometers away from Yinshan City.

It was a mess, the mountains and forests were destroyed, and the whole mountain was cracking, as if even the earth was shaking. The terrifying deep marks were like huge wounds, silently telling the brutality of the battle.

In this broken mountain, a figure climbed out with difficulty. That was the dying day of Seraph, one of the overlords of the restricted area.

She held the broken sword and climbed out of the mountain with difficulty. Looking up at the battlefield, he saw the broken corpses of four-winged angels.

Their wings no longer flap, and their beautiful or handsome faces have lost all life. All the psychic weapons in his hands were interrupted.

They lay broken on the ground, their eyes filled with fear and disbelief.

In the center of the battlefield, a huge corpse lay on the ground.

It has a huge eyeball and three pairs of weird huge wings. Its feathers are as red as flames, but it has terrifying eyeballs.

At this moment, these eyeballs were filled with deathly silence, and blood flowed out of them, like unwilling tears of blood.

A Fangtian painted halberd penetrated directly through it, nailing it to the ground.

And that figure stood on Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the blood-red cloak did not move in the wind!

The terrifying scene was like the Twilight of the Gods, but she knew that this was not the Twilight of the Gods, but the invincible human champion of the same level!

Promote in the fight, become the overlord, smash psychic weapons with your bare hands, kill seven four-winged angels, and kill a seraphic eighth-generation champion!

Mi Liutian was frightened in his heart, spread out his six wings, and fled at full speed.

At this moment, she understood what the championship stood for!

Yang Chen did not pursue Mi Liutian. He knew that if the fight continued, the Supreme One would definitely take action. He is not arrogant enough to fight the Supreme.

Moreover, his attention was not on Mi Liutian, but on the distant sky.

A huge meteorite crossed the sky and hit Yinshan City directly.

"You are so unlucky!" (End of Chapter)

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