Undying Phantasia

22 Divine wind

Three hours passed and the troops and Achils were going towards the waterfall. It was very close and The terrain was plain but filled with rocks.

''Sure that monstrosity is definitely fast indeed'' One of the soldiers highlighted in awe and fear.

''Not for long'' Achils responded with nervousness and sweat dripping down his face.

A great waterfall with majestic in size and might. The wind passes with calmness but disturbed by the creatures howls and marching of warriors with iron and sweat. The water flow in harmony and the sun looked at the liquid mirror from the laming flowing river ending in a great hill. A Hill deep and big as if a meteor has ripped the earth in two.

''We shall let it fall here troops spread but make it come there.'' Achils shouted and the men began to do manoeuvring.


''I will wait here..it might disturb the plan but if it gets worse....'' The Sulkhan looked at his men to prepare and stay hidden for a while to wait for any failure or something bad happens.

He didn't want to disturb in a such a critical situation and mess the plan.he was watching what would they do. Even thou he would guess what was happening.



With a shout, many men were attacking the creature to lure it in the waterfall. Elemental attacks of fire and lightning were more prevalent and with water elements out of a river flowed to block the attacks from the tails towards the men.

The battle was ferocious and some of the men were told to move towards the waterfall.The abyssal mouth was ready to swallow a great being.

As the creature came closer it noticed the massive great aperture and immediately turned and were concentrating on its tails to attack the men and a lot of men of dozens were flown away and some died int he process.

Blood spilt. And many were broken in mind and soul.

Others had limbs broken and cries of men in despair resounded.

The attacks got stronger as more attacks were given.

''Not good! attack!'' The Sulkhan flew immediately and attack the creature with a great black sword made of a golden colour to its tails to cut.

With this shout, many men appeared and the generals came to see the view.

''The royal army has come!''

Many soldiers were cheered but they were still fearful if they had survived the catastrophe.

Two tails were cut like sausages in a dining table. But suddenly new tails were regrowing and with a speed never saw before, the tail hit the Sulkhan with great might.

A crater formed in the ground.

''This is nor normal. Why does it increase its power? It's as if magical attacks make sit stronger.'' The Sulkhan complained as three with clocked bodies came.

As they were about to reveal their faces.


A sudden disturbance in the wind had been created and A great vortex that cut the air in half was created with massive wind speeds like pushing walls were pressed against the people who were hardly resisting it.

A green light surrounded the monster as if little specks of dust of green energy were emmited like broken papers.


Out of the twelve tails.

Six were immediately cut in a ray of energy and light with wind crushing the waterfall's surroundings with catastrophic damnation. The rainbow green and red colours were formed and red blood energy was emitting from the tails.

The red glows and green energies once again cut a great portion of the creatures bland and plain chest like cut jelly.

But this time the regeneration didn't seem to be happening.

A figure suddenly descended from above.

A young individual with a Horihakama clothing but legs with metallic iron glowy armour.

A katana with an open sheath was present with green glows filled with red specks of dust was present. As he held it with one hand beneath his legs.

The wind surrounded him like dragons in fury. A face with young and fresh pale and glowy skin.

Black abyssal eyes and dark hair as shiny and dark as the night itself. The flag of the Great Imperial Japan was present from his back. A rising sun with a round shield having a Fox was there.

He looked robust yet his face was young and his dead eyes looked carefully in silence before looking at the men bellow and meeting Apolion's eye directly.


'Ranryū ten no kamikaze'

The first technique of the '7 Arts of the Heavenly wind'.

A technique the young individual no young than Apolion thought in his mind as he watched in silence to see the effectiveness of this attack.

His face was expressionless. But he didn't seem to care about anything yet he gave off the aura of an ally.

Apolion and his vision were met and they watched each other from the distance to see the connection they obviously knew was related to the powers given by Thariel.

''That was...indescribable...''

Apolion muttered in awe as the glows of the both colours created a beauty filled with the dance of the winds of death and the howls resounded.

While, everyone watching with awe and confusion at the youngster all eyes were focused on him.

''How is that possible..'' The Sulkhan saw a great power emanating from the mysterious figure.

His long dark hair dancing in the wind like natural friends was highlighting a dark lord has come.But there was something strange.

His eyes.They have never seen those type of eye before.Could he be a person from an unkown race?

The people from Neirol wondered to such an anomaly expect Apolion as he knew this person was Asian. A quiet possibly from the land of the Great Imperial Japan from his world.

''Renjishinku Shinatsuhiko''

The youngster muttered indifferently and cooly with an expressionless face very loudly to Apolion before, concentrating his vision on the monster with ruthless intent coming from his eyes.

''Wait did he just say Renjishinku?'' Apolion heard that name in his world multiple times as he was into politics and sometimes in the news. Specially japanise ones.

Could he be...''




Lord Maximus: Hmm let me see what we have for today...

* As I was watching my Ero novel secretly disguised as a magazine while my creations play in the beach with other people someone came*

''Hello sit, you mind some potatoes from potatotopia?''

*A man with a swimsuit and few drinks and a mashed potato with decorations in it for maybe, scams.*

Lord Maximus: No thank you.

Waiter: But sir...

Lord maximus: hell no scram out of my sight puny mortal.

Waiter: yes...ye... yes..

*He nervously and fearfully left*

Lord Maximus: See guys? Be like me. I think this armour is too heavy I will take it off later after I finish.

You guys don't deserve a face reveal yet.

But the main point is. Do long-term suffering instead of short term pleasure such as certain human relationships we enjoy...That way no stupid people will go around chatting rubbish about you.

but look at those puny short-term pleasure individuals..


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