About 20 minutes earlier from liv arriving, camille and liam had just sat down to eat dinner."well I was expecting a simple dinner but I can see that you have made this into something more intimate for us" liam told her as she smirked ." well I want tonight to be about us ,we havent gotten a chance to be together and I want to spend some time with my fiance before we get married" camille told him as she served him a glass of wine trying to slowly seduce him."well then let's enjoy this meal before it get cold" he told her. Most of the time they were eating she asked him questions about work trying to make it seem like she was interested in what he does.when she looked at the time she quickly got up from her chair and turned on the music.He looked at her intrigued at what she was doing as she walked up to him waving her hands for him to stand up with her "come on get up and dance with me!!!we havent done that for a while and I want to be in your arms"she told him as he slowly walked up.she placed his arms around her waist and pressed her body against him.They slow danced for a few minutes as she watched the maid from a distance buzzing someone in."I think we should call it a night cam..." liam told her as he tried pulling away from her."No liam...please I need to know that you love me!!! ever since she arrived you've been distant with me.you say you dont love her but yet I feel you distant" she said as she wrapped her arms around him. "what do you want camille? how much more do i need to do to show you that i love you?"he asked her."make me yours Liam...show me that shes in the past !!! I desperately need to feel you right now !!!"she said as she started unbuttoning his shirt revealing his c.h.e.s.t."He looked down at her and pressed her body against him "Is this what you want?" he questioned as he lifted her up.he kissed her lips with such intensity and c.a.r.e.s.sed her body lifting up one side of her dress revealing her leg."Liv is nothing to me...what could I possibly do with a woman like that when I have someone right here to fulfill my every need?"he kissed her down her neck as camille watched from the corner of her eye as liv stood there watching his every move and listening to his words."that woman is not marriage material" he continued "Do you need me to go any further to prove to why I chose to marry you?"he asked her as he layed her down on the sofa and continued to get on her rubbing her legs.

" I dont think you need to go any further to prove your point liam!!!"Liv exclaimed causing him to turn and get up shocked to see her there.camille slowly sat up with a huge smile on her face."Liv... you interrupted our date night"she said as she got up and went to stand next to liam."Liv...I..."he started saying when camille started talking "I think its rude to come into our home to try to win back my fiance.Please liam walk her out of the house before she pukes on our floor."camille said as she walked toward her room leaving them alone.He quickly ran up to her trying to explain when she started walking away as fast as she could.he grabbed her hand which made her even more upset and slapped him leaving his cheeks red."why liam ? I get that we agreed to act like we no longer are a thing in public but as far as I know sleeping with her is still cheating!!!why did you have to break up my relationship with ian just to break my heart again?"she told him." I thought you were in the hospital? you don't look well ,you look pale"he said as he tried holding on to her." stop avoiding every word i say!"she screamed as she felt an intense pain but trying to fight it."he told you?look I just want what is best for you and once me get married..."he said as she laughed at those words." after this I would rather disappear and get married with him.at least hes been honest with me unlike you!!!"she yelled as she started to feel sick and felt an intense pain."everything I do now is so that no one will interfere with our relationship.hes keeping secrets from you.this was just another trap that she set for us liv think about it." she ran to her car when she suddenly stood frozen by the door. he realized something was wrong and ran up to her "what's wrong?" he asked asked her as she looked at him with fear in her eyes." I'm bleeding..."she said as her pants slowly started to stain of red.He quickly lifted her up and put her in the passenger seat."Liam I dont want to lose my baby...please help me " she cried as he drove her to the hospital." I wont let that happen ...we'll get you help right away and you both will be fine" he said as he made a call to someone letting them know where to meet them.

Ian drove up to the house and right away noticed that livs car was gone.He grabbed the bags and quickly went inside.he put the stuff down on the kitchen counter calling out for her.Rushing up to her room he quickly turned on the light and saw she was gone.he checked every other room and quickly pulled out his phone calling her several times with no answer.he then decided to call jason to hopefully get some news."please tell me liv is with sadie or you know where she is...."ian pleaded the moment his brother answered." well where is she? ok look I'm going to drive around the block to see if she is close." he went straight to his car and started driving around when he decided to check the cafe thinking she had gotten a call for something and decided to go herself.when he got there he went inside and asked if she had showed up.He was walking back to the car when jason called him."yeah have you heard anything?"he asked him.Hearing the news made him drive straight to the hospital.Seeing liam there waiting with sadie and jason his first reaction was to confront him." I get that you want me out of the picture but it is my kid shes expecting!!you could have called me first!!!"ian told him."just like you could have warned me that she was out!!!"liam screamed causing jason to get between them."I'm sorry did it interfere with your double life?I'm assuming that she must have seen or heard something for us to be here again" ian said.Liam turned to sadie as he turned to walk outside "I'll be outside I need to make a phone call .. " ian laughed with sarcasm "typical liam hayes ,leaves so he wont get caught after causing all these problems to begin with...I dont know what she sees in you honestly"he told liam.The doctor walked up to them and informed them that she didnt want to see anyone until further notice and instructed him not to inform them of any further information regarding her health.Ian turned to liam "well you heard the news ,its best you leave before things get worse.I dont plan on leaving until I know how they are." Liam didnt respond to his remark and left immediately.

When liam got home camille was waiting in his bed for him."well about time you got home,I was already wondering if you had left me for liv" she told him as she sat up and watched him get clothes out of the drawers."why would I do such a thing when I have a gem like you by my side?" he told her as he smiled at her.She laughed at his comment "if I were you I would have just left her out there, serves her right for barging into our home and interrupting our fun that we sadly didnt even get to have" camille said as she tossed herself back onto his pillows."well in this case the child has no reason to suffer and I dont want to be held responsible for her bleeding out in my front yard.Lets not worry about her she has someone who is looking out for her either way"liam told her as he walked to his restroom door."well I dont think that will last for long.I feel like she will be alone soon" she said as she got up from the bed and started walking out."I see that you enjoy seeing her suffer, doesnt it worry you that things can backfire?" liam told her watching her expression. "with you by my side how can such a thing be possible? everyone is afraid of getting on your bad side which includes upsetting his fiance.I dont worry on such stuff.people get what they deserve dont you agree?"she said with a grin on her face as she left to her room.

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