Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 107: [Perception] + [veil] =?

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Said to do the task, in fact, Zhou Fangwu just picked the simplest one at random.

He took the initiative to walk at the end of the team, guarding against monsters that appeared at any time.

"Senior Zhou Fang, is this really okay, or else let's forget about it today."

Sato Kazuma broke away from the team, walked to his side, and said very caringly: "I just came back and accompanied us to do the mission. It's very tiring. It's okay to take a day off."

"It's okay, Sato-kun. You can't let the team members waste time because of me."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, rejecting his kindness.

"Besides, I asked everyone to do the task. How can I do it if I don't go together?"

"That's it, okay then."

Sato Kazuma knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so he didn't mention it anymore.

The leader of the team has always been like this, and it is admirable to lead by example.

He is completely different from this group of troubled children, and he is really a reassuring man.

"That's right, Sato-kun."

"What's wrong, Senior Zhou Fang."

"I learned a very interesting magic in another world. It should be very suitable for you. Want to see it later?"

"Oh oh oh!"

When you say that, Sato Kazuma is invigorated.

Since a long time ago, he has been looking forward to learning the skills of another world.

It's just that the skills that senior Zhou Fang taught him were very expensive, so he, the lowest level [adventurer], had no extra skill points to learn.

However, he never gave up!

I have been accumulating skill points, and I am also waiting for a suitable opportunity!

And now, the opportunity has come!

"Learn! Please teach me!"

"Well, just stay tuned."

"Yes! Please, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuma bowed his head very respectfully.

The task site of hunting down the giant toad was very close to Novice Village. After walking for about an hour, they arrived at the task site.

【New Village Plain】

Everyone looked at the giant toad jumping back and forth on the plain, and then began to discuss countermeasures.

"What should I do, do you want me to be the bait?"

Darkness held up her new shield and waited for it. With her face flushed, she said excitedly, "Let me be the bait! I've been looking forward to this slimy and wet feeling for a long time! Please, let me do it!"

"Use me, use me!"

Huihui also held up the staff full of magic power, and shouted: "My explosion magic is already too hungry, let me offer you the most gorgeous explosion magic! Please, as long as you gather them together, Just leave the rest to me!"

"It's over."

Sato Kazuma looked desperate.

Because he quarreled with Aqua just now, he forgot that Darkness wanted to take a toad slime bath all the time, and that Megumin hadn't released the explosion magic today.

Damn, careless!

"No, Darkness and Megumin, you two should step back first. This time, Sato Kazuma and I will settle the matter."

Just when he didn't know what to do, his savior, the leader of the team, stepped forward.

Zhou Fangwu said to the two women who were ready to go: "I'm sorry, the main goal of this mission is to teach Sato-kun new skills. The members of the team should take a rest first."

"Yes, that's it!"

Sato Kazuma also hurriedly spoke out, and said to the two problem children: "Senior Zhou Fang wants to teach me new skills, so you should step down first."



Hearing that she was rejected, Huihui was obviously not happy, but Darkness was very excited, but it made people a little confused, what was there to be excited about.

The two stepped forward.

"Sato-kun, are you ready?"

"Oh oh oh, I'm ready!"

Sato Kazuma swallowed, looking very serious.

He's a little nervous.

"Relax, this is not an attack skill, but a very practical auxiliary skill."

General Zhou Fang put his hand on his back, and at the same time softly shouted: "Shamu!"


A thick black mist burst out from his body, covering the entire 20-meter radius.

This is exactly what Natsuki Subaru is good at - the low-level magic of the Yin system [veil]!


"Huh—?!" X3

Not only Sato Kazuma, but even Aqua and the three who stood watching the battle were extremely surprised.

"Senior Zhou Fang, this is..."

The sight in Sato Kazuma's eyes was pitch black. If Zhou Fangwu hadn't been touching his shoulder, he would have thought he was trapped in that dark cage.

"Al Huma!"

A spell sounded in his ears, and the strong wind blew away the black mist covering the surroundings, revealing the figures of the two.

"How about this skill."

Zhou Fangwu asked the thoughtful Sato Kazuma, "This skill should be very suitable for you."

"Well... indeed."

For people like Kazuma Sato who rely on a combination of tactics and magic to fight, the moment he saw this skill, countless possibilities to cooperate with it emerged in his mind.

"Well, let's see how many skill points are needed first."

Zhou Fangwu is also very curious, there is no such thing as a 'door' Sato Kazuma, how many skill points are needed to learn the [veil] skill.

"Yes, if you don't have enough skill points, you really can't learn it."

Sato Kazuma took out the adventurer card from his pocket, and found that a skill already appeared in the learnable skill column.

[Silve] - 5 o'clock

"5 o'clock? It's a bit expensive."

Sato Kazuma talked about expensive, but he confirmed the study without hesitation, very straightforward.

Because he has a hunch, this skill is very, very suitable for him.

- Used as a sneak attack.

"Then, go and try it, Sato-kun."

Zhou Fangwu pushed him and asked him to hunt down the five giant toads alone.


Sato Kazuma walked forward with enthusiasm.

If he hadn't learned this skill, he probably wouldn't dare to face five giant toads alone.

But now, he has nothing to fear!

With this one skill alone, he has changed a lot!

"The veil!"

Sato Kazuma shouted loudly.

Just like before, a large amount of black smoke burst out from his body, simultaneously enveloping five giant toads in it.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

Not too long, Zhou Fangwu's keen ears heard the sound of five heavy objects falling to the ground one after another.

It should be that the five giant toads have been hunted down.

I didn't worry about Sato Kazuma's safety.

After all, in his opinion, the combination of [Perception], which can detect the enemy's position, and [Varn], which obscures the enemy's sight, is a magic skill!

And also very suitable for Kazuma Sato!

With this powerful auxiliary skill, Sato Kazuma's status in the team has once again improved a little.

—Although it was already ranked second.

"Al Huma!"

Just like before, Zhou Fangwu used strong wind magic to blow away the black mist.

When the scene inside was revealed, Zhou Fangwu said to himself that sure enough, Sato Kazuma had finished hunting down the five giant toads.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Sato Kazuma was like a warrior who had been oppressed for a long time and finally stood up, roaring loudly, as if venting his long-standing oppression.

"Okay, idiot Kazuma, let's go back quickly!"

Akuya just stood aside and watched the show, UU read www. uukanshu.com felt very boring.

After seeing Sato Kazuma complete the crusade mission, she shouted: "Today is Wu's first day back, go back quickly, eat the best and drink the best, and hold a welcome party for Wu!"

"I think it's just that you want to drink that **** expensive bottle of bubbles, idiot goddess!"

Sato Kazuma was very upset after being interrupted to vent.

But after he exposed Akuya's lies, he didn't continue to argue with her, but put away his excitement and walked back.

"However, what Akua said is also correct, a welcome party should be held for Senior Zhou Fang."

Thanks to Zhou Fangwu's teaching, he finally learned the magic that other adventurers did not know. It can be said that he has already stood on the head of all adventurers whose profession is [adventurer]!

"Okay! Let's go back and eat and drink!"

"Oh!" X5

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