Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 119: Dark Hot Pot! The Hero Squad is wiped out!

The daily routine of the team continues.

It's just that this day is a little bit different.

— Darkness received a moving gift from her hometown.

It is a very expensive and rare fat cow spree with a large portion.

Maybe because of the season, the original crab was replaced by fat cow.

how to say?

Is it worthy of being the great lord of another world?

This gift is really generous!

The level of local tyrants made Zhou Fangwu ashamed.

Of course, it's not that the team can't afford this rare ingredient.

It's just that the members agreed that if the adventurers are willing to eat a lot of fish and meat, they will kill their fighting spirit, and they probably don't have the idea of ​​taking risks anymore.

So, the team only eats one extremely lavish meal every other month or so, and the rest of the time is business as usual.

And this month's big meal was decided to be a fat cow gift package from Darkness's hometown!

It's just that it's a little bit different from ordinary meals!

—Dark Hot Pot!

Hot pot is the food that can bring the relationship between teammates closer, and the taste can also be adjusted according to everyone's preferences without accommodating others.

So once it was proposed, everyone raised their hands in approval.

It's just that under the bickering between Sato Kazuma and Aqua, for some reason, the ordinary hot pot meal suddenly turned into a dark hot pot challenge? !

[Dark Hot Pot], as the name suggests, is a combination of [Dark Cuisine] + [Hot Pot].

The term [Dark Cuisine] first appeared in "The Little Master of China". At the beginning, it was only intended to conquer people's taste buds with the meaning of "dominance", so as to achieve the magical power of controlling others.

But I don't know when, [Dark Cuisine] has become a simple unpalatable food.

But [Dark Hot Pot] is slightly different, it is a heresy in hot pot!

It will use ingredients that are rarely seen and rarely eaten, and combine them perfectly in the hot pot to produce unexpected and unique flavors. It is a delicacy that only brave people dare to try.

It is the real king's cuisine!

Although it bears the name of dark cuisine, it is impossible to know whether it is delicious or not until you taste it.

Because every time you add something different, the taste will change accordingly.

This kind of hot pot cuisine is to explain the principle of quantum superposition on the micro scale at the macro scale. The delicious and bad tastes are superimposed on each other. Only when you actually eat it can you confirm whether it is delicious.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to call it [Schrödinger's hot pot]!

It is a kind of interesting small game that is very suitable for drawing (shu) close (yuan) feelings between friends.

But if you want to play the [Dark Hot Pot] game, there are three hard rules to follow:

1. Each person brings 1 to 3 ingredients, and joins them without anyone knowing! In other words, who joined what, no one except me knows!

2. Although anything can be added, only edible ingredients can be added!

3. No matter what kind of food comes out of the hot pot, eat it!


"Hey, do you really want to play? It's a waste, isn't it, this is a very rare fat cow."

Huihui, as a food lover, will certainly feel distressed to see such good food being wasted.

But Darkness said: "It doesn't matter, there are still a lot in the kitchen, and it is enough to taste normal food after playing."

Darkness was very considerate and set aside a lot of fat cattle for Huihui.

"Really! Great, Darkness is really understanding."

Huihui was very happy to hear that there were still ingredients.

"That... I really appreciate you guys inviting me. But, is it really okay to invite me, a lich or something?"

Sitting at the end of the dining table, the poor doormat Weitz huddled in the wide chair and spoke with some confidence.

Although she wanted to be calm.

But since she first came in, Akua's eyes have been red all the time, and the horror expression on her face that wanted to purify her made her extremely terrified, and she had to shrink back on the chair farthest from Akua, trembling like sitting on pins and needles.

"This is an apology, Wiz."

Zhou Fangwu signaled Wiz not to be too nervous, and at the same time pinched Akuya's face so that she would not put on such a vicious expression.

Said to Wiz: "A few days ago, my Aqua made a big fuss in your magic item shop, I'm really sorry. In fact, inviting you here also means apologizing, so don't be polite, just open up and eat. "

Wiz knew that Zhou Fangwu was afraid that she would be lonely, so he invited her to taste the delicious food, and he was very moved.

It's just that before she could say thank you, she realized that Akua's eyes were even more red, and her displeasure was beyond words.

"Hey! Yes, yes, thank you very much!"

Wiz was terrified, subconsciously replied, and did not speak again.

"Speaking of which, it's time to start."

Sato Kazuma grinned with a malicious expression, which looked extremely sinister under the candlelight.

This guy almost made it clear that he was going to make trouble.

"Yes, the preparations are almost done, let's start."

As Zhou Fangwu's voice fell, Sato Kazuma extinguished the oil lamps in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the whole restaurant was pitch black.

"Everyone, put the ingredients you prepared in order."

Zhou Fangwu said to Akuya who was on the side: "Akuya will start first, then Megumin, Kazuma, Wiz, Darkness, and finally me, okay."

"Oh!" x5

"Heh heh heh, be afraid, waste material Kazuma, I have prepared 'very good' ingredients!"

Although Akua said such words, what she meant was completely opposite to the reality.

"Hey, Aqua! After all, this is just a game, so don't go too far!"

Sato Kazuma also hesitated at this moment.

A problem child like Akuya whose brain is full of 'water', if she wants to make trouble, no one can compare to her.

If you don't stop her quickly, you will really do extremely exaggerated and ridiculous things!

However, Akuya would not stop there.

She threw a fruit into the hot pot.

Suddenly, a stench erupted!

"Ouch! What, what is this?!"

This disgusting smell is extremely pungent, making people dizzy and weak, and its power is stronger than that of special delicacies such as durian and stinky tofu!

It can no longer be called food!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a biochemical weapon!

Sato Kazuma yelled angrily: "Idiot Aqua! What the **** did you put in there, you idiot! Vomit!"

The well-informed Wiz said weakly from the side: "It's Noni fruit."

"What? What is that?"

Kazuma Sato has traveled for a short time, so he really doesn't know what a noni fruit is.

The smell was so strong that Wiz also fell on the table.

Weakly said: "Noni fruit is a very rare fruit. Although it is rare, it exudes a strong stench all over its body, making it difficult for people to get close. Even if it is a monster, its smell will quickly escape. Escape. UU Reading www.uukanshu.comCommon adventurers will smear this diluted juice on their bodies when they encounter danger, so as to drive back those monsters that want to eat them."

After explaining, Wiz closed his eyes peacefully as if he had finished explaining his funeral.

Passed out.

"As expected of a different world, does this kind of fruit still exist?!"

Sato Kazuma's face collapsed.

"Stupid Akua, what the **** are you doing! I said it a long time ago, this is just a game, why would you do such a thing, you retarded goddess!"

The insults that had no energy to spare did not hear Aqua's excited retort.

A bad premonition arose in Sato and Zhenxin.

Resisting the rising dizziness, he tremblingly lit the oil lamp on the table.

After that, he saw the most terrifying scene.

Everyone climbed and fell on the table!

"This, this is... what's going on... Wiz, Megumin, Darkness, Akuya, even Senior Zhou Fang?!"

Sato Kazuma, who knew something was wrong, wanted to escape the mansion to seek help.

Unfortunately, he fell to the ground after walking 3 meters away and passed out.

On this day, the [Hero] team... was wiped out!

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