Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 124: more exorbitant rewards

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

At the gate of Novice Village.

Not only the adventurers, but even the villagers gathered here. They were building temporary roadblocks in full swing, and Sato Kazuma joined them a long time ago.

Zhou Fangwu also saw that their former foreman on the construction site was also helping with the construction.

There are also some people who are setting traps and drawing magic circles. They know it's useless, but they still do it.

The whole village is ready for battle.

"Wu, here, here!"

After seeing Zhou Fangwu, Akuya called out to him.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

She looks very anxious.


Zhou Fangwu still wanted to go on a tour, but he could only give up and walk towards her.

"Akuya, what's wrong?"

"Huihui, it's Huihui."

Following the direction of her finger, she saw Hui Hui trembling with her wand in her hand, and muttering something.

Zhou Fangwu guessed that she must be afraid.

That's right, she is still a 14-year-old little loli, she has never seen such a big battle, and all the pressure is put on her, isn't it natural to be nervous.

It is also difficult for her.

Wiz on the side comforted Hui Hui in a low voice, but the method might not be right and the effect was minimal.

Zhou Fangwu sighed and walked over.

"Huihui, are you okay?"

"Like, like...yes! I didn't seem...no, nothing!"

She stammered, as if biting her tongue.

"Take it easy, take it easy, relax, relax."

Gently patted Huihui's back, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, if you are afraid, I can do it."

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to put this pressure on Huihui either.

He also has Explosion magic, which can also be used in conjunction with Wiz. Although he is the commander-in-chief, it is not a problem to take care of these tasks. After all, he has already done what he can do.

However, Megumin rejects his offer.

"I, I can do it! I can do it! Wu said before that you can use Explosion Magic as much as you like at once. I can't refuse it!"

"Really? Well, since you want to..."

Zhou Fangwu had promised her before, since she didn't want to give up.

Then he asked Wiz standing aside: "Wiz, how many magic crystals do you have?"

Wiz took out the prepared magic spar from the cloth bag in front of the apron and counted them.

"Magic spar, I have 5 here."

"Only 5..."

Seeing Zhou Fangwu's frown, Wiz quickly explained: "These magic crystals are all high-quality, and the price is very expensive. No one in Xinshou Village will buy them. In addition, there are 10 of them before, which is already A product that forcibly entered under the pressure of a hungry stomach.”

Her pitiful appearance didn't get Zhou Fangwu the slightest sympathy.

This poor store manager would rather be hungry than buy these unsalable goods. She really deserves that she has been running a deficit.

"Forget it, since this is the case, let's add these, 5 pills per person should be enough."

General Zhou Fang took out the 5 magic crystals he bought before and distributed them to the two of them.

"Huihui, does the mere Mobile Fortress Destroyer make you too scared to face it? If this level makes you shrink back, then stop calling yourself the strongest magister of the Crimson Demons."

"What—?! Say it again! My explosion magic is the strongest magic. Anyone who dares to block my explosion magic will be reduced to ashes!"

The aggressive method is very useful.

Huihui immediately changed from a depressed state to an extremely hot-blooded and tough one. She flicked her wand with all her teeth and claws, as if she couldn't wait.

"Oh! Then I'll teach you, [The Strongest Magister]!"

"I will handle it!"

Hui Hui patted her own airport, and then concentrated on adjusting the magic power in the 5 magic crystals, trying to maximize the power of the explosion magic.

Seeing her being so serious, Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

Although Huihui's secondary level is comparable to Yujian Xiangye, but as long as she uses a little trick, she is still very reliable at critical moments.

Just watch her performance later.

"Wiz, you are a veteran adventurer, so you don't need to say anything useless, I just ask you to take care of Huihui and cooperate with her pace, is that okay?"

"Yes, I will definitely cooperate."

Wiz nodded, expressing that he would do his best.

Before she became a lich, she was one of the strongest adventurers, so Zhou Fangwu didn't need to tell her how to do it, just leave everything to her.

"And...Wiz, why is there smoke coming from the top of your head?"

Zhou Fangwu had seen white smoke rising from her head since then. This strange phenomenon was really curious.

"Ahaha, that, am I a lich?"

Wiz laughed bitterly, and said a little sluggishly: "The weather is so sunny today. After a long period of exposure to the sun, I have become like this."

"Uh... Sorry, before the Mobile Fortress Destroyer arrives, let's hide in a cool place and rest for a while."

Hearing her explanation, Zhou Fangwu felt apologetic in his heart, and then hurriedly let her rest.

Then he said to Akuya who was on standby: "Akuya, I will give you instructions in a while, and then you must try your best to use the [Curse Breaking] skill."

"Well, don't worry, Wu! I will definitely destroy the magic barrier beautifully!"

Aqua patted her plump chest, looking very confident.

The magic spar was not distributed to Aqua, because she is a god, and the ability to release the [Curse Breaking] skill relies on divine power rather than magical power, so she can do her best.

Even if the enchantment is not destroyed, he still has the bottom line.

"By the way, where is Darkness?"

Zhou Fangwu looked around, but he didn't see his perverted crusader, which was a bit strange.

"Darkness, she...she's there."

Aqua pointed to Darkness who was standing at the entrance of the village, she was alone there.

"This idiot!"

Zhou Fangwu cursed lightly.

Darkness obviously wanted to set an example, and even though she knew it, she was still very worried about her.

However, he didn't intend to stop it.

[Protecting the villagers] is Darkness's duty and pride as a nobleman, no matter what, he has no right to stop it.

However, Zhou Fangwu is ready to face Darkness together.

"Akuya, I will release magic to give you a signal in a while, and I will leave it to you after that."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me!"

After arranging Akuya's mission, Zhou Fangwu changed his breathing method and went straight to the entrance of the village.

It was fast, arrived in 3 minutes.

"Yo, Darkness."

Stand by her side and say hello.

Darkness was very surprised when she saw Zhou Fangwu, she asked, "Wu, why are you here, aren't you the commander in chief?"

"Because I'm worried about you."


Zhou Fangwu said something serious that made her blush and heartbeat.

Then he stood side by side with her, not intending to leave.

"Wu, don't you want to ask something?"

"If asked, would you say it?"

"Yes, I probably won't say it."

"Then don't ask."

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Darkness became silent.




"Not nervous... It must be a lie to say that. To be honest, I am very nervous now. But even so, I must stand here."

It's not that they can't understand the reservedness of the nobility, and they have to pay corresponding responsibilities for convenience. But after seeing Darkness's "have to" expression, Zhou Fangwu still felt very upset.

Pull her over!

Kiss me!

"Wu?! Uh...uh...uh...uh...!"

Darkness who was suddenly pulled was flustered.

He was about to say something but his mouth was blocked, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Fortunately, her shield was so tall and large that it blocked the movements of the two of them, otherwise they would definitely be seen by Aqua, who has super-sighted eyes.

After a long time, the two separated.

Pull out a crystal silk thread. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Darkness's face rose seductively bright red, she lightly pressed her index finger to her mouth, and looked at Zhou Fangwu with winking eyes.

"How about Darkness, don't be nervous."


"Darkness, after this mission is over, I will give you a reward, which is even more extreme than this time, is that okay?"


The two held hands tightly, facing the coming danger together.

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