Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 134: World line changes! (2 in 1)

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

At the end of the matter, Aqua apologized.

Seeing Aqua's apology, Kazuma Sato wanted to joke a little more, but was threatened by Akua with the "stable tricks" incident, and for some reason it turned into him apologizing to Aqua instead.

This flip is surprisingly funny.

However, Zhou Fangwu was very pleased with the 'friendly' communication between the two of them, this is Akuya's style.

The ordinary days are as of today, and this is the end.

Because Zhou Fangwu has something to do.

[With a goal, there will be action power]

If you want to defeat the devil, the only way is to improve your strength. If you have enough hardware, you have the capital to fight against the devil.


Zhou Fangwu's method of improving his own strength is not in this world.

No, it should be said that this world is a little slow to improve its strength, and it is not suitable for him.

"Aqua, please."

"Yes! Put it on me!"

Akuya shouted vigorously, and then added blessing magic to Zhou Fangwu.

"[Blessings! Attributes are improved!] [Blessings! Luck is improved!] [Blessings! Art is improved!]"

"So what's the use of [Art Enhancement]!"

Sato Kazuma complained as usual.

Every [Art Improvement] makes him feel like he's playing a lot, and he doesn't feel happy if he doesn't complain.


It's just that Akuya has gotten used to it, and didn't mean to argue with him, and let him complain.

"That's right, Sato-kun."

"Yes, Senior Zhou Fang!"

"About buying rare ingredients that can increase experience, you have to do it as soon as possible. Don't be afraid to spend money, the more you buy, the better, and upgrade your level as soon as possible."

"Oh! Leave it to me!"

The world of "Su Qing" is very strange, with special ingredients that can increase experience, such as cabbage, and the previous high-grade beef.

They are very rare and expensive!

Ordinary adventurers simply can't afford it!

Even if they get this ingredient, they will be reluctant to eat it and resell it in exchange for a high reward.

Otherwise, how can you say that the nobleman Dustinis is arrogant.

Such a large box of cherished fat cattle, adding money is expensive to death!

However, in front of [Hero], these are all small problems!

The savings of 500 million Eris is so confident!

5 small goals (Eris version), enough for everyone in the team to rise to more than 30 levels!

"By the way, the excuse I told Huihui is the same as before. I said that while Darkness is not coming back, I will go out to practice and increase my experience, okay?"

"Okay, just tell her that. If Darkness comes back during this time, tell her the same."

"Well, please leave it to you, Sato-kun."

I will tell the two women that I can travel through time, but now is not the right time.

hold on.

"After I leave, you guys must stop making troubles, you understand."

"Don't worry, Wu! I'm the goddess of water, how can I have trouble with waste material and true! That's impossible!"

"Hey! You bastard, do you want to quarrel!"

"Hmph, I'm afraid of you!"

Well, before I left, you two started fighting.

"Aqua, Sato-kun!"

"Yes! We know we were wrong!" X2

Maybe it was too many times, when I heard Zhou Fangwu calling their names, I immediately apologized subconsciously.

"Huh~ you two..."

Want to teach them a lesson but don't know what to say.

Think about it or forget it.

They have always had this style, and if they don't fight one day, it will make people feel strange.

"Then, I'm off."

"Bon Voyage!"

"be careful."

After saying goodbye to the two, Zhou Fangwu communicated the coordinates in his mind, and disappeared into the hotel in a flash.

After seeing Zhou Fangwu leave, the two looked at each other, then snorted in a tacit understanding and turned their heads away from each other.

Sato Kazuma got up and left the hotel to find Taylor and Eris.

And the other side.

The world Zhou Fangwu decided to go to this time is the world of "From Zero"!

That's right!

It is the very dangerous and troublesome world of "Life in a Different World from Zero"!

It really complied with the sentence: Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance!

In fact, Zhou Fangwu didn't want to come back either.

But in the absence of a new world, he had no choice but to enter this world again!

The world of "Demon Slayer: Blade" is not very attractive to him.

Although there are all sorts of strange [Blood Ghost Art], the diverse [Protection] is more attractive to him.

And most importantly, the month agreed with Roswaal has arrived. Fearing that he would do some tricks behind his back, Zhou Fangwu decided that it would be better to show up on time.

In a flash, he appeared in a deep forest.

Activate the [Perception] skill to search around, but there is no human breath.

After reassuring, he looked around and found that his position was still in the deep forest not far from Roswaal's territory.

[Analysis and imitation] Activate, load the [Magic's Protection] plug-in!

"Well... it's so good."

In the next second, a hot, powerful magical power entered his body slightly violently, and a feeling of fullness followed.

The recovery speed of mana is increased, and the total amount is increased!

[Magic's Protection] It's really powerful!

After a short period of discomfort, there was a burst of relief.

"Okay, it's time to go."

After the preparations, Zhou Fangwu first decided to go to Roswaal's Earl's Mansion.

I don't know if Emilia and Natsuki Subaru have left the Earl's Mansion, if not, they just happened to be with the two of them.

Switching to [Thunder's Breathing Method], Zhou Fangwu speeded up and went straight to Roswaal's mansion.

There are no monster attacks on the road.

An hour later, he arrived safely.

Go to the main door and knock softly.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Yes, please wait a moment."

After a while, the maid in the house came out to open the door.

—It's Rem.

"Yeah, long time no see, Rem."

Zhou Fangwu greeted her with a smile.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are welcome to visit the residence of the border earl of Roswaal again."

Rem was doing a very standard maid gift, offering him the most respectful greetings.

Very formal!

This respectful attitude made Zhou Fangwu a little uncomfortable.

"Let me say, Rem, I'm a frequent visitor to the Earl's Mansion, and we're so familiar with each other, so there's no need to be too polite."

"Yes, since Wu asked so, then I will not be polite."

As expected, Rem was not polite, she turned around and walked into the house, greeting the guests behind her as she walked.

"Sa, come in, Wu."

"Ah, ah? Is this relationship getting closer too quickly?"

Her strong transformation made Zhou Fangwu even more uncomfortable.

However, after not seeing each other for a month, her attitude towards Zhou Fangwu did not alienate, on the contrary, she became more friendly.

Because of the unfamiliarity that arose after not seeing each other for a long time, it disappeared after a few words.

into the hall.

It was found that it was exactly the same as when he left, without any changes.

The frontier earl's mansion is still so luxurious, and it is well-organized by Rem.


It would be nice not to be too helpful.

As soon as she sat on the sofa, Rem brought a cup of steaming black tea.

"Please use."

"Thank you, Rem."

"That's what Rem should do."

Afterwards, she also sat opposite Zhou Fangwu, and casually raised her teacup and took a sip.


Zhou Fangwu was even more surprised by Rem's behavior.

Look carefully at the color of the girl's hair.

It's blue, you read that right!

In his impression, there is only one person who is so free and unrestrained and doesn't regard herself as a maid.

That's Ram.

But now, why did Rem become like this.

"What's the matter, why does the guest keep staring at Rem like this, is there something dirty on Rem's face?"

After finishing speaking, she gently wiped her delicate and smooth face with her hands.

"No, nothing dirty."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, and asked again: "I'm just curious, why does Rem, who has always been serious about her work, sit here in a sloppy way? Aren't you always busy before?"

"Because there is no one in the mansion right now, and Lord Roswaal is not in the mansion, no matter how hard Rem works, she will not be praised by the master."

"Hey, hey, you are too utilitarian. Is it really okay to be so scheming?"

Zhou Fangwu complained softly.

It's only been a month, Rem is showing signs of developing like her sister.

"It's okay, no one will blame Rem. Besides, Rem has finished all the work in the mansion, and now she has to rest for a while, but she didn't go back to her room and was with Wu."

"You say that, but it seems to be my fault for disturbing your rest."

"It's nothing. Entertaining guests is also part of the job of a maid, and besides, I'm also resting now, aren't I?"

"Well, since you said so."

Zhou Fangwu said yes, and began to enjoy the black tea made by Rem.

Although the taste is not as good as that of Ram, it is much better than that prodigal son Natsuki Subaru.

The two sat quietly for a while.

"By the way, you said just now that you are alone in the mansion, so where did Roswaal, Emilia, Natsuki-kun and Ram go? Did you go to the village again?"

"Lord Roswaal, Emilia-sama, my sister, and Subaru, the four of them have gone to the capital at the kingdom's call."

"Oh, so I went to the royal capital... what, to the royal capital—?!"

Zhou Fangwu, who was still very relaxed at first, was extremely surprised when he heard Rem's words!

Go to the capital!

Why is Kerem here? !

The world line has changed, the future has changed? !

Immediately frowning, Zhou Fangwu asked, "Leim, why didn't you go with me?"

"What 'why'. The mansion needed someone to take care of it, so Rem stayed. Besides, the one who went to the capital before was always my sister, and of course it's the same this time."

Rem explained calmly.

I don't understand why the man in front of me is so excited, she is just the same as before.

"Don't you want to go with Caiyue-kun?"



"Although Subaru is unqualified as a housekeeper, it is worrying, but with the care of my sister, Subaru should not do anything out of line."


Zhou Fangwu choked suddenly.

It may be because of his meddling that there was no love between the two.

In addition, Natsuki Subaru has not reincarnated countless times in the mansion, so he does not know the past of [Demon Twins], nor does he untie Rem's knot, and save Rem from the vortex of self-blame and twisted emotions Come out and say this.

Although Subaru Natsuki tried his best to save her in the end, Rem was in a coma and didn't see it at the time, so he was only grateful for Subaru Natsuki's efforts.

Now, the two are just friends.


The world line has changed!

Without Rem's tireless encouragement and comfort, can the weak and incompetent Subaru Natsuki be able to inspire himself to become a "only one hero" and make up his mind to "start from scratch" as before?

Is it still very possible that Natsuki Subaru died many times, and the world has been repeated several times? !

The more Zhou Fangwu thought about it, the more uncertain he became.

Of course, it is also possible that he is scaring himself.

"Guest, your complexion is very bad, are you sick?"

Rem asked with concern: "In this case, let's go back to the room and take a rest for a while. Your sister has been cleaning your room."

"Ram... I'm really grateful to her. But I'm fine, I'm just a little restless."

Explain casually.

Then he said, "Rem, how long have Roswaal and the others been away."

"Just left this morning."

"Really... Please help me prepare the dragon carriage immediately, I'm going to chase them!"

Rem blinked and nodded.

"Okay, since Wu asked for that. Besides, Lord Roswaal also told me to give Wu a sentence when he left, 'If you come back, let him come to the capital as soon as possible, we will wait for him in the capital'" talk."


Is it you, in order to contain me...

If so, you are dead!

In less than half an hour, Rem brought a dragon cart.

Zhou Fangwu got on the dragon carriage and said to Rem: "Rem, you must pay attention to your safety when you are in the mansion. If you encounter danger, you must go to Beatrice for shelter, you understand!"

"No, it's better not to underestimate Rem, Rem has the ability to protect herself."

"Be obedient! Just think that I am ordering you as [Emilia's Guardian Knight], do you hear me?"

"...Yes, Rem will definitely do it."

At first she wanted to refuse, but when she saw Zhou Fangwu was serious and worried, she nodded obediently and agreed.

But Zhou Fangwu was still worried, he left a coordinate outside the courtyard of the mansion for [Space Transfer] magic.

If there is an accident, he can also rush back from the capital immediately to rescue.

Just as he was about to say goodbye to Rem, he sensed that someone was watching.


Turn around and look.

It's a blonde drill loli.


Probably the magic imprint left behind alarmed her, so she came out to check it out.

The cute little face still had the painful expression of not knowing what she was struggling with, and she always felt that she was lonelier than before.


It really hurts.

At this time, she was lying by the window, watching Zhou Fangwu silently.

He raised his right hand to greet Betty, but Betty turned his head instead, turned and left, and went back to the forbidden library.

Is this arrogant?

I really want to go find her now!

But forget it.

The current Betty can't do it in a few words, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can only delay to untie Betty's knot.

Wait for me, Betty!

I will save you from the [false cage]!

Then he drove the dragon car and bid farewell to Rem.

"Then, I'm leaving!"

"Bon Voyage."

The mansion where Zhou Fangwu left during Rem's send-off.

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