Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 146: [Sword Master]'s protection

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

I don't know how long I was in a coma.

Zhou Fangwu's unconscious brain began to function again, accompanied by severe physical pain.

He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed.

The sky is a little dark, it should be evening.

"here is…"

"Ah, you're finally awake, Wu."

The crisp voice carried a touch of concern.

Turn around and look.

It turned out to be Felix.

"Hey, if I can, I really hope that when I open my eyes, I see a real cat-eared girl instead of a fake cat-eared man."

At present, only Zhou Fangwu, who can move his mouth, complained about Felix who was treating him.

The cat-eared man pouted dissatisfiedly, "Isn't he pretty, isn't he cute?"

"Cute! . . . it's cute, but the thought of you being a boy takes all the **** off."

Felix teased like a little devil, "Yeah, did Wu actually have that kind of sexual interest in me? It's really funny."

"Well, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."


Felix shook his cute cat ears, and asked curiously: "However, Wu seems to be in a good mood? He lost so miserably, and was defeated by Reinhardt with one move?"

"That's right... But, I also got what I wanted, so I'm happy."

Zhou Fangwu has been very happy since he woke up.

Even when talking with Felix, he is very open, and he is not afraid of his teasing and little devil-like teasing.

It all stems from his analyzing and imitating the protection of Reinhardt's [Juvenile Master]!


Not a complete blessing!

To put it bluntly.

【The sword master is the one who can use the dragon sword】

Although relying on plug-ins to forcibly imitate the protection of the [Juvenile Master], he can maximize his full potential in swordsmanship, but he cannot rely on the simulated protection of the [Sword Master] to gain recognition and use the dragon sword Reid , and cannot rely on the protection of the [Juvenile Saint] to activate the powerful abilities of other [Swords]!

Perhaps, this is the relationship between [Juvenile Saint]'s protection can be inherited and unique.

However, this is not a problem!

Anyway, protection cannot be brought to other worlds.

It's just a dragon sword, he doesn't care about it.

There are better and more advanced dragon swords in the heavens and myriad worlds. Where can I not find a sword that suits me?

Besides, the long sword of the knight sword type is not suitable for him.

There is no need to force it.

"Okay, Felix, I'll do the rest myself."

Under the blessing of [Magic Protection], the speed of mana recovery can be called terrifying.

Refusing Felix's next treatment, Zhou Fangwu used skills to heal after recovering a lot of mana.

Fortunately, Reinhardt didn't use all his strength, and his injury was just a skin trauma like Subaru Natsuki's, otherwise he might really be lying on the bed unable to move, and the [healing] skill couldn't heal his injuries.


The green light enveloped the whole body, and the injury slowly subsided, and the treatment was completed in a short while.

Zhou Fangwu sat up straight, moving his still sore shoulders.

He's almost fine.


Felix's big watery eyes revealed an expression of interest.

"You shouldn't be able to learn this... No, maybe you can try!"

Zhou Fangwu suddenly thought that the same magic fantasy world, skills and so on should be common.

Anyway, should give it a try.

What if it works?

"Let me study it first, and I will teach you when Cai Yuejun goes to your place for treatment in a few days."

"Really?! That would be great!"

Felix flicked his long cat tail, his ears were shaking, and his face was full of joy.

But I heard Zhou Fangwu say again: "Don't be too happy, there are conditions for teaching you this."

"What conditions meow?"

"I don't know...don't look at me like that! If you really want to learn, I'll ask Emilia to talk to Crusch at that time. With Crusch's love for you, it shouldn't be a big deal to pay for it." The problem, just wait patiently."

"Okay meow."

Maybe Crusch was in trouble, and the cat-eared man was a little embarrassed.


What kind of expression do you have!

It's our loss here, okay?

If it wasn't for testing whether the people in the world of "Zero" can learn the skills of the world of "Su Qing", I wouldn't teach you!

This is a skill from another world, give me some satisfaction!

However, Zhou Fangwu did not explain, but asked: "By the way, where did the others go?"

"Ah, Reinhardt and Felt-sama have returned to the residence of the Juggernaut family in the capital, and Julius and Anastasia-sama have also returned to the chamber of commerce. It should be the same with Al's words."

Felix raised his index finger and said to Zhou Fangwu: "That's right! Did you know that Subaru and Emilia-sama had some disputes, and the quarrel was serious!"


Zhou Fangwu frowned.

Is it a misunderstanding...

This is not good news.

"...But after a while, the two reconciled."

"Hey, can you finish talking at once?"

"Hey hey."

Felix smiled coquettishly, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

"So, why did the two of them quarrel?"

"Isn't it because Subaru's nonsensical remarks aroused Julius's dissatisfaction, leading to a duel between the two, and Subaru was defeated miserably with a bruised nose and a swollen face?"

"Really...so, what about me?"


"I also dueled with Reinhardt, didn't Emilia say anything?"

"Say it, she is angry, her face is red with anger! ... However, Reinhardt interceded for you, and the members of the other knights have recognized you, so Lady Emilia will not Angry."

Felix puffed up his cute face, pretending to scare Zhou Fangwu, but when he saw that the man in front of him was unmoved, he explained why.

"Well, it seems that she also understands what she wants to do."

"It's meow... In order to let other people know how powerful Lord Emilia's camp is, she chose to fight Reinhardt or something... Wu is really cunning."

"Shouldn't it be reckless?"

"Hmph, I don't think Reinhardt will hurt you! Besides, I suspect that this is a scene between you and Reinhardt!"

"...You think too much. I tried my best, but I lost easily."

Zhou Fangwu said that he would not choose to play such a clever trick.

"By the way, what about Natsuki-kun and Emilia, why are you the only one here?"

Somewhat strange.

With Emilia's temperament, she fell into a coma, and she will definitely stay here and wait for her to wake up.

It's not how close the two are, but because she is such a caring person at heart.

"Ah, that..."

Felix was about to speak when he saw Subaru Natsuki and Emilia walking in hand in hand.

Natsuki Subaru was still holding a set of clothes in his arms.

When he saw Zhou Fangwu woke up, he greeted loudly: "Oh! Are you awake, Wu! Did you sleep well?"

"Well, it's okay. The feeling of waking up from a coma is not so good."

Zhou Fangwu also raised his hand in greeting.

Emilia asked with concern: "Wu, how is it? Is there any discomfort? Do you want to treat it again? Phyllis is very proficient in treatment, let him check it again."

Asking questions like an old lady is not annoying, and one can feel that she really cares about herself.

"It's okay Emilia, I've almost recovered."

Saying that, he jumped off the bed.

"Here, your clothes are all torn. Emilia and I went to the head of the knight order to ask for a set."

Natsuki Subaru handed over the clothes in his arms.

It turned out to be a brand new knight uniform.


Thank you and put on this suit.

"Well, very handsome!"


"Very handsome meow."

All three praised. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay, since Takeshi is awake, I should leave too. There is still something I need to do with Mr. Crusch, so I will leave first."

Felix bids farewell.

"Yes, thank you this time, Phyllis."

Emilia, as the monarch, thanked Felix.

Afterwards, he separated from everyone.

And the three of them returned to the hotel.

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