Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 168: Give Roswaal a punch!

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Roswaal's silence made everyone even more curious.

Emilia asked aloud: "Roswaal, where is this? Why do you say this is a sanctuary?"

"How do I explain this—"

"Then let my uncle explain."

It was very arrogant and conceited voice, forcefully inserted into the topic between the two, interrupting Roswaal's explanation.

The outsider who broke in suddenly made Roswaal smile wryly again.

The appearance of this person gave him a headache too.

It was still the shark-toothed maid who served him, Frandelica reprimanded the rude visitor.

"Garfiel, you are too rude, these people are Lord Roswaal's distinguished guests!"

"Sister! You who escaped from the sanctuary alone are not qualified to teach me a lesson!"

While talking, a blond boy broke into the small room.

His height is about the same as Nayue Subaru, and he has the same blond hair and shark teeth as Frandelika, but there is a very conspicuous [X]-shaped white scar on his forehead.

Garfield Dinzel.

He seems to be 20 years old, but his real age is less than 15 years old, which is the rebellious period of stubbornness and disobedience.

Garfiel looked at everyone with fierce eyes, and called Sister Flandrelia, but he didn't get any closer.

For him who is known as the [Shield of the Sanctuary], there is really no need to give good looks to the outsiders who broke in here without authorization.

Even his own sister was classified as an outsider by him.

Frandelica rested her forehead and sighed.

In the past few days, she has tried many times to communicate with this impatient and recalcitrant younger brother, but every time she ends in failure. It is really difficult for a child in the rebellious stage to be persuaded by words.

"My uncle is Garfiel, the shield that protects this sanctuary."

Garfield proudly introduced himself.

Pointing to Roswaal again, he said, "You outsiders want to know what's going on with him, so let me explain to you."

"what happened…?"

"Roswaal's injury was the result of his being rejected by the trial! There is a barrier in this sanctuary, and any half-breed who comes in will never want to leave here...Of course, including you as a half-elf."

"It's [Lord Emilia], Garfiel!"

"Hmph! I don't care about that kind of thing!"

Frandelika corrected Garfiel's rudeness, but got a cold snort in response.

"This barrier is only effective for mixed-race children, but ordinary people have no effect!...Isn't it a bit unfair, isn't it Lord Emilia? If you want to unlock the barrier, you can only challenge the trial of the tomb, but if you Ordinary people other than mixed blood would be rejected if they challenged... and that would be the case."

As he spoke, Garfiel pointed to Roswaal, telling everyone what would happen if ordinary people rushed in rashly.

"Relax, all the villagers have been gathered by me. As long as there is no riot, I will not do anything. I will take care of food and housing three times a day."

Then he said viciously: "However, my uncle has a request - [Remove the enchantment of the sanctuary]! For this purpose, Lord Emilia will go to the trial! If the enchantment is not removed, none of the villagers will be able to leave! Of course, the current you can’t leave by yourself.”

After speaking, he turned around and left without stopping.

"Sister?! And, the trial... what kind of trial?"

Emilia asked Frandelica.

Garfield left after speaking, leaving her confused.

Frandelica showed a look of embarrassment.

After hesitating for a long time, he stammered and explained: "Actually, Garfiel and I are siblings... brothers and sisters! Try, try... I really don't know how to explain clearly. So if possible, Master Emilia should experience it tonight and she should be able to understand."

She didn't explain too much, and Emilia didn't ask too much.

After all, Frandelica looked sad, with misunderstood pain all over her face - how similar she was before.

Skip this sensitive topic.

Emilia asked again: "Trial, is it difficult?"

"If it were simple, the enchantment of the sanctuary would have been lifted long ago."

"Really... Beatrice, do you know about trials and barriers?" Emilia asked Betty again.

Since Betty knows about the sanctuary, she should also know about the enchantment.

"Betty doesn't know about trials or anything." Under Zhou Fangwu's gesture, she said the answer.

"No way, we have to wait until evening."

The unknown puzzles are one after another, making it impossible for Emilia to start. Now she can only wait for the night to fall.

"Then—the trial has come to an end, can you please tell me, Lord Emilia, why you came to the Sanctuary—"

After this matter was over, Roswaal was born and asked, looking like he wanted to know.

"Let me explain."

Zhou Fangwu, as the only person who knew about the incident and participated in all the incidents, is the most suitable for this job.

He immediately told what happened after Roswaal disappeared.

Form an alliance with the [Juvenile Saint] family, fight against the white whale alone, eliminate the attacking Witch Cult, eliminate the lazy bishop, be targeted by Pandora, the false witch, and then contract Betty to escape to the sanctuary.

A lot of things that Roswaal found unbelievable came out of Zhou Fangwu's mouth.

This made him almost unable to resist taking out the book of wisdom from under the bed to check it out.

"...Well, that's about it."

Zhou Fangwu hid Rem's resurrection from the dead and told him most of the things.

He also suggested: "These great achievements that have shocked everyone's attention can bring a lot of fame to Emilia, Roswaal, you have to work hard, and don't disappoint my efforts."

"Of course—Wu has worked so hard to achieve something that I can't do. Of course, I must publicize it—. Please rest assured, I will definitely make good use of the opportunities created by Wu."

Roswaal's flamboyant, hypocritical praise, and extremely contrived gestures, the man in front of him is still playing the "clown" role.

Let Zhou Fangwu understand exactly, [Roswaal intentionally left Rem in the Earl's Mansion].

And not only Rem, Betty was also abandoned by him.

"You bastard!"

He didn't care at all that the clown in front of him was a wounded person, and he punched him **** the cheek!


There was a muffled sound.

It came between Zhou Fangwu's fist and Roswaal's cheek.

The fist is heavy and powerful.

The corner of Roswaal's mouth was cut and blood was left.


"Wu! Master Roswaal!"

"Wu, Master Roswaal!"

"Wu, what are you doing?"

Emilia, Ram, Rem, and even Betty screamed.

They didn't understand why Zhou Fangwu suddenly became violent, even though Roswaal said he would try his best to help.

"This is, what is this situation——Wu did this, can I think you are dissatisfied with me?"

"Sorry, seeing you as a clown, combined with what you have done, I can't help but want to give you a punch."

Zhou Fangwu apologized expressionlessly.

It was as if he turned a blind eye to Roswaal's [efforts], deliberately finding fault and making things difficult for him.

"That's not true, Roswaal."

Emilia quickly defended Zhou Fangwu, "Wu was only controlled by the witch, so he was so impulsive. He was not such a person, you know it."

"Of course—that's a witch, and I know Takeshi isn't like that—"

"No! I know exactly what I'm doing!"

Zhou Fangwu's words made everyone even more unbelievable.

"Wu, Wu...?!"

"Sorry, can you let me talk to Roswaal alone."

"But you just..."

"Don't worry, I will control my emotions and never do it again."

While speaking, he gestured to Roswaal with his eyes.

The human being who has lived for 400 years immediately understood that Zhou Fangwu wanted to talk to him, and he also begged for mercy.

"It's okay, Lord Emilia, I believe Wu will not do anything again."

"Since Roswaal said so..."

Even the person who was beaten said that, of course Emilia couldn't persuade her anymore, and said: "Then you must stop fighting and get along well, okay?"


"Do not worry-."

After receiving the assurance from the two, Emilia left the room and walked out with the others, leaving only the two in the narrow room.

"Then—what did Wu ask me to do—"

"Let's negotiate, Roswaal! For you who have lived for 400 years, draw a full stop like Betty."

Zhou Fangwu's words were astonishing.

This sentence really made Roswaal so shocked that he couldn't make a sound.

[400 years]!

This hidden time is a secret that even Betty doesn't know, only he knows!

However, the man in front of him said it out!

Regardless of Zhou Fangwu's presence, Roswaal quickly took out a book from the bed.

—[Book of Wisdom (Youth Edition)].

He flipped through the book quickly and searched carefully, but he couldn't find anything.

Without the confidence to know everything, he is extremely flustered now, and the expression on his face has deeply betrayed him.

And Zhou Fangwu just waited quietly.

Waiting for him to discover and clearly know the fact of [there is no such thing in the book].

After a while, he stopped.

"Well, there is no such future in the book."

"...Indeed. But I'm curious, why would Wu know about this?"

Without the weird accent, the clown's face also disappeared. He was no longer disguised as a clown, but Roswaal.

"Well, who knows, it might be from Echidna."

"...It seems that I can look forward to the negotiation that Wu and I talked about."

"Ah, about this, please let me do something first."

"What's up?"

Amidst Roswaal's curious expression, Zhou Fangwu disappeared in front of him, only disappeared for three seconds before reappearing, holding a tall, mature and beautiful woman in his arms.

—Elsa Grandhirt

It's a bowel hunter.

"Really, I was surprised to find you here as soon as I came here."

Seeing the plump beauty tightly hugging him in his arms, Zhou Fangwu felt joy in his heart.

To be honest, he thought Elsa would be killed, and he had given up hope.

Because that is a witch in disguise, a witch that even Reinhardt might not be able to defeat!

Never expected Elsa to appear here.

Roswaal must have sent her.

Although I don't know the purpose of calling her here, but this actually made Zhou Fangwu a powerful party in the negotiation.

"Heh heh heh~ Intestine hunters don't die so easily."

As she spoke, Elsa bit Zhou Fangwu's collarbone, until the blood was flowing, she stretched out her tongue to lick the bleeding wound from her bite.

Seeing such a close two people, Roswaal's expression changed suddenly.

If he doesn't understand the relationship between the two, then his 400 years will really be in vain.

It turned out that Zhou Fangwu was the one who secretly controlled everything!

"This is really surprising, Wu."

Roswaal, who was still confident, looked at the two with deep guard at this moment.

In order to convince everyone, he was really seriously injured.

Otherwise he will definitely escape from here!

"Don't be nervous, Roswaal, I just want to negotiate with you."

"Then let me listen carefully... Or rather, I have to listen to you in this situation."

"Ah, then I'll be blunt. But, before the actual negotiation, I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"Please feel free to ask. If I knew, I would tell Wu whatever it was."

Roswaal lay on his back on the bed, as if letting the other party manipulate him.

Elsa left Zhou Fangwu's embrace, but stood behind the chair and embraced him, placing his head on her towering chest, and a fresh fragrance came to her face.

Finding a comfortable angle, Zhou Fangwu asked, "Is it your fault that the Witch Sect attacked?"

"No, I just received information."

Roswaal shook his head in denial, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Why lead the people away? Don't say you care about their lives, that doesn't match your personality."

"Taking them away is just to have a reason for Lord Emilia to come to the sanctuary."

"Is this a coercion? Then, why didn't you take Rem away?"

"Rem was kept on purpose to attract the attention of the Witch Cult. She has a deep-rooted hatred for the Witch Cult, so she is the right candidate."

"Betty was also abandoned by you on purpose, right?"

"Yes. If Betty dies just like that, it will be redemption for her. But..."

Roswaal had a surprised expression again, "I didn't expect Wu to make a contract with Betty in the end and let her come out of the bondage. To be honest, Betty's happy appearance made me mad with jealousy."

"Jealousy won't solve anything, Roswaal."

Zhou Fangwu paused, and then said: "Then, let's start the negotiation."


"Next, Emilia will challenge the trial. During her completion of the trial, I will not allow you to make small moves. Of course, I will not help her."

"Sorry, I can't do that."

Roswaal raised the book in his hand, "I will do everything in this book, even if it costs my life!"

He spoke so decisively that he didn't even care about his own life.

"Is it snowing in the sanctuary? If that's the case, it doesn't matter. It's just that I don't allow you to do anything else!"

"You actually know?! But, why should I agree? For my long-cherished wish, I can do anything!"

"A long-cherished wish..."

Zhou Fangwu interrupted him and asked, "Roswaal, your long-cherished wish is to resurrect the witch of lust, Echidna, right?"

"I even know this... yes, that's it! In order to revive her, I will do anything!"

"Then, what if I might resurrect Echidna?"


Roswaal straightened up excitedly

But he lay down again.

"Then how did Wu convince me to believe you, and how will you prove it?"

"Prove... Elsa was the assassin you sent to kill Emilia in the first place, right? Calling her back is probably another assassination."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to Elsa standing behind him and said: "In fact, she was killed by me at the beginning, but I resurrected her again. And Rem, who was killed by the Witch Cult, was also resurrected by me." Yes. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can ask other people. After all, this is a fact that everyone has seen, and you cannot lie.”

"... I can't think anymore when I say things that surprise me again and again."

Because of the shock too many times, Roswaal no longer knew how to express his feelings at this time.

The dead are raised!

It was something that his teacher Echidna could not do, and it was something he had never heard of in 400 years!

But Roswaal was convinced that Zhou Fangwu would definitely be able to bring the dead back to life!

Because Zhou Fangwu won't tell such a lie that can be easily broken!

"Okay, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, I just believe in you! But, I will not change the fact that it snows in the sanctuary!"

After thinking for a moment, Roswaal agreed to this extremely attractive condition for him.

But at the same time, he was also preparing for both.

Because in his heart, the arrangement of the book is more absolute than Zhou Fangwu's words.

"So, the conditions are met?"

"Conditions established!"

The two held hands together.

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