Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 206: Fairies and Heroes and Orario!

【Fairy Essence】, 【Approved】.

The superimposition of these two words made Zhou Fang's armed police ring loudly, and he was in a bad mood.

Although [recognized] is a commendatory word, but I don't know that [favorite] is also a commendatory word.

Have you forgotten how Natsuki Subaru in the world of "From Zero" was beaten to death by the "love" of the jealous witch?

Do you want to go through it yourself?

If so, then I will return to "Su Qing" on the spot and never come again.

"Ahahaha, don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

The silver-haired old man laughed loudly, and this hearty laughter made Zhou Fangwu's tense nerves relax at this moment.

In his laughter, there seemed to be something inexplicable at work.

The old man went on to explain: "Getting the approval of the fairy spirit is something worth showing off. The existence of the fairy spirit will not cause you trouble, on the contrary, it will also become your help."


With puzzled, slightly curious eyes.

"It seems that Wu really doesn't know... That's right, this is also an ancient secret."

Only then did the silver-haired old man confirm that Zhou Fangwu really didn't know the existence of fairy spirits.

I thought he would ambiguously change the topic and stop explaining, but I didn't expect him to explain in detail instead:

"The so-called fairy spirit is a special and mysterious magical race.

Because they have elements such as earth, water, wind, fire, tiredness, light, and darkness, they are also called nymphs, plain spirits, elements, magic spirits, and so on.

Of course, some people call them [Elves].

It's just that because of the rarity of fairy spirits, this name has unknowingly changed to the name of the fairy species. "


Zhou Fangwu frowned slightly.

He seemed to know who it was.

— Betty.

The tsundere young girl who signed a contract with him.

Although Betty is an artificial elf, she is still an elf anyway, presumably the so-called [recognition] is the contract signed with Betty.

"It seems that Wu seems to know."

Seeing the pensive look of the young man in front of him, the silver-haired old man didn't ask any further questions, but continued to explain: "The fairy spirit is a very powerful existence, and it is recognized as the race closest to the gods, so it has 'the most beloved child of the gods' And titles such as 'the clone of the gods'."


Is it that exaggerated?

Do not!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Betty is really worthy of this title.

He has unlimited lifespan and rich knowledge of magic, and with his blessing, he also has the strength comparable to that of a witch.


so strong?

Only then did Zhou Fangwu realize how lucky he was to be able to successfully contract Betty.

Worthy of being my [one and only]!

"A long time ago, in the ancient times before the advent of the gods, the fairy spirit was a special existence that gave the will of the gods to eliminate monsters and guide humans. It was a special helper for heroes."

"Hero? Dissatisfied with you, I was often called a hero in my hometown."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Of course! In my country, the voice of my [hero] resounds all over the country!"

For some reason, Zhou Fangwu just wanted to show off.

After hearing this sentence, the silver-haired old man nodded, as if he was more satisfied with Zhou Fangwu.

"Sure enough, Wu is going to the center of the world - the labyrinth city Orario?"

"Eh? Labyrinth City Orari—?!"

Hearing the silver-haired old man's words, Zhou Fangwu was shocked immediately, as if he knew which world this was.

——"Is there something wrong with finding encounters in the dungeon"!

Orario, known as [the center of the world], is a huge city built on an underground labyrinth, and it is also the starting place of the story.

Its name is too loud to know.

He murmured softly: "So you have traveled to this world..."

"Why, did the old man guess wrong?"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's exclamation, the silver-haired old man thought he didn't want to go to the labyrinth city.

"No, I'm going!"

Zhou Fangwu didn't even think about it and said, "The labyrinth city Olari, I must go!"

"Ahahaha, that's right, that's right."

The silver-haired old man was very happy. He patted the shoulder of the young man who claimed to be a hero, and said with a big smile, "Wu should take risks, as long as there is a place worth going for you!"


It was only then that I remembered that there is also the profession of [adventurer] in "Faulty Earth".

It is very difficult for the adventurers in "Ground Wrong" to upgrade their level. Almost 80% of the adventurers cannot be upgraded to level 2.

But as long as they are promoted to level 2, their strength will usher in a qualitative leap.

It is very different from "Su Qing".

Looking at it this way, the silver-haired old man in front of him should be an adventurer.

To be able to maintain such a strong physical and mental state even at an old age, he should have at least the strength of a level 3... no, level 4 adventurer.

"Master, are you an adventurer too?"

"Of course. When I was young, I was a strong adventurer."

The silver-haired old man proudly raised his big muscles, and the bulging muscles showed his strength.

It seems to be saying that even though he is old, his strength has not declined in any way, and he can still hold the steel fork in his hand.

Seeing his proud appearance, he must be a well-known adventurer in Orario.

This is even better.

Only powerful people will know some secrets that low-level adventurers don't know.

"Allow me to ask you a question."

Zhou Fangwu asked: "Which one of Olali's family members is the strongest?"

"The strongest... This question is really impossible to answer, because I have been away from Olalie for 15 years."

The silver-haired old man touched the long beard on his chin, thought carefully for a moment and said, "However, before I left Orari, the strongest should be the Freya family and the Loki family. Their strength is comparable."

"The Freya family and the Loki family...?"

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly, and asked curiously, "Excuse me, why did you leave Olalie?"

"That's because my main **** left Orario."

The silver-haired old man said with some sadness: "Not all gods are in the lower realm, and not all gods will stay in the labyrinth city, and some gods are wandering outside there..."

There was melancholy and strong self-blame in the old man's tone.

Zhou Fangwu guessed that the truth might not be what he said, and he also left because of the main god.

The old man has a strong attachment to Olalie.

He can feel it.

If I keep asking, I won’t get an answer~www.readwn.com~ so I won’t talk too much.

Then the two chatted a lot.

For example, the silver-haired old man sent his grandson to the labyrinth city, and now he is on his way back.

Another example is the adventure story of the legendary hero-Argo.

Most of them are related to the secrets among Olali's family members.

I don't know if the old man's voice has a strong hypnotic effect.

Zhou Fangwu fell asleep in a daze.

Although he knew he couldn't sleep and wanted to open his eyes forcibly, but for some reason, he couldn't wake up.

Just half asleep and half awake, he heard some fragments of words.

"Bless you in the name of..., [Thunderbolt] will be your help... May your future..."

It's the silver-haired old man!

What is he saying?

Zhou Fangwu wanted to hear clearly, but he couldn't.

until the last sentence.

"Wu, I will ask you to take care of my old grandson."

Hey, wait!

Who knows who your grandson is and what he looks like!

When I opened my eyes again, it was already bright.

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