Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 220: All the hard work will be rewarded in the end

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When he heard that Bell had made up his mind to take up the post of regiment leader, Hestia breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled, his face full of joy.

Not only the establishment of the family, but also Bell's subconscious choice to be closer to her relationship.

"Then, let's celebrate the formal establishment of the Familia, cheers!"

"Cheers!" X2

Wooden mugs with juice bump on the dining table.

After the three of them ate and drank enough, they left [Baiyan Pavilion], and then went to the Adventurer's Guild.

The purpose is to record that Zhou Fangwu joined the family as an adventurer, and at the same time to record that Bell became the head of the family.

In fact, this kind of thing does not require Hestia to come in person, all you need is to hold her [proof].

But Hestia didn't agree, and forced to come along with her on the grounds of "absolutely giving the family members the warmth of their home".

Zhou Fangwu and Bell had no choice but to agree to her willful request.

【Adventurer's Guild】

After the three came in, they separated. Bell went to find his [Adventurer Advisor] half-elf Aegina to record the affairs of the family, while Zhou Fangwu, accompanied by Hestia, went to the service window to register adventurers.

The process is very simple.

It is enough to simply record the name and the family to which it belongs, and no other proof is required.

Then there is the assignment of adventurer advisors.

It's not free, but 5% of the revenue will be taken as a fee.

Under Hestia's strong request, Zhou Fangwu agreed to find one in order to reassure her.

I thought they would be assigned to Bell's [Adventure Advisor] half-elf Aegina, who is also a member of the family, but in fact this was not a free choice, but was randomly assigned by the guild.


"I'm meeting you for the first time. I'm your [Adventure Advisor] Misia."

The pretty girl in front of her blinked and said playfully, "I will do my best to assist you while you are an adventurer. Please give me your advice in the future."

She is very familiar with herself, and she introduces herself endlessly while sitting on the chair opposite.

Then, without waiting for Zhou Fangwu to introduce himself, he took Zhou Fangwu's personal information for comparison, and muttered something unintelligible in his mouth.

With Zhou Fangwu's keen sense of hearing, he could only hear a few sporadic things.

"You're very old...it's a newly formed family...it seems that the strength is also good..."

She is very professional!

It may be that there are many adventurers in charge, or it may be that she has served as an [Adventurer Advisor] for a long time, and she is familiar with Zhou Fangwu's novice guidance.

"Wu...you can call me that, of course you can also call me Misia, I don't mind."

The girl's inadvertent intimacy can easily make people fall into reverie.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that she didn't have any intentions in this regard. He did this to make his work easier and not to create barriers between adventurers.


"Well, then let's start the novice guidance."

Misia held the initiative and explained to Zhou Fangwu some precautions and taboos for novice adventurers, and also told him some adventure processes.

What she said was very detailed, and it also met the guiding standards for novice adventurers.

But in fact, Zhou Fangwu didn't need it, because with his super strength, he was completely crushed at the upper level.

But he didn't interrupt her either.

Because Zhou Fangwu knew that this was her job and responsibility, even if she told the girl in front of her that it was unnecessary, she would force Zhou Fangwu to listen to her.

Moreover, [Rabbit] Bell was still chatting happily with the half-elf Aegina, and Hestia also followed with gritted teeth.

Leaving him alone with nothing to do, he might as well chat with the girl in front of him.

"By the way, Wu is a novice adventurer, so he should need equipment."

Misia clicked on the information in her hand, and suggested to Zhou Fangwu responsibly: "Novice adventurers can buy novice standard equipment from the union loan, so I suggest that Wu should not be reluctant to part with this money, because it can increase the survival rate... Of course, the choice is in Wu's hands."

"Novice equipment... No, I don't need it."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head and rejected her kind proposal, raised the Sun Wheel Saber on his waist, and said, "I have my own equipment, so I don't need to spend money to buy it."

"Ah That's good."

Misia glanced at the Rilun Saber that had been hidden in the cloak before, and realized that Zhou Fangwu really didn't need weapons and equipment.

This is normal.

Some powerful family members will buy weapons and equipment for the new members of their family members, so those novice adventurers do not need to buy them from the union.

It's just that those who receive this kind of treatment are the reserve force of the trade union, and they are members who are extremely favored by God.

Does Zhou Fangwu in front of him have this kind of potential?

Misia couldn't help thinking.

Zhou Fangwu didn't wake her up either, but waited until she recovered herself.

"Sorry, I lost my mind accidentally."

"It's okay, I don't care."

"Then let's finish quickly! Next...Does Wu need a map of the maze?"

Misia took a quill to write and draw in the notebook, and explained: "Novice adventurers can get the map of the dungeon from the trade union, of course only the first 5 floors, after the 5th floor, you need to spend money to buy it... But up to the 18th floor, after that the map guild will not sell it.”

"Only to the middle level?"

"Only to the middle level... what do you mean, don't be too ambitious, Wu!"

Misia tapped Zhou Fangwu's forehead with a quill, and educated him angrily: "Wu is just a novice adventurer, and the 18th floor already belongs to the middle level. This is not an area you can peek at!"

"... I feel inexplicably that Micia is a bit of a secondary school."

"I want you to manage!"

After being exposed, Misia was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She nodded the book in her hand, "Then, do you want it or not?"

"No, forget it."

Zhou Fangwu still refused, "I don't need the upper map, because it's useless to me, even if it's free."

"Well, no map needed."

Misia ignored Zhou Fangwu's arrogant words in the eyes of outsiders.

"And what about the monster illustrated book?"


"What about the illustrated book where the item drops?"


After a series of unnecessary, Misia completed her novice adventurer guidance task.

"Then, at the end, I will use a sentence from my good friend to tell you: adventurers cannot..."

"Adventurers can't take risks... right?"


Misia who was interrupted was not angry, but instead wondered why Zhou Fangwu knew this sentence.

"It's strange, how did Wu know."

"May I ask, Misia's good friend is Miss Aegina, right?"

"That's right."


But before Zhou Fangwu could explain, Bell and Hestia came to his side, asking him if he had finished registering as an adventurer, and even the half-elf Aegina came with him.

"Exactly, just as you saw Misia, my leader's adventurer advisor is Miss Aegina, so let's get along well in the future."

After finishing speaking, he said to Bell and Hestia, "Let's go back."

"Well, let's go."

"Then I'll leave first, see you next time, Miss Aegina."

The three left the Adventurer's Guild.

On the way back, Zhou Fangwu suddenly thought of a question: Should their family residence be replaced? The three of them couldn't be squeezed together in that dilapidated basement.

Immediately asked: "God Hestia, since the Familia has been established, should we change to the Familia's residence?"

I thought Hestia would agree, and would consider it no matter how bad it was.

But when Zhou Fangwu finished speaking, both her and Bell blushed with embarrassing and embarrassing expressions.

"That...Wu also knows that our family has just been established, and I am also a useless god, so the family has no spare power to relocate, so...but you see, although the basement below is very dilapidated, the church above is empty, just right It can be used as a resident of the family, isn't it?"

Although Hestia didn't say it clearly, Zhou Fangwu could still hear that she was expressing that the family members had no savings and could not move out of the dilapidated basement.

Zhou Fangwu scratched his head, knowing that the two of them must have misunderstood what he meant.

Immediately explained: "God Hestia, the family has no savings at present, but... I am still relatively rich."

Then he took out a few pieces of gold from his bosom, and spread his hands so that the two of them could see clearly.

"It's not much, but it's more than enough if you want to move out of a rundown basement."

"…so much?!"

"What are you doing, Wu!"

Hestia rushed forward, held Zhou Fangwu's hand to block the alluring golden light shining in the sun, and at the same time taught in a low voice: "If you take this out on the street, you will be easily spotted. of."

Although she was kind, Zhou Fangwu still wanted to say:

No one in Orario can take away his money, not even the Big Three of the [Loki Familia]!

But he still put away the gold.

Hestia said with a serious face: "Wu, we can't use this."

After hearing her words, Zhou Fangwu asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"You are my family, and you are still a newcomer to the family, how can you use your money?"

"However, God Hestia said that after joining the family, you are a family member. Since you are a family member, what does it matter if you use this money?"

Seeing that she still didn't agree, Zhou Fangwu leaned closer to her ear.

Said: "As far as I know [God's Banquet] will be held in these two days, the money can buy you a dress after moving out of the dilapidated basement. Although you may not care about the appearance and other gods' treatment of you Opinion, but as your dependents, we can't make you look shabby... After all, this is about our face and yours, Lord Shangshen. This is what the 'family' has done for you, please agree."


Hestia originally didn't want to use the money as an excuse of 'family', but Zhou Fangwu used 'family' as an excuse to ask her to use the money.

"We are family members, family members... so how can we care about such a small matter?"

"Yes, Lord God!"

Bell also clenched his right fist, pretending to be striving forward, and said, "Wu and I will definitely work harder, so that you, Lord Shangshen, can live a better life."

"It's really great that you two... are my family members."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words and Bell's bold words, Hestia was moved to tears.

Later, with the help of Demeter, they rented the two-story building next to the dilapidated church at a very low price.

That's right, it's a lease.

Because the price is slightly expensive, they still can't afford it at present.

However, being able to rent it at a super low price has already made Zhou Fangwu decide to visit Demeter when he has time, and thank her for being a generous goddess.

However, there was one thing that made Zhou Fangwu particularly helpless.


Why are you so reluctant to part with this dilapidated basement? How nostalgic are you, Lord Hestia!

But there are benefits to living here.

First of all, the rent is cheap, and the surrounding buildings are very old, so the rent price has also dropped repeatedly.

The second is the church next to the white ticket. This church is really empty. Even if a few more family members are added, there is no need to search for the family base again.

Finally, there is Hestia's reluctant dilapidated basement.

Because of the change of residence, Bell and Zhou Fangwu did not take risks these days, but were tidying up the new room.

Until the day when [God's Banquet] starts.

"Mr. Bell, how about my evening dress."

Hestia put on a brand new gown, and was standing in front of Bell, showing off her pride, which made Bell, an innocent young man, blush with embarrassment.

"Very, very beautiful, very suitable for you, Lord Shangshen."

Bell said this shyly.

In fact, Hestia's evening dress is not very gorgeous, but a very simple evening dress, but she is already very beautiful and her proud capital is in stark contrast to her petite body, which immediately makes her Become very attractive.


After getting the desired compliment, Hestia smiled happily.

But before he was happy for a long time, he was interrupted by Zhou Fangwu, "God Hestia, should you start, it's almost time for the banquet."

"Oh, oh! Then, I will leave for 3 days. I will definitely come back before the monster festival. Mr. Bell is waiting for me."

"Yes, I understand."

In Bell's reply, Hestia set off with Zhou Fangwu.

After leaving the station, Zhou Fangwu said first, "So, why did God Hestia ask me to come out?"

Hestia's excuse was to want Zhou Fangwu to be a guard, but Zhou Fangwu knew that she definitely wanted to say something to him.

"Actually... I have made a decision."

After thinking for a while, Hestia said: "Before... the night before Wu joined the family, Mr. Bell fought in the dungeon all night, and he came back with bruises in the morning. He told me that he wanted to become stronger. ..."

"So you want me to train him?"

"No, not this."

Hestia shook his head, "Although they are both Familiars, I know that Wu and Bell are different. Your time, which has great potential, should not be wasted here."


"I want to help him, I want to help him no matter what!"

"...This is troublesome, Lord Hestia."

Zhou Fangwu rubbed his chin in distress, "You didn't let me exercise him, and you didn't tell me what to do. It's very difficult for me."

But Hestia did not answer his question, but said seemingly irrelevant words, "There are two ways for adventurers to become stronger, one is to improve their own strength, and the other is to Acquire powerful equipment."

"...I see, so you want to prepare a powerful weapon for Bell, don't you?"

"Yes, that's it."

Hestia nodded, admitting Zhou Fangwu's statement, "I want my **** friend - Hephaestus to make a weapon for Bell himself, but... as can be expected, there will be a huge price Yes."

She knew that even if Hephaestus and herself were the closest **** friends, it wouldn't work.

Due to Olalie's rules or rules, it is impossible for Hephaestus to make weapons for her for free.

"Understood, God Hestia wants to say that this 'huge price' is the result of your selfishness, so I don't need to bear it...Is that what it means?"

"…That's it."


I still have a good impression of Hestia's ability to find him to clarify this approach before doing such a thing.

And also told him that this price does not need to be borne by him.


Just in time, it's time to repay the kindness of that [silver-haired old man].

"God Hestia, you went to God Hephaestus because you wanted to forge weapons for Bell. If that's the case, please bring these things with you."

As he spoke, he took out some ore from his body.

Orangutan Fei placer, fine iron ore, Adamantine ore, the 7 or 8 ores in front of him are his last stock.

"these are…"

"This is my unique ore, the few remaining in this world."

"No, I can not…!"

"Take it, Lord Hestia!"

Zhou Fangwu forced these ores into her hands, "These unique ores~www.readwn.com~ should be enough for God Hephaestus to take action. No matter what, I don't want you to be among other gods. Embarrassing in front of you."


Hestia did not answer, but silently put away the ores.

Then turn around and leave.

Zhou Fangwu thought, the weapon with these pieces of ore Bell should become stronger.

And the fact is just as he thought, the dagger that Hestia brought back was far more powerful than ordinary artifacts.

But, what he didn't expect was that.

The weapon Hestia brought back was not one.

Instead... two!

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