Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 247: Loki and Ace visit

"Then, let's go to the Adventurer's Guild and spread the news of Wu's upgrade to the whole Orario!"

Hestia pulled Zhou Fangwu impatiently, telling him to put on his clothes quickly and go to the Adventurer's Guild.

Netherworld for so long.

No matter whether it is the gods or the people of the lower world, they look down on her who has been a rice bug for a long time without a family.

This time, it was hard to be elated.

How could it be possible to let go of this opportunity and not take the opportunity to promote your family?

However, before she could move, Zhou Fangwu grabbed her arm first.

"Wait a minute, God Hestia, we can't go for certification right now."


"Because it's dangerous!

As the saying goes [shoot the bird that stands out], our family is so weak, if I am too ostentatious, it is easy to be targeted by other family members.

After all, no one wants to see a strong rise of a family. "

This is also inevitable.

Orari's family has never been a healthy competition!

Bloody family wars, stumbling behind the scenes, framing and killing each other in dungeons.

All kinds of conspiracies fully reflect the dark side of Orario.

It is precisely because of this dirty dark side that Olalie has been unable to give birth to LV8 and LV9 powerhouses like [Zeus Familia] and [Hera Familia] for a long time.

Dare to publicize like [Sword Fairy] because of the powerful [Loki Familia] backing her.

Who in Olalie dares to frame Aisi?

Even the [Freya Familia] has reached a contract with the [Loki Familia] in private, and both parties must not interfere with the growth of their respective family members.

Because once they start a war, the final result is that both sides will perish together, which will benefit others.

However, Hestia is different.

What will happen to her, who has a weak family, and suddenly has an exceptionally brilliant child (Bell)?

It will make the whole of Orario start to vibrate!

It’s okay if they are good gods who like to have fun, but if they are evil gods with ulterior motives, they will definitely do things behind their backs.

First Freya, then Apollo, and finally Ishtar.

Undercurrents surged during Bell's growth, and several gods were exiled.

If the news of Zhou Fangwu's [upgraded to LV2 in half a month] spread, maybe they would receive some special treatment.

"Understood, Lord Hestia."

General Zhou Fang told her the seriousness of the matter.

"I understand your desire to show off, but if it is exposed, we will really be targeted by other family members, and it will be difficult for us to move forward."

【Secretly develop, don't shoot guns】

This concept applies to every weak family member of Orario.

Because those big family members are always watching those small family members who want to be superior.

It's like nobility.

The circle is so big, how can everyone become nobles?

If anyone can be noble, how can they be nobler than others?

"However, God will stipulate that as long as a child in the family is promoted to LV2, he must go to the trade union for certification. No one can hide the strength of the family."

"This is not hiding, this is delaying, Lord Shangshen."

Zhou Fangwu clasped his hands in front of his chest, smiling calmly.

He looks very confident.

"As long as my promotion to LV2 is not known to others, there is no problem, and we are not hiding it, but we will choose to re-authenticate at the right time."

"Uh...uh, if Wu asks so."

In the end, Hestia agreed.

But she blamed herself very much.

At the same time, I feel sorry for Zhou Fangwu.

"I'm sorry, it's obvious that Wu's promotion to LV2 is something worthy of publicity and showing off, but in the end I have to hide it because of me, and I can't let Wu's reputation spread throughout Olalie."

"Why do you say that, it has nothing to do with you at all."

This matter had nothing to do with her.

It was because he promised Uranus that he chose to hide this matter.

Otherwise, he would definitely get the title of [The Legend of the Fastest Dungeon].

"Then, when is it better to make public about Wu's promotion to LV2?"

"Let me think about it...then wait until Mr. Bell reaches LV2."

Zhou Fangwu held his chin and thought about it carefully, and suggested to Hestia: "At that time, Mr. Bell and I will be LV2 advanced adventurers. I believe that the members of the family will have the power to protect themselves."

Bell at LV2 will enter Apollo's eyes.

Bell, who is favored by that perverted god, will definitely be wooed or robbed, and it is inevitable to launch a family war.

At that time, Zhou Fangwu couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

So before that, just spread the news that you have been promoted to LV2.

As long as it is not known by others, it is not a violation of Olalie's rules.


"…All right."

Hestia sighed.

Although she knows that Bell is improving very fast now, she still needs to hone and hone if she wants to upgrade, but she doesn't know how long it will take to hone.

She felt very sorry for delaying Zhou Fangwu.

"My lord, my lord—!"

Just as the two were lost in thought, Bell's shout sounded in the dilapidated hall of the church.

"It's Mr. Bell!"

"Oh, he's back?"

The two left the basement together.

But what they didn't expect was that it was not only Bell who appeared there, but also unexpected guests.

—Loki and Ace.

Hestia's nemesis is here!

"Why are you here, Loki of [Precipice]?"

Hestia taunted as soon as they met, and just this one sentence broke Loki's defense.

Loki ran forward angrily, grabbed Hestia's fat baby cheeks, rubbed and patted desperately, as if venting his anger.

"What, what's the matter, are you angry when it's the truth?"

"Shut up, you nasty little dwarf!"

Loki's eyes widened in anger.

She gritted her teeth and said, "It's just two lumps of useless fat, what do you have to be proud of, idiot poor little dwarf!"

"Unfortunately, you don't have these two piles of useless fat."

"What did you say-?!"

The two tore each other as if there was no one else around, without any dignity and majesty as gods.

Now they are more unbearable than the aunts who quarreled in the vegetable market.

"Oh, what the **** is going on."

Zhou Fangwu sighed.

Then he saw Bell whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

But now Bell lowered his head and turned his face to the ground, but his eyes were peeking at Ais beside him.

Unexpectedly, Ace is also looking at Bell.

But it's not peeking, but looking openly.

This made Bell, who met her gaze, blushed suddenly.

That innocent little expression was exactly the same as that of the young man who had just begun to fall in love.

Shame on you, Mr. Bell!

However, it was precisely because of their unique interaction that Hestia and Loki stopped arguing, and instead looked at their own family members with hatred.


Can't help but sigh again.

"Let's stop here, two High Gods, don't let the children of the family see your jokes."

Under Zhou Fangwu's mediation, the two gods stopped arguing.

Although they have long been a joke, they are still trying to save face.

"God Loki, I don't know why you came here?"

"Yes, Loki. You are not welcome in our family."

Compared with Zhou Fangwu's politeness, Hestia is rude and rude, and he will offend people when he speaks.

Sure enough, Loki was on fire on the spot.

She said angrily: "Hmph, it's just a shabby place like yours. If it wasn't for Aisi's insistence, I wouldn't have come with me!"

"Then you can go."

"You just leave as soon as you say?"

"This is the residence of my family members, of course I have the final say!"

"So what about your family's residence, if you let me go, I won't!"


It took only a few words, and the quarrel broke out again.

Zhou Fangwu knew that the two of them could not be stopped now, so he asked Ai Si, the key person this time.

"Miss [Sword Fairy], I don't know why you are here this time?"

"Thank you. I want to thank you for the reminder to me last time."

"Uh...you mean what I told you when I was on [the 18th floor]?"

"Well, that's right."

Hearing what Ai Si said ~www.readwn.com~ Zhou Fangwu was half convinced.

Maybe she really wanted to thank her.

But when Loki came together, it made people think about it.

After all, Uranus just finished speaking, and he will go on an expedition with [Loki's Familia] in a few days. After returning for a long time, Loki came over.

If there is no purpose, he would not believe it even if he was killed.

But what Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that Loki had been arguing with Hestia the whole time, until he was forcibly dragged away by Ais, and he didn't say a word to Zhou Fangwu.

She seemed to be really idle and bored, so she came here to play with Aisi.


There is a conspiracy!

The **** of mischief with superior wisdom, what is she thinking?

Can't help but fell into deep thought.

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