Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 252: The Roar of the Weak and the Birth of the Strong

Zhou Fangwu ran to the deep layer.

But the speed is not fast, even a little sloppy.

This is on purpose.

he knows.

This is actually Freya, the Goddess of Beauty, preparing a trial for Bell. The purpose is to revive his self-confidence, so that he can overcome the inferiority complex buried deep in his heart.

If nothing else, Bale may even be a blessing in disguise.

Obtain great achievements and be promoted to 2.

So he was not in a hurry.

Even the seemingly abnormally angry look just now was deliberately pretended by him.

Because, as soon as Lily came up, she asked him for help in full view of everyone.

If there is no expression, it will definitely be suspected.


He deliberately got angry at Ota, deliberately exposed his own strength, and used this to frighten Xiao Xiao in the dark.

And these were all within his expectations.

In fact, I wanted to mention this to Bell before, and wanted him to be more careful in the dungeon.

But as far as Bell is concerned, everyone is a good person, with an extreme simplicity in dealing with people, he must turn around and talk about this matter with Hill, and completely sell him.

After careful consideration, I decided not to speak.

After all, Bell really needs to grow up, and he can't always rely on others.

But what Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that someone cared more about Bell than him.

A strong wind blew from behind, passed Zhou Fangwu who was running slowly, and went straight to the deep layer with a green whirlwind.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared on this layer.

Only the pale golden figure that has not dissipated remains in the air, and the blue whirlwind reverberates and rustles on this layer.

It's Sword Princess Ais.

She was even more concerned about Bell's life than Zhou Fangwu, who belonged to the same family.

This is embarrassing.

On the contrary, it seemed that Zhou Fangwu was deliberately paddling for fish, as if he couldn't think of anything to save people.

No choice but to increase the speed.

Layer 9

This is the last floor on the upper floor and the one closest to the middle floor.

It sounds like nonsense.

But what Zhou Fangwu wants to say is that this level is more dangerous than the middle level!

Because every monster event, monster dedication, or special situation is almost always on this floor!

Its probability far exceeds that of other floors!

This time, no exception!

For some reason, there are no monsters on this floor.

Only two figures remained in the center of the floor.

One person, one cow.

Zhou Fangwu came later.

From his perspective, he saw Bell grab Aisi's hand, then stood up firmly to block her, as if he was trying to be a hero, and also like his last swan song.

"Belcroni can no longer be saved by Sword Princess!"

Bell said that out loud.

Then he picked up the short dagger on the ground, leaned over and rushed straight to the tauren in front of him.


The white-haired boy shouted like a torrent, fighting with the tauren in the distance again.

The two sides continued to fight hard and fast.

The battle between the violent tauren strong and the small young weaklings.

It doesn't seem like much in comparison.

However, when the weak shouted, everything changed!

Under the watering of his belief, the possibility sprouted successfully!

"Drink ah ah ah!!"


Bell and Minotaurus attacked each other and staggered, without stopping for a moment.

The dagger and the big sword, the arms and the calves, and even the horns and the forehead, the two frequently touched each other.

The violent collision of flesh and flesh made a dull sound, echoing in this layer.

Go deep into everyone's heart.

"What, what, this man"

"This is 1?!"


While Zhou Fangwu was watching the battle, the rest of the expedition team rushed to the scene.

When they saw Bell fighting the tauren, they all had expressions of shock and disbelief.


How could they accept that a weak rabbit could fight a brave monster bull on par?

This has completely touched the blind spot of their knowledge.

The battle is still going on.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the young man has gradually suppressed Minotaurus, relying on his agility far surpassing the monster, he wants to drag it to death forcefully!

However, this monster is not those unintelligent miscellaneous fish.

Zhou Fangwu even suspected that it had turned into a heretic, and its strength was more than 2!


With a roar, Minotaur raised the big sword in his hand and slashed out at an extremely fast speed.

It seems to be a reckless move, but it is the best way at present.

Because it is physically strong, as long as it is not a fatal attack, even if it is injured a little bit, it will not die from it.

But the weak human beings in front of him are different.

As long as a sword is struck, this human boy can definitely be split into two halves by relying on great strength!

Trade injuries for lives!

Just hit it once!

It thinks so.

But it never expected that the dwarf human in front of him could actually face it head-on!

Dodging its attack before was actually all an illusion to lure it further!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sparks produced by the collision of iron objects shone dazzlingly in the dark dungeon.

The great sword of Minotaurus struck fiercely, but it was bounced off by Bell's divine weapon dagger!

All the powerful slashes were intercepted!


This is not only due to the strength of the weapon, but also the skill of unloading force that he has learned from training with Jian Ji these days!

In this duel of life and death, he used what he had learned to the fullest!


Facing the slashed sword, Bell chose to attack from the side.

He intercepted the attack route that Minotaurus wanted to retreat, and stuck his body into the gap in the monster's chest.

Fortunately, he is thin and thin, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to do this

Bell stretched out his right hand against Minotaurus' waist and abdomen, and powerful magic power flowed rapidly in his palm, converging into a huge magic and launching it out.

"Accept! Fire and lightning!"


The Minotaur stared at its huge pupils.

Accompanied by the deafening explosion, its huge body could not stop retreating until the crimson flames completely eroded it.

But, no use!

The Minotaur had rough skin and thick flesh. Even if Bell used magic, the magic of only 1 was not powerful, and the flames only burned its outer skin, and did not harm its internal organs.

It's not over yet!

it's not finished yet!

The next step is the most critical step!

Kicked the right hand of Minotaurus, knocked down the great sword in his hand, and snatched it at the moment when it was stupefied~www.readwn.com~ Ha! "

Exhausting all the strength of breastfeeding, he inserted the big sword straight into his chest and abdomen.


In the confrontation between ironware and flesh, ironware is ultimately superior.

Even the Minotaur has rough skin and thick flesh.

Bright red blood flowed from the wound.

Minotaurus was injured and exposed the only flaw!

Bell will not miss this opportunity!

This is the only chance to comeback and win, and no mistakes are allowed!

The right hand was directly inserted into its body, and the magic power gathered again, and powerful magic was bred.

In an instant, the surrounding air was tense to the extreme, just like the moment before a storm was approaching.

It's as if time has stopped, as if you've stopped breathing


It also seemed to be carrying a deadly attack, roaring like a wave of fire!

Flame and lightning!

Flame and lightning!

Flame and lightning!

I don't know how many times he released this magic, Bell just mechanically squeezed the last trace of his magic power repeatedly, his mental power had already bottomed out, but he still didn't stop.

In this situation, only one can survive!

Either you die, or I die!

Bell knew this result clearly, so he tried his best to win!

His beliefs are so persistent that people are frightened!

"Good, so strong"

"It's really strong."

"Who is that person?"

Obviously it's just a weak 1, obviously it's just a Minotaur that can be killed in seconds.

But it was these two who staged a life-and-death struggle in front of everyone.

I don't know why, but Bell has been automatically classified as the strong in everyone's mind.

If Belle didn't die young, sooner or later his reputation would spread throughout Olalie.

Finn as a hero promises!

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