
It was supposed to be a place for gods to discuss some important matters, but now it looks like a noisy vegetable market.

All the gods were shouting loudly with the gods sitting next to them.

The reason is one of the events that brought all the gods together here, and [Stove God] Hestia has not yet arrived.

The gods on the scene can be roughly divided into 4 categories.

Some expressed dissatisfaction with Hestia's lack of punctuality, some condemned Apollo's petty actions, and some were indifferent gods who just wanted to have fun.

There are even some gods who appreciate Apollo's way of doing so.

And the other protagonist of this incident, [Sun God] Apollo has already been sitting in the center of the meeting place of God, which represents the negotiation between the two parties.

He closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a wicked smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

This ugly face made some gods who were not happy with him immediately explode.

"That villain...!"

"Yeah! It was coercion at first, but I didn't expect to make small moves when approaching the checkpoint!"

"This bastard, I didn't expect to do such a thing!"

Hephaestus, Mihe, and Jian Yulei, these are the gods who have a good relationship with Hestia, and they are not happy with the behavior of Apollo's villain.

They are fighting for Hestia.

Unlike other gods, they all want to see Hestia make a fool of themselves.

As a high **** who has been looked down upon by the gods since the lower realms, Hestia has always played a buffoon.

Whether she was driven out to work because her relatives and friends couldn't bear it, or she was alone and couldn't recruit family members (children), she seemed to have taken the position of the clown from the very beginning.


There are 2 gods who don't think so.

—Loki, Freya.

These two top bosses of Orario are not worried about Hestia's safety at all.

Because, with that person around, it is absolutely impossible for others to hurt her.

But neither of them is suitable to speak at this time, so let the sun **** be proud for a while.

Both wore disdainful smiles.


Apollo looked around, looked at the gods sitting around the venue, and found that they all had impatient expressions on their faces.

Suddenly he couldn't help laughing, but immediately put it away.

Facing Hermes standing in front of him, in the middle of the negotiating table, he said, "Hey, Hermes, Hestia hasn't come yet, isn't she scared?"

"Ah, that's hard to say..."

Hermes pressed the ranger cap.

What he said seems to be echoing, but also seems to be refuting. The ambiguous words seem to mean that no one will be offended.

Of course, this was also heard by Apollo.

"Tsk, you're such an impartial guy."

Apollo muttered softly dissatisfied, expressing his dissatisfaction with Hermes' neutral position.

But he thought about it, and said loudly: "Just in case, I said just in case! What if Hestia doesn't show up all the time? Are we just wasting time here waiting for her?"

It seems to be thinking for everyone, but in fact, it is not just taking the opportunity to make trouble.

The purpose is to mobilize the emotions of other gods, and to make them reach a consensus with themselves.

Apollo, always bring the wicked.

"That's right, that's right!"

"When is Hestia coming?!"

"Are we going to wait forever?!"

Although the gods are very idle, it is not what they want to see if they keep procrastinating, so they immediately echoed Apollo's villainous behavior.

"Uh...how can I do this?"

Hermes laughed, trying to prevaricate and delay for a while.

However, Apollo will not let go of this opportunity.

He stood up, raised his hands high, and suggested loudly to the surrounding gods: "I think so! 10 minutes, we will wait another 10 minutes! If Hestia doesn't appear again, it means Hestia Yata surrendered without a fight, how?"

"So, it makes sense."


"Indeed! Hestia has already agreed at the banquet before, if she doesn't show up..."

"Hey! You also know that Apollo is playing tricks on purpose!"

"But what does this have to do with us?"

"Uh... yes, it has nothing to do with us, then it's okay."

Before, some gods who could not see the past who spoke for Hestia were tempted to defect under the guidance of other gods. Although they sympathized with what happened to Hestia, this was also the result of her accepting Apollo's provocation regardless of her arrogance.

All of this should be borne by herself.

However, most of the gods refused to agree, after all, they also came to have fun.

They don't stop when they don't have fun.

"Hmph, it seems to be my victory."

Apollo smiled with satisfaction.

Everything is just as he planned!

10 points!

Hestia, she absolutely can't get here!

The entire [Apollo Familia] members went to surround it, a small LV2, and wanted to break through with Hestia, a burden that could not use divine power.

How is it possible?

You know, even a first-level adventurer at LV5 will take a lot of effort.

Not to mention Bell, a rookie who has only been promoted to LV2.


Hermes pressed the ranger cap again, so that others could not see his face clearly.

He is fair to the outside world and cannot do anything to protect him.

Even the other gods who had a good relationship with Hestia looked at Apollo, who was a villain, with gritted teeth, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because this is a game about the life and death of the family, and other gods cannot be replaced.

This is the rule set by God.

3 points

5 points

10 points

Hestia still didn't show up.

"Heh heh heh...hahaha...ahhahahaha—!!"

Apollo didn't hide anymore, he laughed wildly.

Everything is exactly as he thought!

The gods sitting around here also sighed.

In the end, Hestia didn't show up either, which disappointed them very much.

"Hermes, it's time for you to judge the outcome."

With the intention of the gods, Apollo put pressure on Hermes, who is always neutral.


Hermes sighed in frustration, obviously he had sent someone to help, but in the end they still couldn't help.

Really, what the **** are you doing, Hestia.

But now, he had to make a verdict.

"Now! Since Hestia was not present, according to the rules of the war game, Hestia is sentenced to lose..."

"Wait for me—!"

Just like the law of the protagonist, at the last critical moment, Hestia appeared!

The eyes of the gods gathered on the **** Lolita like a spotlight. Looking at her dark face and tattered clothes, one knew what she had suffered.

‘It must be Apollo! '

Thinking this way, Shangshen turned his eyes away again, and turned his gaze to the Sun God who was on the negotiating table.

He found that at this time, he was twisting his face and looking at Loli Shangshen who shouldn't be here with unbelievable eyes.


With a low growl, he called out the name of the god.

But he was still reasonable, and asked why Hestia appeared here without opening his mouth.

Because, once he speaks, he will sit down and confirm his previous small actions.

Invisibly let him be on the cusp.

Even if the other gods know that he did it, there is no evidence so far, so as long as he doesn't show his feet, there will be no problem.

After thinking it over, calm down the distorted expression.

With a sad and loving smile, he cared about the injured Hestia: "Oh—my poor Hestia, you are actually injured, what happened?"

"You don't know what happened? Stop being hypocritical, Apollo!"

Although Zhou Fangwu told her not to be impulsive, but her beloved Mr. Beier was almost seriously injured, how could she hold back this tone and not vent?

"I can't understand what you are talking about."

Apollo pretended to be puzzled, but he didn't want to talk any more to reveal himself, so he said to Hermes, who was the host, "Now that Hestia is here, should we continue the previous process?"

"At this time, you are not in a hurry to judge the outcome."

Hermes sneered, but he stopped holding on to Apollo, and called Hestia to sit down.

"Well, let's get started."

"No, wait! Before that, I have something to report."

After Hestia sat down, he said loudly to the gods in the venue, "My family member, Zhou Fangwu, has been promoted to LV2 yesterday!"


"What did she say? LV2?!"


"is that a lie!"

All the gods were shocked when they heard this.

It's fine if there is only one Bell, why another pops up?

Loki had expected it.

Because Zhou Fangwu went on an expedition with them before, and he had already reached the [59th floor], it would be unreasonable if he did not upgrade.

It's just that when she thought of the appearance of these two monsters in Hestia's family.

Immediately picked up the lemon.

Although he said disdainful words on his mouth, he was really envious in his heart.

Sour no good!

"Liar! How could there be one in such a short time?"

Apollo immediately got angry, slapped the table, stood up and reprimanded loudly: "Hey, Hestia, it's useless to play tricks now!"

"Not everyone is like you, Apollo."

Hestia insulted him lightly, and explained: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't believe it, but the child has indeed risen to LV2. You can go to the Adventurer's Guild to verify this."


This time Apollo had to believe it.

Because Uranus is absolutely neutral, no matter which **** it is, it will not take sides.

When Hestia said that, it meant that this was indeed the case.

He couldn't help but not believe it.

"But! What if there is another LV2? My family will not lose!"

"Yes, it's a good thing that you are so confident."

"Tsk! Hestia, your attitude is... And then, what do you want to do by bringing up this matter now?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you. I have something to say first, and I didn't hide the strength of the members of the family."

"I know I know."

Apollo waved his hand impatiently.

A **** yelled loudly: "Hestia, how about now that your child has reached LV2, let us give him a title!"

"That's right."

"I second."

"I also agree."

For this kind of thing, the gods are never tired of it.

And taking the title by the way made them feel like playing a prank.

Last time [Little Newcomer] was created by them, this time it must be given the title of 'Nice Sound'.

"Wait, I don't agree! 【War Game】Currently, things like taking titles should be placed in the back row!"

It was not Hestia who refused, but Apollo, the sun god!

Obviously he is irrelevant, but why he intervenes, the gods can't figure it out.

But the next words made him reveal his greed.

"Hestia, I want to change the bet of the game! If I win, I will accept not only Bell Cranney, but also Zhou Fangwu!"


This time not only Hestia, but even the other gods reacted.

It turned out that he was not allowed to take the title because he also wanted to incriminate Hestia's other child!

What a villain!

Originally, the gods were condemning him, but they heard Freya say from the side: "Isn't this very good."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You see, we don't know anything about that child, so it might not be appropriate to give him a title. But through this [War Game], seeing how he performs, can't we give him an appropriate title. "

As Freya, one of Olali's top bosses, all the gods will consider her proposal.

This is the strength of her family.

Of course, part of it is based on the convenience brought by her beauty.

And not only her, but another top boss also spoke.

Loki was not afraid of being annoying, so he jumped up and said jokingly: "I agree! If the little dwarf loses, then the title may not be which one, for example, that...is called [Emperor of Light of the Sun God]" with?"

She seemed to be on Apollo's side.

But in fact, knowing Zhou Fangwu's strength, she specially sought preferential treatment for Zhou Fangwu.

Think of it as his reward for saving everyone in the expedition team on [the 59th floor].

Although he didn't deal with Hestia, there was still a reward.

"Well... indeed."

"that's right."

"I agree."

"I agree too."

Although the two bosses turned to Apollo and made Hestia look miserable, the other gods still chose not to speak out due to pressure, and silently acted as a fool.

"So, can we officially start?"

Hermes had been laughing the moment Hestia appeared, as if everything was going as he expected.

"First confirm the bet of the game:

If [Apollo Familia] wins, then Apollo will ask Hestia to hand over his family members—Bell Cranney and Zhou Fangwu.

And if the [Hestia Familia] wins, then Hestia demands everything from the Apollo Familia, including its family members and all property.

Whether the above is recognized by both parties. "

"I admit."

"I admit it too."

Hestia and Apollo agreed in front of the gods.

"Then, what follows is an exciting moment! Please draw a project where the two sides will hold [War Game]!"


"Is it a siege battle...?"

"That fellow Hermes is too unlucky."

"However, I didn't expect Apollo to allow Hestia to find a helper."

"What's the use? It's just one person, and it can't be a member of the Orari family."

"Really, that mean fellow."

"Who said it wasn't?"

"That's Apollo, it's normal to be stingy."

"Hey, hey, hey~www.readwn.com~ Don't be so depressed! There is still something to watch! [Siege battle], as the party that is attacking the city, Hestia might win if they make a surprise attack."

"Hehehe, 2VS100, how is it possible?"

"That's right."

"The gap in the number of people is too great, it can't be done."

"Ah~ It's not interesting, it's not interesting, let's go."

From the moment Hermes pulled out [Siege War] from the box, everyone held a negative attitude towards Hestia.

They all thought Hestia was doomed.

For a time, the interest was greatly reduced.

But even so, the gods are still looking forward to bringing a little fun to the boring them.

The time is 3 days later!

The game that determines the fate of both parties begins now!

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