Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 301: Sato Kazu is a hopeless idiot

Kazuma Sato, age 16.

It is at the age of flowers and jade.

He was supposed to be carefree in school and live a beautiful life lamenting his youth.

But now he has to live in a different world, which has no online games, no animation novels, no convenient transportation, and makes him mentally and physically exhausted.

The beautiful fantasy of another world has completely collapsed.

But in the past two months, he has been very happy.

Although it was difficult at the beginning, with the joint efforts of the team members (referring to Zhou Fangwu and him), the team no longer worries about money.

So rich that even if he hasn't gone out to work for nearly 2 months, he can still live a lazy life leisurely.

He even has room to go to the succubus shop to have fun and be cool.

And now, he just walked out of the hotel.


Walking on the street, Kazuma Sato had a smile on his face that any man could understand.

A bit wretched and obscene expression.

Let the pedestrians who saw him subconsciously dodge slightly.

But the next moment, the man lost his temper regardless of the occasion.

Tucao loudly:

"Damn Akuya, it hasn't been half a day since the mansion was built, she has set up a powerful purification magic circle in the courtyard, so I have to go out and spend the night in a hotel!"

This shockingly shameless man didn't even think about the reason why he spent the night outside.


No, it should be called the Lord's Mansion now, right?

Because Aqua is a goddess.

Being displeased with the undead system by nature, she naturally wanted to arrange a magic circle to restrain them in her residence.

Therefore, succubus and the like cannot enter the Lord's Mansion.

Oh yeah.

It seems that you are very curious about why the Lord's Mansion was built so quickly?

Then I have to mention Sato Kazana's own clever little cleverness.

The reason lies in the great demon, Barnir.

This demon lord, who can see through people's hearts, caused a lot of trouble to the team members when he made troubles with puppet puppets made of clay.

But this was used by Sato Kazuma.

He struck a deal with Barnier.

Kazuma Sato paid and asked Barnier to make some puppets that don't need to eat, drink, or rest.

Let them work day and night to rebuild the lord's mansion that he had accidentally blown up.

And the big devil who was short of money readily agreed.

At first Barnier refused.

At any rate, it is also a great demon who can see through people's hearts, and a great lord who also serves as the leader of the demon army.

You can't tell me to help, and I will help.

Save face!


Sato Kazuma gave too much!

50 million Eris!

A total of 50 million Eris!

When the shining golden gold coins, enough to fill Wiz's narrow magic item shop, were neatly placed in front of it.

Barnier's eyes lit up, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

For its long-cherished wish, for it to have enough money to rebuild the dungeon.

This order, it's done!

In summary.

Under Barnier's urgency, day and night, before the coldest winter came, the Lord's Mansion was rebuilt.

And now, Sato Kazuma is walking to the lord's mansion in the suburbs.

Facing the beautiful morning sun.

Enter the fenced gate, cross the paved flat courtyard, and enter the hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Sato Kazuma is like a delinquent boy who has been fooling around all night, and he is about to go back to take a good rest, and then lament how easy and comfortable life is.

It should be like this...

Only to find that a person who had never seen before was sitting on the sofa.

The morning sun illuminated this small figure so brightly that Sato Kazuma could only see her face clearly by squinting his eyes.

"Young girl...?"

Sato Kazuma looked puzzled.

He was curious about this little loli who suddenly appeared in the mansion.

I don't understand why she is here, and the time of appearance is still very special in the early morning stage.

But Sato Kazuma had another flash of inspiration and realized the element.

"Oh, are you lost?"

Sato Kazuma squeezed his chin with one hand, and whispered thoughtfully: "This is the Lord's Mansion, so are you here to ask for help?"

I have to admire his magical brain circuit.

But there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, after all, it is the best solution for a little girl to suddenly appear in the lord's mansion.

"Yosie, go ask."

Sato Kazuma decided to communicate with her and asked her why she came here.

Slowly walked up to the little girl.

Squat down and smile.

Try to make your ordinary face look kinder.

With the tone of coaxing the little girl in the previous life, he asked softly: "Hello, little friend, what's your name?"

This is a standard question.

Even when he was misunderstood and caught in the sentence, the police uncle taught him this method himself, so that he would not be caught as a kidnapper in the future.

Unexpectedly, it can be used in another world.

I really admire my foresight.


But it's a pity that Sato Kazuma's kindness was met with a vigilant response from the young girl.


The little girl snorted softly.

At the same time, he turned his head to General, not wanting to talk to the man in front of him.

"Is it the heart of self-defense?"

Sato Kazuma nodded knowingly, and continued to say softly: "Big Brother is not a bad person, if you have any difficulties, you can tell Big Brother."

Anyone is.

When facing strangers, I will subconsciously build a barrier called "vigilance".

And what Sato Kazuma did was to rely on his own kindness to break down the young girl's psychological defense.

However, he overestimated himself too much.

Sato Kazuma, who has a wretched face (in the eyes of a young girl), even if he wants to put on a kind face, he still can't conceal his villainous nature.


Still humming lightly.

Young girls have no intention of communicating.


Sato Kazuma was slightly upset.

He is shameless and has no lower limit. When someone ignores him, he should get angry.

But he still held back abruptly.

Who made the young girl in front of him, who made him so kind.

But it's easy at this point.

Communication is necessary.

Continue to communicate, show your kindness, and then slowly dismantle the vigilance of the young girl.

In fact, he did the same.

"Hey, are you a resident of the town? Are you a child of a noble family?"


"Hey, did you find this place by yourself, or did you come with your adults?"


"Nah, nah, you are too shy to speak... It seems not."


No matter how Sato Kazuma expresses his kindness, he actively communicates with the young girl.

But the young girl in front of her just didn't speak, and always answered with a soft hum.

She looked very upset.

However, Sato Kazuma is a rather ignorant man.

He thinks that his kindness has reached the point where everyone likes it.

So it seems that the problem is the other side?

Sato Kazuma didn't think much, and subconsciously said such a sentence.

"Could it be that you are dumb and can't speak...?"


The young girl's eyes narrowed slightly.

This extremely impolite sentence made the young girl impatient with the noisy man in front of her.

"What are you talking about, boy?"

The sweet voice of the young girl was cold, echoing in the living room in the early morning.

"What, you can talk."

Sato Kazuma's pretended kindness could no longer hold back.

"Since you can communicate, then answer my question. It's embarrassing to be a one-man show."


Hearing what he said, the veins on the young girl's forehead popped out.

Originally, she wanted to make a good impression on her future companions, but she didn't expect this idiot who broke in suddenly to make her feel bored.

If so...

"Huh, I didn't expect that no matter which world..."

The little girl sighed softly.

He didn't understand the second half of the sentence, but with his IQ, he could still understand that the young girl was looking down on him.


Sato Kazuma was immediately upset.

Thanks to the kindness he showed just now, he didn't expect him to be ungrateful?

"A mere little girl, how dare you say that..."

"do not move!"

Sato Kazuma obviously wanted to yell a few more words, but the young girl had already put her little hand on his waist and abdomen lightly.


"Don't move around."

"Why~www.readwn.com~ you want to give me a massage as an apology...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Sato Kazuma growled loudly.

A burning, painful burning sensation erupted in the body instantly!

The extremely painful feeling made him unbearable, and he couldn't help curling up his body.

Coupled with the intense burning sensation, Sato Kazuma suspected that his own life was also burned.

Being attacked? !

He has only this kind of thinking.

"What, what's going on..."

"It doesn't matter which world has it... hopelessly (not polite) idiots like you."

Listening to the young girl's words, Sato Kazuma's consciousness gradually became blurred and empty.

Then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

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