Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 34: Meeting with Yoya Ubuyashiki

into the night.

Zhou Fangwu was alone.

This week, he has gained a lot.

Not only has he learned all the breathing methods, but he has also learned the powerful skill [Breathing Method · Complete Concentration · Changzhong].

Don't underestimate it!

Zhou Fangwu almost didn't learn it!

Strictly speaking, [Breathing Method · Complete Concentration · Changzhong] is not considered a skill.

It belongs to a state of maintaining [Breathing Method Complete Concentration]

The embarrassment of Zhou Fangwu lies in:

He understood how to use this skill, and successfully used it, but he just couldn't maintain this state for a long time.

And this also made him realize that his cheats still have such drawbacks.

Fortunately, his talent is good.

It took five days.

For five full days without sleep, relying on a strong body to maintain, get used to, and remember the feeling of the breathing method working all the time, forcefully let the body form an instinct.

Even so, he barely learned it until the last day.

[Breathing Method·Complete Concentration·Changzhong]It is undoubtedly very difficult.

But relatively, the feedback it brings is huge!

Zhou Fangwu could feel that his body became stronger under the blessing of the breathing method that was always running!

At the same time, he also found that he was the strongest when he used the water breathing method!

Stronger than using the sun's breathing method!

In the past week, he has learned more than a dozen breathing methods, but only [Water Breathing Method] is the most handy.

The feeling of doing whatever he wanted made him very comfortable.

He was weird about it.

Until he saw that inconspicuous skill in the densely packed skill column on his adventurer card - [Water Element Affinity (Advanced)], he understood why.

It must be Aqua.

She is the goddess of water, and in Zhou Fangwu's impression, only Akuya has the ability to endow others with elemental affinity.

Of course, it is also possible that Zhou Fangwu imitated it inadvertently.

Speaking of Aqua, I don't know how Sato Kazuma and the others are doing.

How about room and board?

Moved out of the stables?

How are you getting along with Megumi, Darkness and the others?

These questions slowly surfaced in his mind.

He kind of misses the squad members.

bang bang bang—


Just as he was thinking about how the team members would greet him when he returned, the voice of Butterfly Ninja came from outside the door.

"Mr. Zhou Fang, have you rested? The Patriarch is here to invite you."

"Yuzai Maternity House?"

Zhou Fangwu was surprised, and shouted: "Wait a moment."

Is there something wrong with looking for him so late?

Without thinking about it, he simply tidied up the messy clothes, opened the door and saw Butterfly Shinobi standing outside the door.

"Shinobu, is there anything the Ubuyashiki Patriarch wants from me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou Fang, I don't know why the Patriarch is looking for you."

Butterfly said with a smile.

But judging from her expression, it wasn't as if she didn't know the reason as she said.

What charade?

It's just that Zhou Fangwu didn't have the ability to read minds, so he had no choice but to follow her.

The headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad is not too far from Butterfly House.

When Zhou Fangwu arrived at the headquarters, he found that the whole room was brightly lit, as if specially welcoming someone's arrival.

There is no doubt that they are greeting Zhou Fangwu.

"Such a grand occasion?"

Zhou Fangwu frowned slightly, he also didn't know what the obstetric Yoyashiki wanted him to do.

This week, except for the first time he met Yashiki Yoya, the pillars came to convey his instructions for the rest.

When he came outside the house, Die Die reluctantly bowed and said, "My lord, Mr. Zhou Fang is invited."

"Thank you for your hard work, Shinobu."

With the support of his child and wife, Yoya Shiki, the obstetrician, came out of the house, "Shinobu, you should step back for now."

"As ordered."

Die Die reluctantly nodded in response, but smiled at Zhou Fangwu before leaving.

'Hiss...there is a conspiracy! '

This was Zhou Fangwu's first reaction.

Butterfly smiled with no malice, but he was still a little panicked.

"Zhou Fang-jun, please come in and talk."

Yuya Ubuyashiki shows the nobility of a big family, and his manners and etiquette are just right, and his voice is calm and gentle with a sense of intimacy, which makes people not bored.

"Then, I will interrupt."

Although Yuya Ubuyashiki's eyes are invisible, Zhou Fangwu still showed his excellent upbringing.

Following in the footsteps of Yuya Miyayashiki, Zhou Fangwu walked slowly into the clean and bright hall.

The layout of the hall is relatively simple, with only one table on which tea is still being boiled.

The tea taste is strong, very long and soft.

'The tea is slightly old. '

This was Zhou Fangwu's first reaction, but he turned his head for a moment, 'When did my sense of smell become so good? '

Before he could think about it, he heard Yoya Yashiki say, "Shoufang-kun, please sit down."

Sitting down on the tatami.

The tea is still boiling, and after boiling, the taste of the tea is more intense.

Neither of them spoke.

Zhou Fangwu took a closer look at the mass-produced Yashiki Yoya.

His handsome face had an unsightly scar, and the hideous dark purple scar had already occupied the entire area above the bridge of his nose.

But even though his face was terrifying, the quiet and peaceful aura about him made him seem approachable.

The poles are reversed, and it's extremely weird.

'What a special person. '

After a while, the water boiled.

Ubuyashiki Amane (wife) performed a master-level tea ceremony for the two, and Zhou Fangwu took it for granted and imitated this ability.

"Please use."

Ubashiki Amane put the brewed tea in front of him.

"Thank you."

Zhou Fangwu took a sip slightly, "Good tea!"

This tea is definitely not an ordinary tea. It has a rich, smooth and flavorful taste, coupled with first-class tea art, the fusion of the two completely stimulates the taste of tea.

Hearing the praise, Ubuyashiki Amane slightly bowed her body, showing a little modesty.

The two continued to drink tea.

a cup...

two cups...

Zhou Fangwu was a little impatient.

Although whoever speaks first will lose the initiative, Zhou Fangwu has always hated the twists and turns of big families, so he asked bluntly and quickly.

"Master Ubuyashiki, if we go on like this, it will only waste each other's time. Let's get straight to the point, how about it?"


Ubuyashiki Yoya was slightly different, but he also said: "Shou Fang-kun, I called you here this time to ask for something."

"What is it?"

"Please Zhou Fang-kun lead the Demon Slayer Team to kill Onimai Tsuji Mumi after my death! Let the blood curse of the Ubuyashiki clan end in our generation!"

Zhou Fangwu was shocked after hearing this!

what-? !

what's the situation?

what happened?

Why did you suddenly explain the funeral?


Zhou Fangwu doesn't think he has the domineering aura of "making people bow down as soon as they meet".

"Zhou Fang-jun, although I can't see it with my eyes, I can foresee it."

Ubuyashiki Yoya changed from his usual calm, and became very excited.

"For a week now, every night in my sleep I've seen:

The pillars are cheering around you, and the ghost killing team is full of laughter and laughter; next to it is the dead body of Ghost Wu Tsuji, which gradually turns into dust and dissipates in the distance under the scorching sun...

I think this must be Zhou Fangjun's reason! "

This is not Yuya Shiki Yoya trying to deceive Zhou Fangwu, but that he really saw this scene in his sleep.

Originally, he wanted to slowly get closer to Zhou Fangwu, let the ghost killing team members get along with Zhou Fangwu until it was a matter of course, and naturally let Zhou Fangwu join the ghost killing team.

But just an hour ago, his children came to him and told him, 'Zhou Fangwu wants to leave, let him think of a way. '

For a moment he panicked.

Since the millennium after Kunienichi, this generation of ghost killing teams is the closest generation to Onimai Tsuji, and the generation most likely to kill him.

If Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi cannot be ended in their generation, it is very likely that no one will be able to sanction him again.

Zhou Fangwu, who suddenly appeared, is the ghost killing team's best hope to eliminate the evil spirits, and he is also the person who is most likely to complete this mission!

This is the judgment of Yoya Ubuyashiki, and also his premonition.

Therefore, he must do everything possible to keep Zhou Fangwu in the Ghost Killing Squad!


The boy in front of him didn't seem to want to stay in the Ghost Slayer Squad.

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