Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 326: Zhou Fang's Maid Group【Part 1】

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

The weather is getting colder and colder, and everyone is less willing to move around.

Even if they were going out to buy ingredients, everyone kept procrastinating.


Even human beings have this phenomenon, but it is reflected in individual differences.

Some people are obvious, while others are not.

For example, Sato Kazuma, the characteristics of winter are very obvious...or it may be natural.

Lazy, he was slumped on the sofa at this time, and he had already turned into a senior cripple.

"Hello, Aqua."

"What's wrong, Kazuma?"

"I'm thirsty, make me a cup of black tea."

"Tsk, I don't want it, you go by yourself!"

After hearing that Sato Kazuma told him that he just wanted to instruct him to work, Aqua of course refused without thinking.

Want to make tea for him as a goddess?

Shouldn't this kind of thing be reversed?

Sato Kazuma, a believer, should make tea for himself as a goddess, right?

Give me a little self-knowledge!

"…Oh, really."

I thought Sato Kazuma would continue to say something, but he nodded uncharacteristically, with no intention of continuing to fool Aqua at all.

But he didn't stop, but continued to instruct others sitting in the hall.

Kazuma Sato took aim at Megumin who was leaning against the stove to keep warm.

"Hey, Huihui, I'm hungry, go out and buy something to eat and come back."

"I don't want it, it's cold outside, I don't want to move."

"…Oh, really."

Megumin's reaction was exactly the same as Aqua's just now, and what was even more surprising was that Sato Kazuma's reaction was exactly the same as before.

This strong sense of déjà vu...

"Kazuma, what's the matter with you?"

Darkness was very curious, and didn't quite understand what Sato Kazuma wanted to do.

But she didn't get an answer.

Instead, Sato Kazuma gave orders to her.

"Hey, Darkness, my shoulder hurts so much, come and give me a squeeze."


Darkness was short of breath.

But before she could react, Sato Kazuma started giving orders to Yoyo who was huddled in the corner of the hall.

"Hey, Yoyo, my legs are so sore, please rub them for me."

"Eh, eh—?!"

The shy Yoyo heard Sato Kazuma's orders, her cheeks were flushed as usual, and her body twisted involuntarily.

But she just didn't act.

"...Oh, is that so, Yoyo doesn't want to either."

Seeing that Yoyo didn't move, Sato Kazuma understood, and then said such words.

With him like this, even Zhou Fangwu became interested, and even wondered what he would ask him to do.

But after waiting for a while, he didn't hear Sato Kazuma give orders.

"Sure enough... Sure enough, I always feel that something is wrong!"

Sato Kazuma suddenly yelled loudly, and this inexplicable yell aroused dissatisfaction from other people.

"Why are you so irritable, idiot Kazuma! You've been like this recently, and you always yell suddenly. What's the matter, why don't you squat quietly at home." Akuya said.

"That's right, Kazuma, your temper is not very good recently." Darkness said.

"Yeah, that's right, that's right." Huihui said

"That... I, I think so too." Yoyo said.

In the team, except for Zhou Fangwu, everyone is very dissatisfied with Sato Kazuma's recent performance.

And indeed it is.

For some reason, Sato Kazuma, who is idle at home without tasks, doesn't seem to like living at home.

Obviously he had been yelling that he didn't want to work.

Zhou Fangwu also asked curiously: "Satou-kun, what's the matter, you seem to be not quite right recently, what happened?"

"Listen to me, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuma suddenly stood up from the sofa, and said to Zhou Fangwu with enthusiasm: "Senior Zhou Fang, you are a real noble now!"

"Noble... Well, although the title is only a mere [Viscount], let's call it a noble."

Sato Kazuma's words reminded Zhou Fangwu that the kingdom conferred nobles.

However, Zhou Fangwu has never used this identity, and Zhou Fangwu almost forgot that he is still a nobleman.

"So, what's the matter?"

"No, Senior Zhou Fang is a nobleman, and he is also the lord of Axel Novice Village, right?"

"Yes, I am both a nobleman and a lord... So what is going on, what exactly is Sato-kun trying to express?"

"Well... since you are a nobleman and a lord..."

Sato Kazuma lowered his head, and his voice gradually changed from low to high, "Why...why is Mr. Zhou Fang, who is the lord, living in the lord's mansion without a single maid!!"

! !


Sato Kazuma's words instantly reminded Zhou Fangwu.

Thinking about it carefully, I am not only a nobleman, but also a lord, but the lord's mansion where I live does not have a maid... Even as a lord, sometimes I have to take care of other people's daily life.

No matter how you think about it, it feels wrong!

Zhou Fangwu stroked his chin and said, "Yes, Sato-kun, you reminded me."

"Right, Senior Zhou Fang, I'm right!"

Sato Kazuma continued, "We have been to Lord Dustinis's house before, and we have seen quite a few maids, so no matter how we think about it, we must have maids!"

"Hey, wait! This is different!"

Darkness subconsciously retorted when Sato Kazuma used her own house as an example.

"Where?" Sato Kazuma asked back.

"Where should I say...my father is not that kind of lowly nobleman! Raising maids as his own harem, and then doing nothing all day long to vent his desires, my father would not do that!"

"...You bastard, what are you talking about?"

Sato Kazuma didn't know how to answer Darkness's wrong answer.

But it is good to know that Lord Dustinis is a wise Lord Lord.

After a moment of silence, Sato Kazuma didn't care about this, but continued to tell everyone the benefits of having a maid.

"Think about it carefully, a maid is the standard of a noble family, let alone Senior Zhou Fang is still a lord!"

"Well... indeed."

In the world of "Su Qing", there are usually maids in the homes of nobles, but the number of maids in the homes of nobles of different classes is also different.

"But what's the use of a maid?"

Akuya's IQ can't keep up with Sato Kazuma's pace, "Maid or something, we are an adventurer team, so we don't need it?"

"What stupid things are you talking about!"

Sato Kazuma was instantly irritated, he pointed at Aqua and shouted very displeasedly:

"Do you know who is cleaning every day, do you know who is cooking every day, do you know who is cleaning up the lord's mansion every day!"

"I know, it's Darkness."

"Er...it's not important!"

Sato Kazuma tried to confuse the audience, and hurriedly continued: "We are the adventurer team! The so-called adventurers must of course focus on adventure. It is the most correct way to entrust this kind of logistical work to other people who are qualified for this job." Bar."

After all, he still wanted a maid.


"Hey, Akuya, don't you want someone to serve you?"


"Imagine for a little bit that you are just sitting on the sofa leisurely, but whether it is tea or dinner, someone will prepare it for you. And someone will clean your room every day, and it is clean every day. .”

"But Darkness has always been doing these things."

"So it's not important... think more about Darkness! By the way, Darkness is too virtuous, it doesn't match your personality!"

Sato Kazuma's series of complaints also expressed Zhou Fangwu's aspirations.

He also didn't expect Darkness to be doing so much work quietly.

She is obviously a rich and noble lady.

In Zhou Fangwu's impression, it was the pair of ghost twins and female servants who were so capable.

It seems necessary to consider the matter of the maid.

"No, even if you say that, Kazuma, I'm just practicing as a bride."

"...Hiss, wait, what are you talking about?"

"I said, I'm just practicing as a bride..."

"Look at—" X5

This time, not only Sato Kazuma, but also Akua and the others looked at Darkness with a different look, which made the noble lady feel quite uncomfortable.

Darkness twisted her body, blushing slightly, "What, what's wrong! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sure enough, a maid is needed."

"Well, that's right."


It's a pity that the girls didn't answer her question, but started to study about the maid instead.

Seeing that the girls ignored her, Darkness became even more excited, "So why exactly!"

Akuya patted Darkness on the shoulder lightly, "Darkness has worked hard for you all this time, there will be maids in the mansion, so I don't need you to work so hard in the future."

Darkness said: "Hello..."

Huihui said: "Yes, Darkness, I didn't expect you to work so hard without realizing it. As a companion, I feel ashamed."

Darkness looked at her in disbelief, "Megumin even you..."

Yoyo also stood up at the right time, bowed deeply to Darkness, and said very seriously: "Me, me too... Thank you for taking care of you for so long!"

General Zhou Fang put his hand on her head lightly, and said distressedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't notice that Darkness worked so hard every day. As a lord, I am really disqualified."

"You don't have to be so polite..."

Darkness didn't want to be treated like this at all, it might be better to say that she enjoyed such hard work... because of her personality.

"Wu Cai! I have behaved like this, why didn't you attack me!"


Hearing what Darkness said, Zhou Fangwu was stunned for a moment.

"what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it! Maids should be attacked by dirty nobles!"

"Where did you go wrong! Your father, Lord Dustines, didn't do that either!"

"Aristocrats like my father are in the minority after all! Besides, I know Wu's nature! Your unknown nature hidden in the dark, obscene you must have fantasized that everyone will become your flesh... Uh, uh, uh Well…!!"


Can't let her go on!

This pervert is outspoken, always deliberately discrediting himself, and his delusion is getting more and more exaggerated, as if he really did that kind of thing to her.

"That pervert, his nature is hard to change."

Sato Kazuma complained subconsciously, and then asked the others: "How is it, about the maid... What do you think?"

"Yes, yes! I want to have a maid."


"That, that..."

Except for Yoyo who hesitated and couldn't speak, the other two women agreed to find a maid.

"Then it's decided."

The corners of Sato Kazuma's mouth twitched subconsciously.

His purpose has been achieved.

In fact, he is the one who wants the maid the most, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to bring up this matter that everyone has long forgotten.

It's just that he didn't say that he wanted it, but deliberately explained the benefits of having a maid, and then asked others to agree.

This is where he is smart.

"Wait, wait! I don't agree!"

Darkness took a bite out of Zhou Fangwu, freed her mouth and yelled out these words.

However, she was rejected.

"This matter has been settled, Darkness, it doesn't matter if you agree or not."

The corners of Sato Kazuma's mouth turned up slightly but then smoothed instantly. He seemed to feel distressed for Darkness, but in fact it was a treacherous expression of a villain's success, and because he didn't hide it very well, this made him feel sad. He looks hideous.

"So, you should rest well, Miss Lalatina."

"Don't call me by that name!"

Darkness's usual loud rebuttal.

She also understood that Sato Kazuma was reminding her of her status as a noble lady.

But if she just admit defeat, then she is not Darkness!

"Wait! Listen to me, everyone, finding a maid is very dangerous!"

Darkness had a serious face.

It's just that with her like this, no matter how you look at it, she seems to be scaremongering.

"It's just looking for a maid, so how can it be dangerous?"

"No, I'm not saying we're in danger, but the maid is in danger!"

"…What's the meaning?"

"Everyone, don't you understand Kazuma Sato? Nasty, scum, ghost, but such a man takes the initiative to find a maid. No matter how you think about it, there is something wrong! He will attack, he will attack the maid Bar!"

"Hey, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

Although he said so on the lips, he thought in his heart that his true thoughts had been exposed.

Wanting to live a [expensive life where food comes when you open your mouth and clothes come out], during the few days when he was a guest at Lord Dustinis's house, he yearned for that kind of life very much.

"Dirty and true..."

"Ghost animal and true..."

"Scum and truth..."

The girls looked at Sato Kazuma with increasingly strange expressions.

Thinking of the man in front of them, how could they not realize that they had been tricked.

"Hey, don't look at me like that!"

Sato Kazuma wanted to struggle again, "You guys... the maid is not only for me, but also for Senior Zhou Fang! He is a nobleman but he doesn't have a maid to serve him, isn't it too embarrassing!"

This guy actually used Zhou Fangwu as a shield.

"Wait! But Wu may also turn into a hungry wolf and attack those maids!"

What Darkness said was very hurtful, and she didn't mean to trust Zhou Fangwu at all.

"Too much."

Zhou Fangwu could only say this in a wounded state.

Maid is optional.

He just felt distressed seeing Darkness working so hard every day.

But since Darkness herself enjoys it, he naturally won't take her fun away... Isn't it good to practice as a bride?

Just think of it as preparation for the future. 0

It's just that Akua and the others don't think so~www.readwn.com~ Yeah...Kazuma is right, what Darkness said is also reasonable. "

Aqua remained silent, as if caught in a dilemma.

Instead, it was Huihui, she said to everyone: "If this is the case, then let's test it a little bit."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"—Let us play the role of the maid!"


"Let's play the maid and see if Wu can do bad things, isn't that all right?"

"Hmm... makes sense!"

Before I knew it, the topic gradually changed.

But it's great to be accepted by everyone.

...Damn it!

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