Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 394: 1 mountain cannot accommodate 2 tigers, unless...

On this Lushan Mountain, there are not many flowers and plants around it.

The cool morning sun shines on the gazebo, and a young girl is sitting in it.

Her beautiful face with an ethereal aura looked at Zhou Fangwu from afar, but her charming and alluring eyes were as sharp as those in a high position, and they shot straight in the direction of Zhou Fangwu.

Zhou Fangwu didn't back down either, and he didn't show any tendency to lower his head when looking up.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

It seems that Zhou Fangwu is not satisfied with the performance of being oppressed.

Luo Hao nodded, shook his jade hand all the time, and invited Zhou Fangwu to sit opposite her.

"[Miracle King], please sit down."

"King, beware of fraud!"

When Zhou Fangwu wanted to step forward, Sanila took the first step and stood in front of Zhou Fangwu, preventing him from moving forward.



Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Luo Hao became angry instead.

With her serious and delicate face and tone full of anger, she reprimanded Sanila who interrupted suddenly.

"A mere servant, dare to intervene?!

Miko, you have to be clear about your identity, and control your speech to me, Luo Hao!

You have to understand clearly that now I am talking to the same king, and I have no intention of paying attention to you, a mere servant. "

As she spoke, she gently waved her jade hand.

Obviously the speed is not fast, Zhou Fangwu can even see the trajectory of her movement.

The strong wind that can be brought up does not make people doubt its power at all.

Once Sanila gets a slap, she will be crippled even if she doesn't die, and at least she will start with a serious injury!


As expected of [King of Martial Arts], the first move is a killer move.

Such a person, how to communicate with her, once she thinks what you say is boring or rude, she will kill without saying a word.


"Hey, hey, don't you take me too seriously?"

Zhou Fangwu rolled up his sleeves, and lightly stopped the slap that was enough to injure Sanila this time, and lightly collided with the strong wind brought by Luo Hao's hand, creating a breeze.

"[Martial Arts King], you have passed.

As the saying goes, "It depends on the owner to beat a dog". Anyway, Sanila is my person, and the person who took action to teach me without saying a word, don't you think you are a bit overstepping? "

Whether it's Luo Hao deliberately making trouble, wanting to test Zhou Fangwu's mettle, or it's just her nature, she can't allow others to despise her.

No matter which one, Zhou Fangwu will not stand idly by.

This is his majesty as a [King], and it cannot be underestimated by others.

"...Hmph, just take it as a face for the new king."

It seems to be arrogant, but Zhou Fangwu knows that she thinks so.

"It's really overbearing."


Zhou Fangwu was obviously belittling her, but Luo Hao said arrogantly:

"A person of my status would goug out his eyes even if he looked directly at me;

To hear my voice will cut off the ears;

And there are people who dare to offend me... It is not a pity to die ten times! "


As expected of the most vicious [King], Sanila trembled all over after these remarks alone, if Zhou Fangwu hadn't supported her, she might have knelt down on the spot and couldn't move.

"It's like an ancient emperor, really domineering."

"...That's right!"

Luo Hao didn't notice Zhou Fangwuming's sarcasm at all, she still said proudly:

"I am the emperor who surpasses the ancient and the modern, the ultimate [wu] of the overlord and the general!

Therefore, you should enjoy the reverence of any person in a high position than you!

This is the so-called sequence! "

These domineering and murderous words completely destroyed the emptiness and perfection at the beginning.

Zhou Fangwu knew that she could no longer change her perception of her self-important and natural look for a long time.

"... Sanila, you go down first."

Luo Hao's character is full of uncertainties. Once she is so angry that she goes crazy, if Sanila vents her anger, Zhou Fangwu may not be able to stop her.

So the best way is to get her out of here.


"This is an order!"


Sanila looked reluctant, but left here obediently.

It wasn't until she disappeared from sight that Zhou Fangwu heaved a sigh of relief.

"What? Afraid I'll kill her?"

"Don't you?"

"Hmph, if you didn't stop her just now, she would already be dead!"

"...So, it's too overbearing."

Undisguised malice, dare to say so in front of Zhou Fangwu, is definitely a peerless villain who only respects me.

"But you are my compatriot. As a senior who walks on the road of dominance and kingship, I can still tolerate this little thing."

Luo Hao gave Zhou Fangwu a lot of face, but at the same time she said: "But as a senior, I would like to give you a piece of advice, don't pay too much attention to those servants who are not worthy of the stage."


"Stop talking! Come, sit down."

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak again, Luo Hao forcefully interrupted and invited him to sit across from him.

Zhou Fangwu scratched his head, feeling very helpless for this problem child who exceeded the standard.

No way, this topic will get better.

After all, it would be fruitless to continue to entangle, and it would only increase the conflict between the two, making it impossible to continue the conversation, and there might even be a big fight in the end.

"Then, I'm sorry."

Zhou Fangwu walked into the gazebo slowly, and slowly sat opposite Luo Hao.

"You don't need to be polite, you are also the overlord, this is the courtesy you deserve."

It seems to be telling, it seems to be reprimanding.

As a senior, Luo Hao was teaching Zhou Fangwu how to face himself.

"Come on, let's eat something."

She greeted Zhou Fangwu.

Only then did I realize that there were some snacks on the table in the gazebo.

There are not many types and not many quantities.

But it is fresh and elegant, exquisite and beautiful.

The index finger moved.

Not being too polite, Zhou Fangwu picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it.

good to eat!

It has been a long time since Zhou Fangwu had Chinese pastries full of Chinese flavor.

Tasting it again, the taste is full of nostalgia, coupled with the highest level of materials and craftsmanship, the taste is really indescribably delicious.

Different from Zhou Fangwu who gulps and gulps, Luo Hao chews slowly, full of the elegance of a lady.

Pampered for a long time, the elegance of a high position.

If it wasn't for her domineering personality, she would have thought she was a lady from a big family.


Thinking about it carefully, she looks like Aqua.

When they are silent, they are unique super beautiful girls, but once they are stupid, they will instantly change other people's good impression of them at the beginning.

Eat quietly.

Modern society likes to communicate at the dinner table, but Luo Hao was a person in the Qianlong period, and it was her rule and habit to not talk when eating or sleeping, and as a guest, Zhou Fangwu also abided by it.

Until the two finished eating, the sun gradually rose.

Zhou Fangwu spoke first, and asked, "[King of Martial Arts], you didn't just invite me to have breakfast this time, did you?"

"Of course, I'm not that bored, [Miracle King]."

"...Wait, [Miracle King] is actually a slur, please stop talking about it."

"Then...your name is Zhou Fangwu, so I'll call you [Zhou Wang], and you too, just call me [Teacher]."

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Hao decided on a title.

"Okay, Hierarch Luo Hao." Zhou Fangwu had nothing to do with it.

Luo Hao continued: "You are right, this time you are not invited here just for breakfast."

"Then... Hierarch Luo Hao has other things to do?"

"Well, that's right."

Luo Hao looked at Zhou Fangwu, and said with an unexpected tone, "Actually, the first time I heard your name from Ying'er, I thought you were from the island country next door, and that there was a new town in that small place. The 【King】."


"If the new king is from the island country next door, there is one thing I want to ask."

Luo Hao continued to explain: "There is a [God], and I must kill it with my own hands!"

"Oh? [God of Disobedience]?"

Zhou Fangwu feigned surprise.

In fact, he knew that the "God of Disobedience" Luo Hao was talking about was the "Monkey God Lord" who was sealed in the neighboring island country.

It was only as the new king that he stepped into the field of magic, so of course he shouldn't know about it.

So I deliberately pretended not to know, and listened to the information from Luo Hao.

"In the island country, there is a local **** who is sealed, and his name is [Ape God Lord], but in fact his body is [Monkey Monkey King Equal to Heaven]!

As a descendant of the Celestial Dynasty, how can he tolerate the local gods being raised by others? ! "

"...So that's the case, I know."

Zhou Fangwu also understands that it is better to say it is a "tool" than a "breeding", a very useful tool.

And Sun Wukong is a 'big hero' known to everyone in the Celestial Dynasty, so it is only natural that Luo Hao would be so angry.

"Then, it's a pity that you are not the new king of the island country, otherwise I can ask you for it."

...you still care about this?

Based on your style, wouldn't you hit the door directly, beat the new king without saying a word, and then **** the [God of Disobedience]?

Suspicious eyes looked at Luo Hao's beautiful face.

"You, your emotions are too obvious, I can feel your faux pas."

"Sorry, sorry."

As the apex of [Wu], Luo Hao could know what Zhou Fangwu was thinking by secretly slandering Zhou Fangwu and his facial expressions.

"Indeed, I had this idea before. It's just that I didn't expect that a new king who seems to be an island country suddenly appeared,"

Luo Hao didn't deny it, but she turned her head and said: "As a compatriot, as a domineering senior, no matter how domineering you are, you have to take into account the feelings of the younger generation."


Luo Hao's meaning was obvious.

Even if you want the [God of Disobedience], but you don't want to conflict with the new king, it would be best if you can 'friendly' communicate and reach a consensus.

As for why she gave Zhou Fangwu his power in the first place...

It can only be said that this is the love from the seniors.

But unexpectedly, Zhou Fangwu turned out to be from the Celestial Dynasty!

This suddenly disrupted her plan.

"No, I think it can be more domineering."

The corner of Zhou Fangwu's mouth curled up into a nasty smile, full of malicious expressions.

Luo Hao, who had always driven domineeringly, frowned slightly, subconsciously alienating Zhou Fangwu's appearance.

"what are you saying?"

"I'm saying, it's better for us to be more domineering."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, but what he said was full of wicked words.

"Look, if I were the new king next door, I might care about the feelings of the younger generation so I wouldn't be able to forcefully **** it away. But unfortunately, I am not, and I am also the [God Slayer] of the same dynasty... No matter how you look at it, we can be tough Go grab it."

The so-called overbearing means that no matter whether you agree or not, I will take it away!

"Makes sense."

This proposal is very suitable for Luo Hao's appetite. She is very satisfied with Zhou Fangwu's proposal, her eyes are even brightened, and she can't wait to go to grab it.

Then the two began to discuss the next steps.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss. It is fine to run over directly as two people, but it is likely to make other local families in the island country resist, so I plan to let Lu Yinghua make the announcement first, and then Zhou Fangwu will go to coerce.

As for Luo Hao, as a house girl, she didn't intend to waste time on this at all.

It's just the final decisive battle, and she will definitely be there.

"Well, let's do it this way."

"I'm sure."

The two discussed briefly.

After that, it was like a normal chat.

Luo Hao asked: "There is one thing that I am very strange about."


"Why do you accept barbarians as servants? As the local king of the Celestial Dynasty, shouldn't you go back to your homeland and recruit local people as your servants? Why do you want to live in such a remote place?"

Luo Hao's words were full of dislike for Sanila.

It wasn't because she was bumped by Sanila just now, but because she looked down on those barbarians from the bottom of her heart, and at the same time expressed dissatisfaction with Zhou Fangwu's recruitment of Sanila as his subordinate.

"Remote... Well, for the Celestial Dynasty, it is indeed very remote."

It is clear that Fayoum Province is a bustling city, but Luo Hao still uses the word remote to describe it.

"...Because it's inconvenient."


"Because I can't come back."

Zhou Fangwu explained to Luo Hao: "It's true that I'm from the Celestial Dynasty, and it's also true to be a [God Slayer], but there is a problem with the Celestial People who become a [God Slayer]."

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Hao frowned, expressing dissatisfaction with Zhou Fangwu's words.

"Lord Luo Hao is the [King] of the Celestial Dynasty, and you, who command all the alchemists and warriors of the Celestial Dynasty, are the absolute ruler.

But once another [King] appears, it will be a potential threat to you, me, or other people with ulterior motives.

[One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers]!

Hierarch Luo Hao understands this truth. "

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless...

Zhou Fangwu really wanted to say the following.

But if you say this rhetoric, you will definitely be beaten to death, so after thinking about it, it is better to hold back and not say it.

Life matters.

"I can understand what you're saying."

Just as Zhou Fangwu was doubting her IQ, Luo Hao also replied arrogantly with dissatisfaction: "I am the overlord, the only supreme king in the sky and the earth! As I said, why should you care about other people's opinions?" idea?"

"This is the problem, Hierarch Luo Hao."

Zhou Fangwu sighed helplessly and helped his forehead.


"Well... To put it simply, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com There will not be two [kings] in one territory. Whether it is for the [king] or his subordinates, or the citizens, when there is a disagreement, it will be a Big problem."

Zhou Fangwu was silent for a while, and then said:

"In short, I, who is also the [King], will definitely not bow down to others.

Therefore, it is better to be a 'King of the Mountain' in remote areas. "

"...really spineless."

Luo Hao was very dissatisfied with Zhou Fangwu's speech.

"If you want, I can divide all the territory north of the Yangtze River to you. You who sit in the north should not be underestimated."

"No, no, no, the kindness of Hierarch Luo Hao is accepted, but I still want to be a 'King of the Mountain'."

"It's really spineless."

Luo Hao once again expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhou Fangwu.

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