Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 487: If you share the same taste, you will be called a confidant

Lord Aldarp was desperate.

Obviously, he never expected that the person staying here would not be the noble lady Dustinise whom he had always coveted, and even [hero] Zhou Fangwu would not stay here.

There was only one man who looked wretched and ghostly.

—his subjective impression.

Although he also knew that this man was recognized by most of the nobles and was a member of the [Hero] team who accepted the king's order to catch the thief.

But is such an ordinary civilian adventurer really capable of catching that thief who came and went without a trace?

He doubted it.

"Hey! You guy, don't look at me with that suspicious look! Anyway, I am also a member of the [Hero] team, a companion of Senior Zhou Fang! It's just a thief in the district. If I go out, isn't it easy to catch? !"

After seeing Aldarp's disdainful gaze, Sato Kazuma, who had just finished arguing with Aqua and the others, suddenly felt frustrated in his self-esteem.

So he immediately cursed.

I want to use this method to regain trust, and I also want Aldarp to regain his confidence in himself.


How could a man with a fat brain easily approve of others?

Especially with the rendering of Sato Kazuma's bad first impression, it is impossible to catch his eye.

Aldap also immediately replied furiously: "You are the one! A guy who knows no respect, at least call me Mr. Aldap when you see me! Add the honorific title of 'Master' to me, did you hear me?"

For Sato Kazuma, an impolite guy, he really doesn't like it.

I am a nobleman anyway, and there is still a certain gap between Sato Kazuma and the common people.

Even if he is the companion of [Hero], he still considers himself superior.

"You bastard...! Senior Zhou Fang, give him up! Just let him be stolen by thieves, and let him fend for himself." Sato Kazuma proposed to replace him.

It's not just Aldap who doesn't like Sato Kazuma, but Sato Kazuma also doesn't like Alderp.

This is not acceptable.

The next target of the righteous thief Chris is Ardap.

If Sato Kazuma left, how would the next event be triggered, and how could he successfully destroy that evil artifact?

"Hey, do you really want to give up on him?"

Zhou Fangwu pretended to be difficult, and said, "It's not impossible... But, as far as I know, Lord Aldap is the only one among the nobles who knows how to enjoy himself the most."

"Hiss, the person who knows how to enjoy the most?"

Sato Kazuma's eyes froze immediately.

He seems to have heard some key words.

"Yes! You know, when Lord Aldarp was in Axel Novice Village, there were no less than dozens of maids, living a beautiful life of being served by others...

If we come to the capital this time, the number of maids will also increase more than before. "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangwu looked at Aldarp.


The man with a fat brain did not disappoint him.

Instead of explaining, Aldarp seemed to be showing off, and said loudly: "Your Excellency Hero is right! There are indeed no less than a hundred maids in my mansion!"

"What did you say…"

At this moment, Sato Kazuma made a decision.

He must live here!

Be sure to enjoy the life of being served!

"Why, why are you looking at me like that?"

Aldarp took two steps back subconsciously.

Sato Kazuma's eyes were too hot, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Master Aldap~~~ You are indeed Mrs. Aldap! You must be living a happy life of being served every day."

Sato Kazuma's sudden flattery made Aldap shudder.

However, he still said proudly: "That's right! I'm a lord, more powerful than ordinary nobles! The mansion is so big, naturally it needs a lot of people to take care of it."

Aldarp was right.

Landlords are indeed more powerful than nobles with titles.

This point can be seen from the fact that no one dared to do anything with Aldarp when he opened the map gun at the banquet yesterday. He is indeed much more powerful than those people.


To be served by a group of maids, who deliberately made things difficult while they were cleaning the room.

Looking at their distressed expressions, they have to continue to complete their work. However, as their masters, they will not let them finish it so easily, and then they will enjoy the fun in making things difficult and compromising...

It's really enviable! "

As expected of Sato Kazuma, the name of ghost animal is well deserved!

To be able to say such shocking words, and to say so on the street!

"...What, you kid understands it very well!"

Hearing Sato Kazuma's words, Aldarp also suddenly became interested.

That's right!

That's what he does!

As an evil lord, if he didn't intentionally make things difficult for the maids, deliberately make them show distressed expressions, and then take the opportunity to do something like this, wouldn't he be wasting his lord's rights in vain? !

Therefore, he abides by the principles of bad guys and always does "pleasant" things.

But this kind of 'pleasure' is 'distress' in the eyes of others.

As a result, he has been walking alone on this road for a long time, because he has no close friends who can communicate with him.

But now, there is a man who has the same idea as him!

And it seems to be very good at it!

For a moment, he couldn't stop being happy.

Even if it was a guy who didn't like the eyes just now, but now he doesn't seem to be so obtrusive.

"You boy, do you really think so?"

"Of course! Master Aldarp's life is the ideal life I've always dreamed of!"

"Good boy! Sure enough, I saw you right!"

Aldarp finally knew why he thought this man was so mediocre when he first saw Kazuma Sato, with ghosts and wretches in him.

turn out to be…

In essence, this man is exactly the same as him!

Make a decision now!

Aldarp said to Sato Kazuma, who had shining eyes and an expectant expression, "It's decided! I want you to stay in my house!"


Hearing Aldarp's invitation, Sato Kazuma was immediately excited.

He has long wanted to experience the life of being served by hundreds of maids!

"Ah! Because you are pleasing to the eye, I am going to let you see something I have hidden for a long time. It will definitely open your eyes! How about it, do you want to see it?"

"Gulu...please let me see!"

Sato Kazuma's throat moved slightly, but he didn't flinch!

In the face of challenges, he is a man who will definitely choose to face the difficulties!

…he was so mistaken.

"Good! As expected of the companion of Your Excellency [Hero]!"

Aldarp also praised it loudly.

People who don't know~www.readwn.com~ thought that Sato Kazuma agreed to some difficult challenge.

For some reason, the two of them walked shoulder to shoulder as if they had finally found a soulmate.

Akuya and the others who were left alone felt a chill.

At the same time, I have a better understanding of Sato and Zhengui, and decided to take more precautions against him.

This inexplicable development also made Zhou Fangwu messy for a while.

The two of them are...

Right? !

what is this?

Do you call yourself a confidant if you share a similar taste?

Sure enough, only ghosts and animals can have common topics with ghosts and animals.

This argument, he deeply agrees.

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