"Huh? There are actually two [Heroes] summoned?"

"That is to say, they are [Heroes], but the two of them don't go to save the world, instead they are doing self-training and so on...

Really, I don't even know what to do! Moreover, what that person said was too much! ...Although I am too much. "

At this moment, Listade is complaining here with her predecessor, Alia Doya.

As Zhou Fangwu guessed.

This newly promoted goddess who didn't know what to do, subconsciously went to learn from the seniors who had already experienced 300 times and who had always taken care of her.

But it is even more suspicious that she came purely for comfort.

Because Seiya Ryuguin's words were too sharp before, this goddess who was still inexperienced couldn't stand it.

"No, that's not the problem, Lista." Ariadoya was also deeply puzzled, with a hint of seeking in her tone, and said, "I didn't expect that you would summon two brave men, which is something I have never had before." thing."

"Eh? Not even Aria-senpai?"


"Really?! Never? 300 times without trying two people?"

"No, no, the entire Unified God Realm has never summoned two [braves]."

Listaday thought that Ariadoya had it before, but she didn't expect that not only the seniors didn't have it, but even the entire Unified God Realm didn't.

In other words, this is an extremely low-probability event?

Hit by yourself? !

No, not right.

But why is the mother-in-law not surprised at all?

"Then, is this... one of the two [Heroes] you summoned?"

Just as Listade was immersed in thinking, Aliadoya asked curiously as she looked at the young girl drinking coffee elegantly.

Because it's too coincidental.

And it's a stranger.

Under normal circumstances, they would mistake this young girl for one of the [Heroes].

"No, no, she's not the [Brave], but an elf contracted by one of the [Braves], named Beatrice."

"Beatrice? Happy girl?"

Beatrice is generally a female name, but it also means [she is the one who brings happiness] in Latin.

But seeing that the young girl in front of her didn't want to explain, Ariadoya was not angry, but introduced herself gently and gracefully.

"Hi, Miss Beatrice. I'm Ariadoya, please give me your advice."


Without Zhou Fangwu by her side, Betty subconsciously became indifferent again.

Fortunately, Alia Doya has a gentle personality. If she were someone with a more violent temper, she would probably be blown away.

"Back to the topic just now! Senior Aria, what should I do at this time? What should I do to get them to save the world?"

Listade asked anxiously to her senior.

"This..." Alia Doya was also slightly silent.

Listadade continued to complain: "According to common sense, after being greeted, they would be eager to visit another world, right?! However, they have been staying in that pure white room and being bored, and they can't wait. How strange!"

"Lista, the world you are going to save this time is an S-level difficulty. It is a good thing to have brave heroes who are as cautious as them."

"But! Shouldn't you choose to fight monsters at this time, the upgrade speed will definitely be faster than now!"

"Well, Lista doesn't need to be too nervous. Anyway, the flow rate of the Unified God Realm is very slow compared to the other world, so let them stay until they are satisfied."

Alia Doya comforted the restless Listade, asking her to be more patient.

Compared with the frizzy new goddess, she, a seasoned veteran, looks very calm, stable and reveals a gesture of ease.

He even poured a cup of black tea for his younger generation.

"Originally, the mission of the goddess is to assist and guide the [braves], but the more important thing is to take care of them."

"take care of?"

"Have you prepared the bed and bathroom in the room? And after so long, they must be hungry."

Alia Doya guided the newly promoted goddess little by little, trying to make Lista Dai understand the responsibilities of the goddess and what she should do now.

but heard.

"Ah, this one is ready. And I have left behind a statue of a goddess who can call me at any time."


He let out a little gasp, she didn't expect such a thing as a newly promoted goddess, Listade would think of it, it was really surprising.

It seems that she also has the qualifications to become the next goddess... how is it possible.

"It was said by one of the [heroes]."


Gently took a sip of the black tea in the cup, as if I had never thought about it just now, and even the smile on my face didn't collapse.


And just when Listadade was about to ask something, the goddess statue in front of her suddenly beeped.

"Eh? It's over? So fast? It's only been half a day!"

At the moment when she heard the sound of the goddess statue, Listable jumped up from her chair.

Alia Doya poured cold water on her again.

"I don't think the training is over, but I need your help."

"…how come."

"Okay, stop complaining. Lista, your [Heroes] need your help, hurry up."

"it is good-"

Listade walked out of the room very depressed, leaving Betty here alone.

There are only two people left.

Alia Doya looked at Betty and asked softly: "Hey, you are an elf, I don't know if you are good at attacking or assisting? If necessary, I can introduce you to other gods and teach you relevant experience and knowledge. .”

"...[Yin], my attribute is [Yin]. Compared to attacking, Betty is better at auxiliary magic."

"Auxiliary magic? Then, are you interested in learning about sealing magic?"

"Then... please, Goddess Alia."

"Well, leave it to me."

Alia Doya is the [Goddess of Sealing], a high-ranking goddess with the ability to seal, and she is also a strong person who specializes in auxiliary magic.

It is estimated that this time Betty can learn a lot of useful knowledge and experience in magic and other worlds.

the other side.

Lista Dai was running on the avenue leading to [Between Summoning] very fast.

He rushed into the room in a daze, and opened the door wide open.

"Here I come! Uh..."

In the eyes, there are two handsome men with bare upper body, their bodies colliding with each other from time to time.

Especially Ryuguin Seiya.

At this moment, he was out of breath and sweating profusely.

Crystal beads of sweat swayed in the air, and a strong manly breath poured into her nostrils.

"Oh, Sexly—!"

Seeing such a provocative scene, an indescribable soul in Lista Dai's heart instantly awakened, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes, staring blankly at the two of them.

The goddess entered randomly, breaking the stalemate between the two.

Ryuguin Seiya stared and said coldly: "Hey, you impolite goddess, don't you knock on the door before entering the room?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Listaday apologized softly.

He freely admitted that it was his mistake, without any appearance of embarrassment or shyness.

Of course, it would be better if her nose wasn't bleeding.

A little embarrassed.

Apparently she noticed this too, so she wiped her nose quickly.

"Then, what's the matter with you two calling me here? Or, you have finished training and want to save the world?!"

Listade looked at them with eyes full of enthusiasm and expectation.

But was extinguished again.

"No, Goddess Listade, not yet."


"Because Lord Longgong's progress will be so fast, even I didn't expect this, so I hope you can find two long swords, we are going to the next stage of training."

"...I see, I'll prepare."

Empty joy.

After understanding the reason for summoning herself, Listadette suddenly became depressed, turned and left with dead fish eyes.

The rickety body and staggering steps, like a half-dead zombie.

After a while, he came back with two wooden swords.

Seeing Lisda Dai with a lost expression, Zhou Fangwu couldn't bear to say: "Please rest assured, judging by the talent of Lord Longgongyuan, it will be over in 3 or 5 days, and we can save the world by then. "

"Really?! Didn't lie to me?"

"Well, really."


Listadia, who was still depressed at first, became cheerful in a blink of an eye, and left [Between Summoning] bouncing around.


Ryuguin Seiya clicked his tongue softly as he looked at Listade, who was walking like a wind.

Maybe he hasn't accepted Listaday yet, after all, in his impression, Listaday is still that selfish goddess.

"Then, let's start the second stage, Ryuguin-kun."

Ryuguin Seiya's growth rate is extremely exaggerated.

At the beginning, Zhou Fangwu just wanted to teach him some fighting skills, knowledge about martial arts and gymnastics.

But I didn't expect Ryuguin Seiya's learning talent to be so exaggerated, and he learned it in less than half a day.

Although the use is still relatively superficial and needs to be refined, it is amazing to be able to reach this level.

In fact, if he wanted to, Longgongyuan Seiya could still get promoted, but Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to continue to dawdle.

【Out of Novice Village at full level】

It sounds very interesting, but Zhou Fangwu doesn't intend to spend time here all the time.

After all, the higher the level, the longer it takes to exercise independently.

Even Saitama became invincible after three years.

For such a long time, even if the unity of the God Realm is slower than that of the other world, three years later, it is estimated that the other world has been completely occupied by the demon king.

In summary.

After learning some basic fighting methods, go to fight monsters and upgrade as soon as possible.

"Then, after light work and basic boxing, the next thing you need to learn is breathing."

Zhou Fang threw a wooden sword to the brave man who was still panting, and asked with a wicked smile, "Are you ready, Lord Longgong?"

"…bring it on."

Longgongyuan breathed out lightly, clenched the wooden sword in his hand.

He has a deep understanding of Zhou Fangwu's strength.

He was playing around from beginning to end...teaching himself, so that his level experience and combat skills would grow rapidly.

Compared with his original [Brave], Zhou Fangwu is more worthy of this title.

Maybe Listere was right?

But there was no time for him to continue thinking, Zhou Fangwu's attack against the storm had already struck!

There is no meaning of teaching moves at all.

Just like when he was learning martial arts before, Ryuguin Seiya could only learn the skills of beating people from being beaten.

That is to say, if you want to hit someone, get beaten first!

Although it sounds excessive, this is the best teaching method for Ryuguin Seiya.

Just like that, crackling sound came out in the pure white room.

And outside the door.

With Zhou Fangwu giving the exact time, Lisda Dai will not feel bored and tortured when waiting outside, and counts the days every day waiting for the two to come out from inside.

But I am still very curious about what the two of them are doing inside.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu had requested before that she was not allowed to go in and disturb her unless there were special circumstances, so she had to lie on the door every day and eavesdrop on what happened inside.

But all I could hear was a constant crackling sound.

...Ah, why did the door of the room turn yellow?

Oh, my eyes are turning yellow.

That's fine.

that's it.

The first day passed.

The next day passed. .

The third day passed. . .

Today's Listade is obviously more excited.

After all, Zhou Fangwu said that if he had a fast learning ability, he would come out of the room today.

So in order to be able to save the world as soon as possible, Lista Dai is fully prepared and can set off at any time!


Another day passed.

"Ah, ah?"

Looking at the still closed door, Lisda Dai stared blankly, wondering why they didn't come out yet.

"Oh oh oh, I remembered, Wu once said about 3 to 5 days, that means we have to wait for two more days? It doesn't matter, I can wait!"

Suddenly remembering what Zhou Fangwu had said, Lista Dai regained her composure, and sat obediently on the chair outside, waiting quietly.

Another day passed.

day four...

Another day passed.

Still not out on the fifth day.

Another day passed.

day six...


Day XX.

"Come out, don't come out, come out, don't come out, come out, don't come out..."

All sorts of rascals are pulling the flower in their hands, tearing off the petals and counting [Out] and [Out].

Thinking that today might be another day of waiting for nothing, Listadette slumped on the table in frustration.

But her mind began to fantasize about something else.

"Strawberry, milk, strawberry, milk, strawberry, milk..."

What are you thinking!

She was just wondering what kind of shower gel the two of them were using!

Absolutely not thinking of anything weird!

Absolutely not!


Just as Listade was rubbing her head desperately, trying to get rid of such dirty thoughts, the goddess statue in front of her suddenly rang.


"It's finally over! I'm getting impatient!"

Listadade stepped out of the room and pushed the room away.


It's strawberry milk flavored!


Shaking her cranky head, Listadia looked excitedly at the two people in the room who were ready to go.

"Seiya, Takeshi, is it over yet?"

"Well, sort of."

Zhou Fangwu answered her with a smile, and Ryuguin Seiya also told her the result with his attribute panel.

"【Ability value】!"

Ryuguin Seiya

LV: 11

HP: 1038

MP: 629

Attack power: 907

Defense: 893

Speed: 817

Mana: 410

Growth Length: 113

Resistance: Fire, Ice, Wind, Water, Thunder, Earth, Poison, Paralysis.

Special Skills: Fire Magic (LV: 3) Explosive Fire Magic (LV: 1) Gaining Experience Point Increase (LV: 2)

Special skills: [atomic splitting], [breathing method], [hell karma]

Personality: Cautious to the point of beyond imagination.


This gorgeous panel almost made Listeria faint.

No, dare to believe it!

It's only 10 days~www.readwn.com~ Can the value break 1000+? !

This is already the value of the highest level brave in the D-level world!

Even if it is an S-class world, it has the power to fight.

Good, so strong~

At this moment, Lista Dai felt that all the waiting was worth it.

But heard again.

"I originally wanted to train to the full level here." Seiya Ryuguin said with a bit of complaint in his tone.

He was dissatisfied with Zhou Fangwu's termination of training.

"Are you really planning to stay here for the rest of your life? Even if the time to unify the God Realm passes very slowly, there must be a limit! This is enough! Let's hurry up and go to [Gaiabrande] ]!"


This time Longgongyuan Seiya did not pour cold water on her, but nodded quietly, agreeing to save the world.

At the same time, she uttered lines that made Listadade feel very handsome.

"Okay, so handsome... Ahem, let's go then! Seiya, Wu!"

"Well, let's go."

Just like that, Listade activated the magic leading to another world again, took the hands of Zhou Fangwu and Ryuguin Seiya, and rushed straight for the door.

She was really afraid that the two of them would go back on their word and said that they would continue training for a while.

In that case, she would really crack.

Finally, embarking on a journey to save the world, Listadette was about to cry.

—Although it was 10 days later than scheduled.

But the result is good, isn't it?

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