early morning.

The sun shines directly into the room.

The location of his room is the best, and he can feel the warm sun early in the morning.

The day's plan lies in the morning, don't be lazy.

Slowly pushing away Akuya in his arms, Zhou Fangwu got up and started the morning exercises that he must do every morning.

Come to the courtyard and breathe the fresh air.

Open your posture and practice the breathing method you have learned.

Breathing of water, breathing of thunder, breathing of the sun...

Practice the sword shape of each breathing method to ensure that you are in a normal state at all times, so that your sword skills will not become unfamiliar.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a week since I moved into this suburban mansion.

Because there are rumors that the Headless Horseman, one of the eight cadres of the Demon King's Army, has occupied the castle not far away, and at the same time, the kingdom has urgently dispatched high-level adventurers to crusade.

This situation has drastically reduced the tasks in the adventurer's guild, and most of the adventurers are quietly nestling at home.

So this week, the team members did not gather together to do the task.

Of course, everyone didn't just lazily patronize and enjoy.

Darkness has returned to her usual state since that night, but she was still a little shy and speechless when she met Zhou Fangwu, and her abnormal personality in the past has restrained a lot.

A little uncomfortable.

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu was also embarrassed.

However, Zhou Fangwu, who kept his normal heart in mind, dealt with her quite freely, and the relationship between the two was relatively stable.

At present, she is doing explosive training in the suburbs, starting early in the morning every day and returning in the evening.

And Hui Hui also went with her, as the object of protection.

Akuya lazily stayed at home with Zhou Fangwu.

Sato Kazuma, a dead house nit, didn't stay at home, but temporarily joined another team specializing in dungeons, in the name of increasing his adventure experience.

In fact, it can be seen with a clear eye that his purpose is for Chris, the thief girl in the team.

That's right.

It's the goddess Eris who pretends to be an ordinary thief under the pseudonym Chris.

However, Zhou Fangwu didn't point it out directly, but just told Sato and Zhen not to treat other people's ghosts and animals indiscriminately, and to relax to a certain extent so as not to arouse others' resentment.

As for Zhou Fangwu, he has been studying Zebra in recent days.

He has been a little lazy recently, it's time to improve his strength.

And unlocking the markings is currently the most suitable practice for him.


It is a special state in "Demon Slayer: Blade".

The opening condition is that the heart rate exceeds 200/min, and the body temperature needs to be above 39 degrees.

People who activate the stripes can improve all the abilities of their body in a short period of time, not to mention speed and strength, even the resilience will be strengthened to another level.

In this state, sword skills and strength have doubled, far better than before.

But power often comes with a price!

Except for Ji Guoyuanyi, none of the people who turned on the stripes could live past the age of twenty-five!

The huge power of the stripes seems to be accompanied by the consumption of life, just like the power after the age of 25 has been exploded now.

Abbreviation: Krypton life.

Xiaojie (the protagonist of the hunter) is an expert!

Ji Guoyuan is the chosen one, even if the stripes are turned on all the time, he can live steadily past 80 years old; Xiaojie was rescued by Qiya's younger sister (?) Alluka with the ability of [force and request] .

What did Zhou Fangwu have?

Needless to say!

There is Aqua!

As a goddess, with the [Resurrection (Goddess Only)] skill, Zhou Fangwu can be resurrected several times after death, of course there is no need to be afraid!

And he is only 20 years old this year, and there are still 5 years before he turns 25.


He didn't believe that he could not find a solution even after traveling through the heavens and worlds for five years.

Even if he didn't find it in the end, then the reward of the Lord of the Gods can cover the whole picture, can't it?


You said that the reward of the Lord of the Gods can only be obtained by defeating the Demon King?

No way, no way?

It's not true that some people think that traversers can't defeat mere demon kings, right?

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangwu, who no longer had to worry about the future, began to practice stripes.

What works is the breathing method of the sun.

The breathing method of the sun is the initial breathing method, and Ji Guoyuan can open the stripes in one day, so the breathing method he created must be suitable.

The chest bulged greatly, like a bellows being pulled rapidly.

Plop, plop, plop...

Heart rate 80/min, body temperature 36.3 degrees

Heart rate 110/min, body temperature 36.9 degrees

Heart rate 150/min, body temperature 37.7 degrees

The air around him gradually became hot and dry, and the temperature also rose rapidly, and the emerald green grass under his feet slowly turned brown.

Unconsciously, Zhou Fangwu used magic power to assist the beating of the heart and the rise of body temperature, so as to increase the speed of opening the markings.


There was a soft sound.

His clothes started to spontaneously combust.

Bright red flame patterns also began to appear on a large area of ​​his body, starting from the upper left forehead to the right leg, infecting most of his body except the right face.

The flame pattern with teeth and claws does not appear ferocious, but has a dignified and solemn sense of majesty.

Obtained the skill [zebra (enhanced magic version)]!

Related skills appear on his adventure card, which means that he has now officially learned Zebra.

"That's the stripes."

The world he perceives becomes colorful at this moment, and the colors become bright and distinct, and the information throttling that he ignored before floods into his brain again.

He feels good now.

very good!

Even if the heart rate exceeds 200/min and the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, he still thinks that the current state is the best since time travel!

The effect of the stripe state blessed by magic power is unexpectedly powerful!

Let Zhou Fangwu have the illusion of omnipotence!

Of course, it's just an illusion.

Pick up the sun wheel knife and practice the sun breathing method again.

How different!

Instead of the awkward feeling of being restrained, it is replaced by the comfortable feeling of doing whatever you want, and the power has been greatly enhanced. Zhou Fangwu is deeply fascinated by this.

the most important is!

With the support of magic power, he felt that the rate of loss of his vitality became slower!

This means that even if he doesn't care about the stripes, he can live past the age of 25!

After a short period of excitement, Zhou Fangwu felt a little tired.

Although there are blessings, but the first time, it is very fast.

Zhou Fangwu is no exception.

Breathe gently, turn off the stripes, and return to normal.

Fatigue ensues.

The first time I turned on the stripes, I couldn't handle it, and I accidentally burned the clothes, and it won't work when I turn it on next time.

After resting for a while, after recovering his physical strength, Zhou Fangwu turned on his stripes again.

With the experience of the first time, the second time will be smooth and more durable.

That's it for the stripes, just a few more times.

Bright red stripes reappeared, covering Zhou Fangwu's entire back, UU reading www. uukanshu.com infected a large area of ​​his body.

Concentrating the magic power unintentionally released, the energy in the body becomes restrained, and it feels more oppressive when it is ready to go.

Turn on the pattern for the second time, and practice the breathing method of the sun again, the power is stronger than before!

"That's right, a few more times, and it will be perfectly applied in actual combat."

The corner of Zhou Fangwu's mouth twitched into a satisfied smile.

At this moment, Akuya rushed out from the mansion, and shouted at Zhou Fangwu: "Wu, what are you doing!"

"Infected by Darkness, naked in the courtyard?!"

After seeing the flame pattern on Zhou Fangwu's back again, he shouted: "It must have been taken over by the Balrog, that's right!"

"No, that's not the case..."

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly waved his hands and was about to explain, but Akuya was obviously the type of "the body moves faster than the mind".

He ran straight to him, and shouted: "Damn devil, return Wu quickly, Shenguangquan!"

Then Zhou Fangwu endured the punch abruptly.

…without taking a step back.

Akuya's skills only have a powerful effect on the undead, and have no harm to the human race. For Zhou Fangwu, Akuya's attack is the same as peace A.

As for the level A of the nanny, one can imagine...

Akuya, who punched Zhou Fangwu in the chest, immediately froze on the spot.

"D-I made a mistake..."

"Akua, can you get me some clothes?"

Knowing that she made a mistake, Akuya immediately burst into tears, but Zhou Fangwu didn't mean to blame her, after all, Akuya was also worried about herself.

"Yes! I'll go right away!"

Akuya hurried back again.

A happy day is about to start again.

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