Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 545: Call for help, girl! For myself!

No matter who it is, they hate the life that is arranged.

It may be a kind of beauty to outsiders, but in itself it is an inescapable bondage.

Just like now.

The other onlookers looked at Elulu with a different look in their eyes, envious of her being the strongest holy sword.

But for Ai Lulu himself, this is an extremely cruel fact.

Zhou Fangwu never understood the feeling of being arranged for his life, but he felt extremely sympathetic to Ai Lulu's established destiny.

"Go, Elulu, enjoy your last time with your companions."

The Dragon Queen Mother gave Ai Lulu time to say goodbye to the others in an 'understanding' manner.

A group of people walked out of the palace in a daze.

Silent, speechless.

It's just that there is no purpose, and I am walking in the dragon's hometown at a loss.

Enjoying the shouts from all around, but the painful truth is hidden under the bright decoration.

Listerine is the most representative.

Even if she is a goddess who has saved 5 worlds, the sacrifice of her companions is unacceptable.

Maybe if her senior, Ariadoya came, she would have no choice but to compromise.

But for her, a new goddess, it might be a difficult choice.

It's just that Matthew was the most excited one.

"Is this... this kind of thing, really good?!"

He clenched his fist tightly, his veins bulging and he never let go.

He and Ai Lulu's childhood sweetheart, both of them have no relatives, and they depend on each other for life.

But losing one all of a sudden, Matthew couldn't accept it.

"Elulu, what are you going to do?"

"How to do...what do you mean?"

"Idiot! Of course it is a matter of sacrificing your life to become the strongest holy sword! Are you really willing to do this?!"

"Well... Even if you say that, it's my fate, so there's nothing I can do about it."

The girl of the Dragon Clan laughed.

That raised little face, with a pure and innocent smile... There is also relief and relief.


This is to sacrifice your life!

Do you really... really want to? !


"It's all right, Matthew."

Matthew wanted to persuade him, but Elulu shook his head.

He took a step forward and said: "I am very weak, basically I can't help everyone. But...if I become the strongest holy sword, if I live forever as a sword...not only can I save the world, the Dragon Queen Mother will be happy, but also Help everyone... In this way, I will be satisfied."


"It's okay, it's fine like this. Right, Lista."

Elulu looked at Lisdadai.

But the newly promoted goddess didn't dare to look at her at all, so she could only turn her head slightly to avoid her eyes.

"Ah... yes."

He was vague and dared not answer directly.

She was also confused at this time.

To defeat the devil, the holy sword is necessary.

But if you want to get the holy sword, you have to sacrifice Ai Lulu.

But ah!

Is this really true?


Ai Lulu has already made up his mind, saying that it doesn't matter if he sacrifices his life, so he has to be ruthless!

As long as I can save the world, as long as I can save the world...

No, not right!

It shouldn't be like this!

Damn it!

My head was in a mess and I couldn't think at all.

Listade chose to rescue outside the field, and wanted to ask the brave men on the side.

"Holy! What are you talking about... huh?"

However, he found that he was arguing with the owner of a booth at this time, and he was negotiating fiercely about which props to buy.

No, this stupid brave man doesn't care about such things at all.

But it doesn't matter.

You know, she has two brave men.

And the other one is obviously more reliable than this cautious brave man.

"Wu, what do you think?" Lisda Dai asked Zhou Fangwu beside her.

"Well... yes, I don't really care about it."


"But there is one issue that makes me more concerned."

"What is it?"

"Holy sword, how many will there be?"


Listade couldn't answer Zhou Fangwu's sudden question, and didn't understand why she had such a question.

"Look, Ryuguin-kun and I are both brave, right? In that case, there should be two holy swords. But... Even if Elulu sacrifices his life, he can only summon one holy sword? Then In this case, could it be that Matthew also..."

"Well... Listen to what you said, it's true..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning hidden in them was self-evident, and even the way Listadia looked at Matthew was wrong.

"Eh? Eh-?!! Me too?!" Matthew opened his mouth.

"No, no, this is impossible." Zhou Fangwu knew that he had frightened him, so he quickly waved his hands to make him relax.


"Ah, what I want to say is that it's okay even if Elulu doesn't choose to become a holy sword...but the decision is in her hands."

Zhou Fangwu looked at Ai Lulu seriously.

"Ai Lulu, it's okay, no matter what you choose, I will support your decision, as long as you ask me for help, I will definitely save you! This is my promise!"

"...Really. Thank you, Wu. But it's okay, this is my mission."

Ai Lulu's mouth curled into a sweet smile, as if he had accepted his fate.

Zhou Fangwu could only shrug his shoulders.


No way, this is her own wish.

"Wu?!" Seeing that Zhou Fangwu stopped persuading her, Lisda Dai subconsciously exclaimed, "Holy, come quickly, Holy!"

"What?!" Responding to her was Ryuguin Seiya's cold and disgusted tone.

"What 'why'! Hurry up, you can persuade me too!"

"What this guy should do has already been decided, and I don't need to say anything."

Ryuguin Seiya's tone was still lacking in emotion.

It seems that he, like Zhou Fangwu, does not interfere with Ai Lulu's choice.

But it's actually quite different.

It's just that other people don't think so.

This dull atmosphere lasted until sunset unconsciously.

It wasn't until Lagas brought a group of dragon soldiers to look for him and knelt in front of them that he realized that the time spent with his companions had passed.

Time to say goodbye.

Dragon Valley.

Climb up the steep hillside at nightfall and come to the vicinity of the valley.

Under the abyss is the place where the holy sword is buried.

The place is illuminated by countless torches, and there are a lot of delicacies and flowers on display. Many dragon people gather around and chat and laugh, their faces are full of excitement.

It is a supreme honor for them to witness the birth of the strongest holy sword.

Among them, the one sitting on the highest and most luxurious chair is the Dragon Queen Mother.

"You are finally here, Goddess, Brave, and Matthew, please come here."

It beckons people.

Ai Lulu also wanted to follow, but was stopped by other dragonmen.

"Master Ai Lulu, please change your clothes here."


Before anyone else could stop her, she was taken away by the dragon man and disappeared from everyone's sight.


The Dragon Queen Mother clapped her hands to draw everyone's attention back.

"Okay, let's enjoy the food while Ai Lulu is back."

The lively banquet began, and the dragons were all eating and drinking.

It's just that they didn't have much interest, they just ate a little less food.

Among them, Longgongyuan Seiya didn't eat anything, and even bought water from the item shop, Zhou Fangwu tasted the wine beautifully.

It's a little over the top to drink.

With his current physique, it is basically impossible to get drunk.

But the wine brewed secretly by the Dragon Clan is somewhat different.


Zhou Fangwu raised his brows slightly, but his face remained calm, without any abnormalities.

He even drank with the dragon man next to him, showing a very relaxed look.

And at this time, several little dragons came to him.

"Big Brother, Big Brother! Here, these are biscuits we made with our own hands!"

Looking at the biscuits they took out of the basket, there was hope on their faces.

He looked at not only him, but also Seiya Ryuguin, Riesta Dai, and Matthew, who were silently gnawing on the biscuits in their hands.

Zhou Fangwu chuckled, picked up a biscuit, and chewed it.

"Thank you, it's delicious."


After being praised, Xiaolong was even happier, and even Zhou Fangwu grinned even wider.

During this period, Listade was struggling for the last time.

"Dragon Queen Mother, is Eluru going to become a holy sword no matter what?"

"Of course. There is no way to save the world other than making Eluru a holy sword. This is her mission and her destiny."

"Yes, is it..."

"Compared to this, Goddess, let's enjoy this banquet to the fullest, this is also for Elulu."

"Ah... that's right."

In the end, Lisda Dai sighed and gave up the unrealistic delusions in her heart.

As a newly promoted goddess who has only saved the low-level world 5 times, she really can't think of a better solution.

I just don't know why, but I can't breathe because of the depression in my heart.

Longgongyuan Seiya on the side had a cold face, and Zhou Fangwu was drinking heavily again.

Listade also had no choice but to be unhappy.

It is incompatible with the atmosphere of singing, dancing and laughing loudly at the banquet.

The banquet did not last long.

Not long after, all the torches around were extinguished, and then lit up again in an instant.

A passage lit by torches was displayed in front of everyone, leading directly to the abyss of the back mountain.

And at the end of the passage is today's protagonist.

—Ai Lulu.

At this time, she was wearing a gorgeous light red dress, with light makeup painted on her immature face, and on her head was wearing the luxurious ornaments of the Dragon Queen Mother.

Unlike before, she seemed to have the awe-inspiring presence of a high-ranking dragon.

Whether it's beauty or temperament.

"Come on! It's time to start the ritual of summoning the holy sword!"

The Dragon Queen Mother stood up from her seat, pointing to the end of the passage lit by the torch, the abyss in the darkness.

"Go, Ai Lulu! At the bottom of this valley - [Dragon Cave Naraku], there is a magic circle carved by the ancestor Huanglongdi. As long as the son of destiny, Ai Lulu jumps down, the magic circle will be activated! Flesh, flesh and soul will be covered by the magic circle Absorb it and transform it into the shining and strongest holy sword—Igzacion!"

"Oh—!!" xn

After it finished speaking, the dragon people onlookers applauded and cheered at the same time.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Ai Lulu walked slowly towards the valley.

"No, no! Eluru!"

Matthew and Listadade stopped her loudly at the same time.

"Sure enough... Sure enough, this is wrong! No way! It's wrong to do this!"

In the next second, Matthew jumped up from his seat and wanted to rush towards Ai Lulu.

But it was stopped by the dragon people who had been prepared for a long time.

"I can't let you pass, Master Matthew! It is not allowed to stop the ceremony!"

"Damn it! Let me go!"

However, no matter how hard Matthew tried, he couldn't break free from the oppression of the digital dragonmen.

He asked loudly to the goddess beside him.

"Lista, is this really okay?!"


The newly promoted goddess also looks very shaken.

She couldn't make up her mind either.

"Matthew... Lista..."

At this moment, Ai Lulu also hesitated.

Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, and her determination was shaken violently.

On the other hand, the dragon cadre with a high position clicked his tongue in displeasure: "Tsk, is it because someone hindered her from making up her mind to jump down? No, it can't be done like this. Come on, help Master Ai Lulu .”

After speaking, under its command, a group of tall dragonmen surrounded it.

Those pressing footsteps made Ai Lulu subconsciously back up.

"Go ahead, just push Master Ailur into Naraku like this."

"How could it be... how could it be! This is simply killing—!"

Listodex yelled anxiously.

But her cries were drowned out by the louder voices of the surrounding dragons.

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

"Give up your life and become the strongest holy sword!"

"Ahh! It's really enviable!"

"But this is the fate of Lord Elulu!"

"That's right, it's all about saving the world!"

Excitement and fanaticism are intertwined, covering this dim valley, and also covering Listaday's heart.

They all had crazy looks on their faces.

This behavior is like holding some evil sacrifice.

It's not a ceremony to summon the holy sword at all!

Just as Listade was in despair, a soft sound echoed in the valley.


Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands together.

"Okay, that's it."

It was just a soft noise, even softer than Listaday's loud cry just now.

But with just such a clap of hands, everyone froze.

Can't move.

"This, this is...!"

"what is the problem?!"

"Body...I can't move my body!"

"Damn it!"

【Silence of Time】

A sword technique that can forcibly restrain a person's movements.

It was Zhou Fangwu's first acquisition, and it was also one of the biggest hole cards.

With the blessing of [God Slayer]'s super magic power, it can almost cover the entire valley.

"I'm sorry, Dragon Queen Mother."

Zhou Fangwu got up slowly from his seat, looked at it and said, "It seems that our companion has changed his mind."


Dragon Queen Mother's reptilian-like eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't pay attention to it.

Instead, he looked at Ai Lulu.

"Ai Lulu, what are your thoughts? What are your real thoughts at this time?"


The girl was silent.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that she had already wavered.

Said again:

"Saving the world doesn't require sacrificing you. It doesn't matter. You don't need to think about the future. What I want to know is your truest thoughts at the moment."


"You just need to speak out your truest thoughts. If you ask me for help, I will definitely save you! If you want to ask anything, because I... am [Hero (Hope)]!"

"Is that so... that's right..."

The dragon girl lowered her head and hesitated.

But Zhou Fangwu was not in a hurry.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the girl in front of her to express her truest thoughts.

at last.

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Ai Lulu shouted to him:

"Wu!...Please, I don't want to become a holy sword! Help me, Wu!"

"Ah! I have received your request!"

Hearing the girl's cry for help, [Hero] had a reason to save.


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