Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 549: they all have a bright future

In fact, Zhou Fangwu didn't want Ryuguin Seiya to learn his trick.

After all, he is specialized in [Water Element], but Seiya Ryuguin is in [Fire].

do it.

In fact, I want to broaden his horizons.

Just like Ryuguin Seiya used different amounts of hair and hair in different positions when making weapons before, Zhou Fangwu also chose to pass on this shining point.

Moreover, Ryuguin Seiya also learned the ultimate breathing method, and opened up [patterns] and [transparent world].

If he can develop another powerful sword skill based on this, it will be regarded as the greatest help to him.

First pull the perspective back to the battlefield.

After Zhou Fangwu's move, Dragon Queen Mother paid the price with her life because of her carelessness.

After a scream, he collapsed on the ground and couldn't move, and the golden scales on his body collapsed instantly.

Under Lista Dai's [Ability Perspective], this desperately powerful mother of dragons, whose life value was as high as 3W, was instantly emptied and returned to zero.

That kind of suddenness is like the game entering the plot.

Zhou Fangwu simply followed the prompts and triggered the system's built-in QTE link, causing the Dragon Queen to exit immediately.

Pretty confusing.

"But... anyway, we won? Right?!"

Listade wanted to cheer, but remembered that her companion was still being cursed, so she quickly checked Elulu's status.

It was found that the dragon girl in her arms had recovered, the cursed props on her neck had been broken, and her dark and blue skin had returned to normal.

"That's great..." Lista Dai finally let out a sigh of relief.


Ai Lulu also embraced the newly promoted goddess, crying uncontrollably.

The sense of joy of being alive after the catastrophe.

If it wasn't impossible, would he choose to dedicate his life?

But in this case, the dragon people onlookers will not remain silent.

They raised the weapons in their hands, looked at the people in the field with murderous intent, and formed an encircling circle little by little, wanting to avenge the dead Dragon Queen Mother.

But in this case, Zhou Fangwu made a move that angered them even more.

He even kicked the body of Dragon Queen Mother down the valley!

"But, **** it...!"

"It's not enough to kill the Dragon Queen Mother, but you still treat her corpse like this!"


"It's really... too much!"

"I will never let you go easily!"

Not only them, but even Lisda Dai felt that Zhou Fangwu was going too far.

Even if the Dragon Queen Mother did bad things before she was alive, but now she is dead, is it too bullying (dragon) to treat the body like this?

And he still angered other dragon people at such a critical moment, wouldn't this put him in more danger?

However, things are not as simple as they thought.


"Shut down, look down."

Under Zhou Fangwu's request, Listadai and the others had to wait silently, but the dragons who gradually surrounded them made them nervous again.


A strong light shot straight into the sky from the depths of the valley, from the dragon's lair.

"Then, what is that..."

The dragon people who came up stopped, staring blankly at the beam of light that shot straight into the sky.

When the beam of light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a sword.

A long sword with dark red spots.

This is the magic circle in the Dragon Cave Naraku, a long sword that absorbed the flesh and soul of the Dragon Queen Mother.

Ryuguin Seiya grabbed the sword and said as a matter of course: "Very good, I got the strongest holy sword."

"It's not the strongest holy sword!" xN

A group of dragonmen refuted him loudly.

It's no wonder that the dragon people are so excited. It's true that this sword doesn't look like a holy sword, and it doesn't have any sacred attributes.

"This sword is absolutely fake!"

"Ah! Because there is no light from the legendary holy sword!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Sure enough, I still have to kill Elulu!"

The suppressed malice rose again, and the dragon people's fanatical eyes once again focused on the poor dragon girl.


"Shut up, you stupid dragon people!"

Seiya Ryuguin insulted them unceremoniously.

It may be that the reprimand came out of nowhere, making these dragon people subconsciously stand on the spot, looking at Ryuguin Seiya but not knowing what to say.

But Ryuguin Seiya did not stop.

"You guys once said that the holy sword needs the flesh and blood of the daughter of the Dragon Clan! Since the life of the Dragon Queen Mother is already in this sword, then..."

As he said that, he scratched Ai Lulu's arm.

"It hurts."

"Master! What are you doing!"

"Shut up and let Lista heal her later."

With a yell at Matthew, Ryuguin Seiya attached a small piece of flesh to the black-red long sword in his hand.

"Next, I will combine Elulu's flesh and blood with this sword..."


I don't know if it's because Ryuguin Seiya activated his skills. The black-red long sword in his hand suddenly turned into a long sword glowing with golden light, and the dazzling light flowed back and forth around the sword.

It looks miraculous.

"That light, that divine radiance..."

"You can't be wrong! This is..."

"The holy sword... is the real holy sword!"

"It's the strongest holy sword—Igzacion!"

Seeing the birth of the 'real' holy sword, the dragon people became fanatical again.

Thanks to the long-term brainwashing of the Dragon Queen Mother, this group of dragons are so obsessed with the holy sword~www.readwn.com~ and they don't respect the Dragon Queen Mother so much.

However, there are still dragon people who feel that something is wrong.

"But... the Dragon Queen Mother passed away..."

"It's her long-cherished wish to dedicate her life to saving the world. Didn't she always say that before her life?"

"Uh...that's right."

"Right, so what's the problem?"

"No... how should I put it... It seems that there is, and it seems that there is no..."

"This is a win-win! You have completed the mission of dedicating the holy sword, and I also got the strongest holy sword to defeat the devil. This is a win-win situation!"

"This, can this be said to be a win-win situation?"

"What are you talking about!"

Longgongyuan Seiya looked serious, and said firmly: "It's definitely a win-win situation, that's right! Therefore, the holy sword ceremony is over!"

Even if he said so, the dragon people refused to leave the scene.

Because they always feel that something is wrong, they always feel that Ryuguin Seiya is talking nonsense and some nonsense theories.

But their meager brain capacity really can't figure out what's wrong.


Huge applause resounded through the valley.

While they were thinking, Ryuguin Seiya suddenly slapped his hands, startling everyone.

But it also attracted everyone's attention.

"Okay, disband!"

Just because the voice was so powerful, all the dragon people obediently left the valley like elementary school students scolded by the teacher.

So, after all, if you are a dragon person, your brain just doesn't work well.

But it was just like what Seiya Ryuguin said.

Final result.

Ai Lulu survived, the mission of the Dragon Clan to protect the Holy Sword ended, and Ryuguin Seiya also got the 'Holy Sword'.

They all have bright futures.

Only the world where the Dragon Queen Mother was injured was reached.

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