Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 553: 2 people alone...found!

After eliminating the breath on the sword, it doesn't mean that everything will be fine, and it doesn't mean that the holy sword can be produced smoothly.

There are many other crucial things that he needs to prepare one by one.

Fortunately, Alia Doya was not really angry.

She still came to help make the holy sword on the second day.

Seeing her smile as usual, Zhou Fangwu took a long breath subconsciously.

Alia Doya looked at the holy sword that was no longer with black and red spots and asked: "Wu, has the breath on the holy sword been exorcised?"

In fact, she had already guessed it, but she still asked.

An awkward feeling of discomfort lingered in my heart.

Zhou Fangwu didn't notice it.

Instead, he raised the holy sword in his hand, with satisfaction and a little regret.

"Well, the evil and filthy smell has been removed. Unfortunately, I wanted to strip them off."

That's right.

In fact, what Zhou Fangwu hoped most at the beginning was to strip out this evil and filth and make it into a holy sword.

No, it might be the magic sword in the end.

But what is certain is that the strength must be the same as the holy sword!

Too bad he didn't have a way to peel them off and store them.

In addition, Alia Doya is better at breaking the seal than the seal.

In the end, I can only give up.

"Then what else do we need to do?" Aliadoya asked again: "I can feel that the aura on this sword is weaker than before. Do you want to directly add the hair of the god?"

"No, no, it's still early." Zhou Fangwu shook his head.

The initial state of the holy sword is complete, but without the evil breath, its strength has been reduced by at least 3 times.

It seems to be a loss, but at the same time it also has more possibilities.


"...Sure enough, it still needs tempering."

Looking at the whitish sword, Zhou Fangwu came to this conclusion.

This sword was transformed from the flesh and blood of the Dragon Queen Mother. Resentment and anger have already eroded the sword body, and it is necessary to get rid of these things.

I didn't use [Power·Purification] at first because I wanted to keep the spirituality in it.

Although Aqua's [water] is harmless to human beings, it is indeed a real crit to evil things.

After thinking about it, I still need to use [Power·White Horse].

Unlike the brutal method of exorcising the evil breath and directly converting it into raw materials, it is quite a test of technical skill to temper the sword without destroying its spirituality.

"Tsk, it's troublesome."

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help clicking his tongue softly.

But even if it is very troublesome, it can be predicted how strong the holy sword will be after being tempered in this way.

"So, Goddess Alia, you come to help."

"Okay! What do I need to do?"

Alia Doya squeezed her little hands, looking ready.

But what Zhou Fangwu said next made her slightly stunned.

"Wipe my sweat." Zhou Fangwu said.

"Okay!" Alia Doya replied subconsciously, but found something wrong again: "...Eh? Sorry, can you say it again? I seem to have misheard."

"I said, wipe my sweat." Zhou Fangwu repeated.


Seeing that Zhou Fangwu didn't look like he was joking, Ariadoya also knew that what he said was true.

I heard it.

"Next, I will use a difficult-to-control ability to temper this holy sword. It may be quite dangerous. In fact, I hope you can use your divine power to seal this place at the critical moment when I lose control."

"Yes, that's right... Don't worry, although I'm not good at sealing, I will always pay attention."

Aliadoya nodded seriously after hearing the explanation, saying that she would cover the whole story for him.


Zhou Fangwu took a deep breath and picked up the unfinished holy sword in front of him.

Using authority to temper is purely his whimsy.

Different from [making a necklace no matter how many waste products it produces], this is a very difficult physical work with only one chance, and the difficulty of the test is not small.

But, it's worth a try!

The fire of power was ignited in his hand, and he held his breath and carefully approached the holy sword in his hand.

Just after touching it, the pale holy sword that seemed to have been purified trembled again.

A black mist instantly escaped from the sword body, accompanied by a sharp sound like a scream.

In an instant, Zhou Fangwu's forehead was covered with sweat.

Alia Doya quickly picked up the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This process is boring but can not have any slack.

She wanted to help, but she didn't know what to do, so she could only worry on the sidelines.

Looking at Zhou Fangwu's serious and serious look.

Before I knew it, my thinking became slack, the movements of my hands became mechanical, and my eyes lost focus, as if I was remembering something.



"Wu, are you there?!"

Ryuguin Seiya pushed the door violently and entered without giving anyone any time to prepare.


Zhou Fangwu thought it was bad.

The flame of power in his hand suddenly lost control, and a powerful coercion descended in an instant. The long neighing of the white horse echoed in this small call, and everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

Zhou Fangwu roared, "Alia!"

"Yes, leave it to me!"


In the next second, the soft divine power instantly wrapped him up, and the violent [Power·White Horse] returned to his body obediently.


No one was hurt and no damage was done.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu wanted to vomit blood because he wanted to release it but couldn't.


Taking a long breath, resisting the discomfort, the body subconsciously went limp.

Fall forward.

All of a sudden, he buried his head in a white valley.

Ah, ah?

This sweet and creamy...

No, can't you? !

Before he came back to his senses, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, on the contrary, Lista Dai screamed.

"Ah, ah, ah...Senior Alia, and...Wu?!" Lista Dai shouted in disbelief as she looked at the two people who seemed to be very close to each other.

"Huh—?!!" Matthew also exclaimed.

"Wu, and Goddess Alia, so you have this kind of relationship?!" Ai Lulu asked.


Except for Ryuguin Seiya who remained cold and expressionless, the other three looked very surprised.

"No, you misunderstood."

The power riot made Zhou Fangwu quite uncomfortable, and he frowned and got up from the valley. During the period, he heard an inaudible hum, but he chose to forget it wisely.

"I was tempering the holy sword just now, and my ability rioted." With a simple explanation, he said with a reproachful tone: "Mr. Dragon Palace, how about knocking on the door next time when you come in?"

Even though he said so, Zhou Fangwu knew without even thinking about it, this prudence would never change.

"Wh, what... so it turns out that Senior Alia and Wu are not in that kind of relationship." Listade looked very disappointed.

This guy…

Aliaduoya and Longgongyuan Shengjian had a very good relationship before, she was so jealous, why did she change her attitude once she got to Zhou Fangwu?

But knowing the original relationship between her and Ryuguin Seiya, I can understand it.

"Lista, do you think we're doing something?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Listade looked at Alia Doya's face as usual, and she was completely free from the embarrassment she had when she was discovered in front of everyone just now.

Can't help but sigh in my heart:

As expected of the goddess I adore, Alia-senpai!

The veteran goddess who saved 300 worlds is quite mature!

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