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According to medical science, most of people's personality and behavior are related to memory.

Just like what is shown in film and television dramas or anime, after restoring memory, his personality changes suddenly, and he instantly becomes another person.

Originally, Zhou Fangwu sneered at this phenomenon, thinking that it was just an exaggerated expressiveness in film and television dramas or animations.

But now, he had to put aside his prejudices and admit that memories do have an impact on a person.

After all, he is a real case now.

The goddess who threw herself into her arms was weeping with pear blossoms and rain, and Zhou Fangwu was also in pain, without any intention of being distracted or cranky.

He stretched out his hands to give her a loving hug, but stopped in mid-air at the last moment, not knowing whether to hug her or not.

In his memory, he will definitely appease this sad goddess.

But now he can't make such an intimate move.

To be honest, this memory flow had a great influence on him.

If you insist on describing it, it should belong to mental derailment.

But he swears to Akuya that there is absolutely no excessive physical intimacy, and negative distance contact is even more impossible!

After all, the rule of the Unified God Realm is that goddesses cannot be too close to humans.

"Goddess Alia..."

Zhou Fangwu didn't know whether to say "I'm back" or "He's not me".

There is no other information about himself in that memory, just like a complete him, an independent individual, another him.

In this special situation, Zhou Fangwu didn't know what to do.

But Ariadoya made a choice for him.

Holding Zhou Fangwu's bracelet around himself, and then retracting his body into his broad chest, like a little girl looking for a warm haven.

After suppressing her own feelings for a long time, Alia Doya has reached a critical point.

Unable to bear to hurt her again, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to let her hug him.

The front of her chest was already soaked with tears, but Ariadoya had no intention of stopping crying.

until someone broke in.

"Hey, hey, what are you two doing cuddling?" With the familiar flick of the tongue and irritable tone, she knew it was Val Qiulei without turning her head.

"How did you come?"

Subconsciously asked this question, but the goddess gave her a disgusted look.

"Huh?! This is my room, why can't I come back?!"

"Uh...sorry, I forgot."

Zhou Fangwu didn't expect this series of events.

Afterwards, Val Qiulei glared at him displeasedly, and shouted: "You don't go to save the world with that third-rate goddess, but why are you still here? And, why are you two hugging each other?!"

Just now, Listade reprimanded her loudly, yelling at her (goddess) and Ryuguin Seiya (human being) for getting mixed up, which almost made this grumpy goddess almost unable to hold back.

Now seeing Zhou Fangwu and Alia Doya hugging each other, I naturally feel uncomfortable.

" should I put it..."

"Forget it, I don't care what you do, now, leave my room immediately!"

Val Qiulei waved her hand, telling them to leave quickly.

Ariadoya also stopped crying at this time.

But when her glowing red eyes were discovered, Val Qiulei, who didn't know the truth, immediately became furious.

In an instant, he rushed to Zhou Fangwu's body, grabbed his collar and yelled viciously: "What did you do, why is she crying, huh?!"

There was a fierce light in those eyes, if Zhou Fangwu didn't give her a satisfactory answer, then the consequence of meeting him would definitely be a fat beating from the Goddess of Destruction.

"It's none of his business!" Alia Doya interceded on behalf of Zhou Fangwu: "It's me, it's me who remembered the sad things before. Thanks to Youwu's comfort, I was able to walk out in a short time. In addition, Thank you for your concern, Lady Valkyrie."

Although Val Qiulei likes to take money and has a bad temper, she still cares about these goddesses.

It's just that the way it behaves is a bit awkward.

Seeing that Alia Doya didn't seem to be lying, she let go with a cold snort.

"Forget it, since you don't want to pursue it anymore, then I won't point fingers. Leave now!"

"Yes, Lady Valkyrie."

Alia Duya bowed gratefully, and then pulled Zhou Fangwu to leave here.


The brave man didn't move.


"Goddess Val Qiulei, I want you to teach me 【Heavenly Hell Gate】."


Val Qiulei stared one eye wide, and narrowed the other slightly. This way, she didn't look like a goddess, but rather a black-faced big sister.

"No! Wu, you must not learn!"

Alia Doya still chose to stop it.

She knew that Zhou Fangwu, who couldn't use the [Brave System], was not protected. Once he died, he would really die and would not be sent back.

That's why she wouldn't let Zhou Fangwu learn such a dangerous skill.

"Could it be that when you encounter an invincible enemy, you can only lead to death obediently?" Zhou Fangwu asked rhetorically.


"Goddess Alia, in your opinion [I] will rely on talent to defeat the enemy every time, but talent also has a limit, otherwise there is no need to work hard to upgrade at the beginning."


"So, what if I encounter an enemy whose strength is too strong for me to defeat? What can I do at that time?"

Alia Doya was silent.

Zhou Fangwu was right.

Even when they were adventuring together with [Zhou Fangwu], they would also carry out the necessary level upgrades, so they also understand that talents have limits.

"...Okay, I agree with you to learn."

Alia Doya made this difficult decision.

Logically speaking, the goddess who is in charge of Zhou Fangwu is Listade, and she should be the one to judge whether there is learning, but now Aliadoya is taking the decision from the back.

Hearing her agreement, the corners of Zhou Fangwu's mouth curled up.

But before he was happy, he heard it again.

"But you can't be in close contact with Seiya's skin! At the same time, I have to keep an eye on you all the time!"

I always feel that she is not afraid of Zhou Fangwu's death by using this skill, but because she doesn't want the two of them to be jealous because of their close contact.

But forget it, it would be best for her to agree.

"Hey, hey, you two are talking to yourself there, have you asked me what I think?"

Obviously, Valkyrie didn't really want to teach.

Alia Doya bowed formally: "Please, Mrs. Valqiulei!"

Seeing her like this, Val Qiulei was silent for a while.

"It's you who say not to learn, and you who say to learn... Well, I can teach him."


"But! Whether he can learn it depends on himself, and... this pair of plump big Xs will be rubbed by me!"

The **** Val Qiulei suddenly jumped behind Alia Doya, and stretched out her salty pig hands to rub the plumpness and softness of the goddess' chest desperately.

Well, very seductive.

Alia Doya did not resist until Val Qiulei was satisfied, and the course of imparting divine skills officially began.

Zhou Fangwu was a little nervous, but more excited.

Because he will immediately learn the divine skill beyond cause and effect - [Heavenly Hell Gate]!


After fumbling for a long time, she issued a "death verdict" to Zhou Fangwu, clearly telling him that he could not learn this magic skill.

"No, you can't learn."


Val Qiulei clicked her tongue and looked at Zhou Fangwu in disbelief.

"You guy, you are really loved by the gods! Not to mention the blessings of multiple gods, you even have the protection of the power of the highest goddess on your body... This is too exaggerated."

"That, what do you mean?" Zhou Fangwu didn't know why.

"The blessings of those low-level gods are nothing. The most important thing is that your soul is surrounded by a particularly pure power, and it is impossible to engrave a magic circle on your soul."

"...Sorry, I don't understand, please explain clearly and concisely."

"Tsk, how should I explain..."

Val Qiulei clicked her tongue softly: "You can learn my [Destruction Technique], but [Heavenly Hell Gate] is a magic circle that needs to be engraved on the soul to communicate with the underworld. Even I (goddess) is no exception to this point, do you understand?"

Although he didn't quite understand, Zhou Fangwu still understood what she meant.

In order to activate the magical skill [Heavenly Prison Gate] that transcends cause and effect, it is necessary to carve a magic circle on the soul that can pay the price, but now Zhou Fangwu's soul is wrapped in pure energy, so it is impossible to carve a magic circle.

Don't think about it, this must be related to Akuya!

In his impression, only Akuya's energy was the purest, and when he became Akuya's half-behind, Val Qiulei couldn't cause trauma to his soul.

In essence, this is a very good protection, but now because of this, I can't learn the magic skill.

Zhou Fangwu was a little frustrated, and didn't know how to express his inner distress.

Presumably even if Akua knew it, she would say something triumphantly: Thanks to her, she didn't get hurt.


Missing the magical skill, Zhou Fangwu's mood naturally couldn't get better.

Ariadoya didn't have any other reactions, but was very interested in Akuya, whom Zhou Fangwu had always been thinking about, and kept deliberating information about her from the sidelines.

"Okay, okay, since you can't learn the skills, you all leave my room quickly!"

Grumpy goddess, chasing people online.

Val Qiulei expelled Zhou Fangwu: "Don't you guys still have the task of saving the world? Hurry up and don't let that man have any accidents."

She was talking about Ryuguin Seiya.

It seems that in just three days, Ryuguin Seiya conquered the irascible goddess.

As expected of a cautious brave man!

"Okay, then I'll go to Goddess Isister and ask her to send me to [Gaiabrande]." Zhou Fangwu had already made plans.

"Go, go, come back soon."

"Wu... Be careful, don't get hurt, and be careful."

The two goddesses cheered him up in their own way.

"Ah, it's okay, leave it to me..."

Zhou Fangwu didn't say the following words, it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't make a sound, he murmured a few times and closed his mouth again.

The effects of memory are still there.

But the time is too short, he is still not willing to accept this kind of memory, and the impact of the stalemate on him is also very serious.

Alia Doya also noticed this, she smiled bitterly, but did not speak.

She has a hunch.

It is very likely that Zhou Fangwu will not come back after leaving this time, and they will not meet again in a short time.

But even so, Aliadoya just looked at him and silently blessed the brave man.

Zhou Fangwu was silent for a while, then walked in front of Alia Doya, stretched out his arms and hugged her gently.

As far as he could remember, the two of them did this often.

The goddess in her arms wept with joy.

Zhou Fangwu loosened his arms, stopped staying, and left here.

But with her outstanding hearing, she still heard Val Qiulei say something like: "I didn't expect you to like this type".

I met no acquaintances on the way, and went straight to the room of the great goddess Isister.

Seeing the same kind old man as he remembered, Zhou Fangwu didn't know how to speak.

On the contrary, Isister was the first to say hello: "Should I say [meet you for the first time], or [long time no see]?"

"It's up to you. But whether it's this time or the last time, we should have met [the second time]."

"That's long time no see, Brave."

"Long time no see, Great Goddess Isister."

Zhou Fangwu bent down slightly, saluted the goddess who helped him, and expressed his respect and gratitude.

"I know the purpose of your visit this time, but are you really going?"

"...Yes, go."

There is no surprise to the words of the great goddess Isister, and in front of her who can "foresee the future" for a short time, the choice she will make has long been exposed.

"Why? You should know that you are not suitable for facing danger anymore, right?"

"But I am [hero]."

Although he has always been said to be a brave man, after saving the world with Alia Doya, in order to distinguish himself from ordinary brave men (those pendants), he has always called himself a "hero".

"Besides... you know, Goddess Isista, that Mr. Ryuguin doesn't have a holy sword, nor a holy armor. If he encounters an S-level demon king, he will probably lose, even if he has learned the [Heavenly Prison Gate]. of."

The granny-like goddess in front of her is the administrator of the Unified God Realm, and she has a very clear understanding of the affairs of Ryuguin Seiya and Listade, whether it is the previous life or the current life.

Of course she knew that Ryuguin Seiya did not have the necessary items to defeat the Demon King.

But even more she didn't want Zhou Fangwu to be in deep trouble.

"That world has a magic circle that destroys the soul. Once you die, it is really over. Let me ask again, are you really going?"

"I know. But I don't have [Brave System] protection, so it doesn't make any difference to me."

"Then... you know the consequences of saving the world this time, right?"


All the previous ones are nonsense, only the last one is the purpose.

Zhou Fangwu knew clearly that once he saved the world, he would get the [Key] to take control of the world from God Realm again, although he didn't know how to use it.

But what we can know is that the Supreme God Realm will definitely blame it, and no one can escape. UU reading

Especially Listadai and Ryuguin Seiya, they are likely to be implicated by themselves after they run away.

"But even then, I don't want them to die just like that." Zhou Fangwu said solemnly, and at the same time, he said with a pleading tone: "I'll leave Listara and Longgongyuan Seiya to you, Isista Great Goddess!"

"...Well, I agree to your request." Isista smiled lightly: "But has Goddess Alia told you? I want you to become a god."

"Yes, I said it."

In fact, no, he discovered it through memory.

I don't know what those people in the Supreme God Realm think.

The world they controlled was taken away by someone. Did they think that by including that person in their own interest group, they could indirectly control the world that was taken away?

If you think that way, it is really whimsical.

"Since I said it, I hope you can think about it." Isister opened a portal, "Go, follow your heart, and save the world again."

"Yes! I'm leaving!"

Zhou Fangwu replied, stepped into the teleportation array and disappeared.

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