Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 538: Festival begins

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Summer has arrived.

The monsters started to come alive.

If it is said that all the monsters that come out in winter are powerful guys, then the monsters that come out in summer are all weaklings.

And this time is the time when adventurers make a lot of money.

Because there are many tasks that can be accepted, and the rewards are quite considerable.

In addition, the festival is coming soon.

In order to prevent the monsters from rioting during the festival, the adventurers will organize a manpower to clean the monsters a period of time in advance every year, which can be regarded as a preventive measure.

But among them, there is a large-scale crusade mission that all adventurers will actively ask to participate in.

- Deworming!

To be precise, it is catching cicadas.

Cicadas generally symbolize the arrival of summer. After lurking in the soil for 4 years, they sing wantonly for 7 days in summer (in island countries). It makes people lament that their lives are so miserable, and they can only release the most brilliant brilliance at the end of their lives.

The sound of cicadas not only makes people aware of the arrival of summer, but also doubles their irritability in summer.

It is a kind of insect that people admire and hate at the same time.

The cicadas in Suqing are different from the cicadas in Tianchao, which may be related to the accumulation of magic power. Not only are there a large number of cicadas here, but they can also be active for as long as a month.

Because of its magic power, its size is also several times larger, and its cry is also very loud.

Very disturbing.

And not only cicadas, but also other insects will disturb the forest and bring a lot of trouble to the festival.

But none of this has anything to do with Zhou Fangwu, just leave it to Aqua and Eris to compete.

Not only as a punishment, Zhou Fangwu also offered a reward.

- First strike in a best-of-five system.

Although the competition item is to collect everyone's opinions, the selection of the competition items is drawn in rotation between the two sides. If there is one more chance to draw, doesn't it mean that the victory will be bigger?

So Zhou Fangwu decided that whoever can catch more cicadas will have the chance to draw one more event.

Being able to arouse their enthusiasm, Zhou Fangwu can also calm down for a while, so why not do it?

In the days that followed, Aqua and Eris spent the whole day competing with each other.

It was rare for Akuya not to shout tired, and she worked hard to get this reward.

The adventurers who were originally free and unrestrained suddenly felt ashamed when they saw Aqua, Eris and others working so hard.

They, who were embarrassed to be lazy behind the scenes, were also motivated.

It is rare for the divided adventurers to condense into one force.

And in this situation, no amount of cicadas can stop them.

Scheduled a one-month plan, and finished it in just half a month.

"With such high enthusiasm, it seems that it is still useful to arouse the competitive psychology of Aqua and Eris."

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the report sent by the Adventurer's Guild.


"Wu, Wu! Come on, spread honey all over my body!"

Darkness awakened a strange habit again, and there was a strange play on the bed, which made Zhou Fangwu scratch his head.

The insect disaster was temporarily resolved, and Aqua was the one who won in the end.

After all, there is a humanoid nuclear bomb like Huihui.

The most exaggerated thing was that Megumi, who could only release one burst of explosion magic per day, released three shots per day under Aqua's intentional indulgence.

High-quality magic crystals are consumed one after another.

It caused Sato Kazuma to shout that it was unfair, and bluntly said that Akuya and the others were cheating, and used the team's savings to buy Huihui the magic spar privately.

But Akua said nonchalantly, 'If you feel dissatisfied, you can do it, as long as you find someone who can explode magic' and it ended.

In Axel Novice Village, only a few people can explode magic.

Hui Hui, Zhou Fangwu, Wei Zi.

Megumi is on Akuya's side, and Zhou Fangwu is not involved in it. Wiz also withdraws first and pushes Barnier out as a shield. Sato Kazuma naturally has nothing to do.

In the end, at the cost of millions of Eris, Aqua won.

Obtained the right to draw competition items in the 5th round.

Starting with the end of the deworming event, the warm-up activities of the festival became more and more enthusiastic, with banners hanging everywhere.

It says [Please support the Eris Cult], [Please support the Axis Cult], [Eris & Axis Cult co-organized] and so on.

There are many people in the town, all with beaming smiles.

But at this time, Sato Kazuma found him helplessly.

"Senior Zhou Fang, I have encountered a problem."

"What's wrong, Sato-kun."

Seeing his vigorous appearance during this time, Zhou Fangwu thought he was going well, but he didn't expect to come back to ask for help when the ceremony was about to start.

"Senior Zhou Fang, you know that there will be fireworks at the end of the festival."

"Ah, I know."

This is a ritual custom.

In general large-scale festivals, fireworks are released at the end.

Of course, there are also festivals that release fireworks at the beginning, but it is best to release them after the end of this kind of festival.

You can also hold a fireworks display or something.

"And then, what's the problem?"

"...no fireworks, or proper fireworks magic."

Sato Kazuma scratched his head in distress.

"Because there are no fireworks in this world, the fireball technique used by magicians seems quite bleak, so I suggested that Huihui use explosion magic as fireworks...but I didn't expect to be unanimously opposed by everyone."

"Uh... that's a matter of course."

If it was Wiz, they might still say yes.

But if it's [the great magister of the Crimson Demon Race who has a problem with his brain] to release the explosion magic, they will only agree to it!

The festival itself must be wiped out.

"So, they were excited to fight...but in the end there are still two plans, one is this..." Sato Kazuma handed over a piece of paper.

"Let me take a look... [Application for Explosive Potion Approval]?"

"Well! Senior Zhou Fang, you are the lord, so if you want to use it, you need your approval."

"But I remember this as a very dangerous thing~www.readwn.com~ Different from releasing explosion magic, the explosion potion is a dangerous existence that even a young child can use, and if you are not careful, you will be blown to pieces.

"Is it worth it, working so hard?"

"It's worth it! The fireworks show is every man's romance, so I, who carry everyone's wishes, will definitely protect them!"

"...It's actually just your wish."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head slightly.

Don't listen to Sato Kazuma's good words to show his self-sacrificing side, but it is actually for his own selfish desires.

"However, you said that there is another plan..."

"The other is... I can only count on you, Senior Zhou Fang! Only you, who can use explosion magic as a lord, can make them feel at ease!"

Sato Kazuma simply knelt down to Zhou Fangwu.

Hey, do you need such a big sacrifice?

It's just an explosion magic, which actually makes Sato Kazuma kneel down.

Looking at his serious and serious eyes, there is also a strong desire... Wait, isn't this guy going to do something at the fireworks festival?

The subject knew it was Eris without even thinking about it.

In this case.

"I'm counting on you, Zhou Fang-senpai! ... No matter what kind of plan you choose! Please be accommodating!"

"Okay, okay, I promise, I will release the explosion magic."

Zhou Fangwu is not without the beauty of adults.

Even the timid Kazuma Sato had already decided to take this crucial step, so how could Zhou Fangwu attack him at this time.

"Really, thank you Senior Zhou Fang!...Yahhoo!"

Sato Kazuma left happily.

All arrangements are in place.

that's it.

Another 3 days passed.

[Eris Cult & Axis Cult Joint Festival], start!

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