The first game, water fight!

Kazuma Sato vs Cecily!

Cecily's initiative to apply to participate in the battle, in the eyes of the women in the Aqua camp, is undoubtedly a selfless dedication.

Even Huihui, who had a prejudice against her, felt that she had sacrificed a lot.

"Everyone, since the competition venue needs some time to be changed, and both parties need to change into swimsuits, please wait patiently for a while!

But before that, please stay tuned, because... the contestant on Akua's side turned out to be Ms. Cecily! "

Report the contestants from both sides to Senna so that she can appease the spectators who mistakenly think that Barnier will play.

When the audience heard that it was a female contestant, they screamed excitedly.

"It's the beautiful high priest, right!"

"It's her, it's her!"

"Oh oh oh! I'm on fire!"

"Come on, big sister, the priest of the Axis Cult!"

Amidst bursts of shouts, the magic item [Whirlpool Pool] was quickly installed, and Sato Kazuma and Cecily also took the stage together.

Sato Kazuma was wearing a pair of green shorts, nothing special to say.

It's just that there is an annoying rippling smile on his face all the time, which makes people want to punch him in the face.

On the other hand, Cecily had to be praised.

She's very daring in a bikini!

A large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed, and it shone brightly under the lights from all around, as if there was a layer of seductive halo floating on it.

Coupled with her hot figure, it can be said to be quite eye-catching.

Even Zhou Fangwu had to say a word of praise, that towering plumpness was not much more than that of Wiz.

He also had a premonition of this situation, after all, wearing a large priest's uniform can outline Miaoman's figure.

The bikini can better bring out her perfect curve.

As soon as Cecily appeared on the stage, the voice that was originally supporting Sato Kazuma disappeared without a trace, and everyone shouted the name of this fiery high priest loudly.

This group of LSPs!

But what was even more unexpected was that Cecily, who was wearing a bold swimsuit, did not intend to cover up, but instead posed several very seductive poses.

"Everyone! The eldest sister is Cecily, the head of the Axis Cult branch in Axel Novice Village! The sect is currently recruiting new believers, and everyone is welcome to sign up!"

At this time, she never forgets to recruit people for her religious group, whether she is dedicated or stupid.

However, under Cecily's full of temptations, the blood of the male spectators was so excited that they all left the Eris Cult and switched to the Axis Cult!

Not for anything else, just want to experience the religious atmosphere of Biejiao!

When the female audience saw their male companions being seduced, they naturally moved closer to Kazuma Sato and cheered for him.

It's just that when they saw Sato Kazuma showing a pervert-like look, they immediately closed their mouths helplessly.

Cecily opposes Sato and Truth.

She folded her hands on her chest and leaned forward slightly, revealing an abyss that could crush people to death, tempting the man in front of her.

"Hmm~ Is Big Sister pretty?"

"Good-looking, good-looking! Hehehe... No! No, I was almost tempted by you!"

Sato Kazuma's sluggish expression instantly regained clarity, as if the person who was drooling just now was not him.

But he didn't think so in his heart.

"Hey, big sister, you'd better surrender as soon as possible, but later you will have a personal battle with me, is this really good? You know, I rushed to participate in the competition because I wanted to be able to stick with the beautiful girls. !"

Sato Kazuma threatened slightly.

Most of what he said was to use his long-standing bad reputation to make Cecily admit defeat.

Even if you can't surrender without a fight, you must at least intimidate the opponent so that Cecily can't help but be restrained during the battle.

But, his plan failed.

"Well, big sister, I think it's okay."

Cecily smiled playfully, her puffed up plumpness was full of endless temptation.

She doesn't care at all!

"Hey, hey, are you really good! Being in such close contact with a man like me will make others misunderstand!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's better to say it's just right! Because... I have a lot of affection for Sato-kun!"

Cecily had a grateful tone.

He said softly: "The Axis Cult has a bad reputation, so everyone doesn't want to see us, but Sato-kun also taught us how to organize a booth under such circumstances. I have always wanted to repay this kindness, big sister."

After finishing speaking, she pointedly straightened her huge plumpness.

"Yes, is that so... Hehe... Hehehe..."

Sato Kazuma, fall!

The corner of Cecily's mouth curled into a scheming smile.

"Well, really, really!"


You are really lying to him!

How could a little favor make her grateful?

This is of course a tactic!

Sato Kazuma used his "famous reputation" as a weapon to make Cecily timid before fighting, and of course Cecily also "advanced with retreat", using words of gratitude as a cover, in order to reveal her true purpose at a critical moment !

Aqua, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, already showed a confident smile.

Eris, on the other hand, was in a panic.

She shouted loudly, trying to bring the fallen Sato Kazuma back to life.

"Assistant, she is lying to you, don't fall for it! Wake up quickly!"

Unfortunately, Sato Kazuma didn't respond at all.

He stared straight at the giant who occupied his entire line of sight, and the corners of his mouth left a saliva that was undoubtedly an idiot.

Totally captured!

The idiot!

Eris is anxious outside.

"Well, is that really the case? After all, he is such a man."


Instead of comforting Eris, Darkness used this method to beat her.

Eris doubts Darkness' composition.

In this way, Sato Kazuma and Cecily entered the [Whirlpool Pool].

"There are no restrictions in this game! The final condition to determine the winner is to get the headband on the opponent's head!


Game start-! "

With Senna shouting, the audience cheered loudly.

But the two people in the pool didn't intend to fight at all.

Cecily folded her hands on her chest pretending to be delicate, her hazy eyes were filled with endless beauty, and she looked at Kazuma Sato full of temptation.

"How about it, do you want to come? Big sister can do it~"

"oh oh…"

Since just now, Sato Kazuma has been in the category of being bewitched, just like a marionette, Cecily poked him gently, and Sato Kazuma would make corresponding moves.

A man who is easy to deal with.

After a few days with Sato and the truth, Cecily knew the nature of this man, so she gave full play to her strengths.

Next, as long as Sato Kazuma gets close, he grabs the headband while he's not paying attention!

This is your own victory!

"Then, come~"


Sato and Makoto slowly approached with dull eyes.

The audience saw that there was no sound here, and they all held their breath.

Because they also want to witness Cecily's victory with her beauty, and they also want to see the embarrassment of Sato Kazuma's failure.

Sato Kazuma moves very slowly, which may be the reason why he can't move well in the water.

At the last moment Cecily was anxious.

She took a step forward.

this step!

Let Cecily, who was in a defensive posture, show her flaws!

"It's now!"

Sato Kazuma shouted, and immediately stretched out his evil right hand!

Target, Cecily's headband!

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