Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 570: Chasing and being hunted

Kusanagi Godou was not to blame, the hole card he had prepared was taken away by someone here.

It's really that Mrs. Aisha's soft and weak appearance is too confusing.

The [Queen of the Cave Witch], who already had the ability to charm, made Kusanagi Godou relax his vigilance and exposed his trump card.

Coupled with the fear of being noticed by other godslayers that there is an excessive amount of magic power gathered in the Meiji Shrine, Kiyoshuin Ena has been using the Tanuki Excalibur in his hand as the key to unlock the seal.

The originally perfect hole card was accidentally taken away by Mrs. Aisha relying on her charm ability.

When Mrs. Aisha used [Power·Super·Fairy Corridor], the faces of all the godslayers changed.

Especially the Marquis of Vauban reminded him of bad memories before.

That was the first time I met with the leader Luo Hao, because the two had different ideas and the hegemony they displayed were also different, so there was a battle between the two.

But when the battle was in full swing, this woman—the Indian maid he recruited at that time, suddenly used a power no less than that of the Marquis of Vauban and the leader of Luo Hao, and forcibly stopped the spell power of the two of them. , will end the battle.

But at that time, the Marquis of Vauban and the Hierarch Luo Hao had nothing to do with her, they could only let her run away.

As a result, Mrs. Aisha was often hunted down by two veteran godslayers.

But the more they troubled her, the more exaggerated the troubles they gave back after the backlash of fate.

Almost every time it was a near-death situation.

To put the strongest and oldest Godslayer into such a dangerous situation, one can imagine how troublesome Mrs. Aisha's "Maximum Misfortune" is.

Coupled with her own unconscious characteristics, she often brings troubles to the present world, the people, and the godslayers, ranging from turmoil to the country, to the regression of human civilization, which is why she is hunted down by many godslayers object.

And now, after she absorbs the malice that the five godslayers had towards her, how exaggerated it would be to come back through the backlash of power!


In the silent night, there was a crisp sound in the void.

A fissure suddenly appeared in front of many godslayers, and inside it exuded a chaotic glow of colorful light. At the same time, a violent suction came from inside, enveloping everyone present.

[Fairy Corridor] activated!


Mrs. Aisha fell on the grass on her back, and then fell asleep like no one else, sleeping soundly.

He didn't care that this was in front of other godslayers, so he fell down defenselessly.

It seems that she really tried her best.

Of course, it may also be that you feel that your task is complete and you don't need to be vigilant anymore.

"Tsk, troublesome woman!"

The Marquis of Vauban clicked his tongue and glared at Mrs. Aisha lying on the ground.

This troublesome woman!

But he didn't do anything else, the most urgent thing is to escape from here as soon as possible.

Even if the godslayers do not have the spell power and cannot use their powers, they are far more powerful than beasts, and they can burst out with powerful power in an emergency.


Except for the Hierarch Luo Hao and Zhou Fangwu who used [shrink the ground into an inch], the fastest Black Prince Alek, and the farthest Tony escaped, the rest of Kusanagi Godou, Marquis of Vauban, John ·Pluto Smith was involved in the [Fairy Corridor].

All of a sudden, 3 of the 8 Godslayers left the stage!

Terrible woman!

The remaining four godslayers fled in different directions, but Zhou Fangwu was the first to return.

Returning to Meiji Shrine again, he found that not only he himself had returned, but also his righteous sister-in-law was here as well.

"Hmph, come to think of it, Brother Yu, you have also discovered how much impact this troublesome woman will have on the battle situation, so you came back immediately and chose to deal with her, right?"

"No, this..."

Facing Luo Hao's murderous remarks, Zhou Fangwu shook his head lightly.

Denies her claim.

"Huh?! You still want to save her?" Luo Hao's leader frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Last time (forced to do so), I let her go. I **** the prey in my hands... Even if it is a foolish brother, I will not hold back!"

"Then there is no other way." Zhou Fangwu didn't seem to let go at all.

Even if the leader Luo Hao is in person, Zhou Fangwu will save Mrs. Aisha.

"Why, Brother Yu? You should know that she is extremely dangerous, and it can be said that it is a huge hidden danger for every godslayer. It is a good thing for everyone if she is dealt with earlier."

Hierarch Luo Hao seemed to be persuading.

In fact, she was right, Mrs. Aisha was indeed the most uncontrollable special existence, and all the godslayers decided to exclude her before the decisive battle.

"Actually, I have something I want to ask her."

"Because of this, Brother Yu is going to be my enemy?!"

"How should I put it... This matter is very important. If it wasn't for being robbed by the Marquis of Vauban just now, I wouldn't be an enemy of you, Mrs. Righteous Sister."


Master Luo Hao snorted softly.

I don't know whether he was dissatisfied with the Marquis of Vauban's snatching of the conversation just now, or with Zhou Fangwu's fake reason.

"This is very important to me, so even if it's Yijie, I will not show mercy."

"Oh?! Brother Yu, do you really believe that you can defeat Bengong?!"

Hierarch Luo Hao suddenly became interested.

Just when Zhou Fangwu thought she would attack, she suddenly gave up again.

"Okay, I'll leave this woman to you."


"Although I really want to test Yudi's growth here, but I think the battle between you and me will definitely be fierce. At that time, I will be very unwilling to be picked by others. So... the battle between Yudi and Bengong— Let's leave it to the end of the [Sibling War] as the grand finale."


Hierarch Luo Hao was obviously letting go, and under the tough and domineering approach was a very subtle gentleness, with a little encouragement and expectation.

"Alright. Then I will work hard and try not to be defeated by others before the final decisive battle with you, Yijie."

"I hope so."

Leader Luo Hao was noncommittal.

She knew very well how strong Zhou Fangwu was, and it was precisely because of this that she judged that the gain was not worth the loss by forcing Mrs. Aisha to stay, and she said no.

"However... before that, the spell power of this troublesome woman must be sealed."

Leader Luo Hao turned her wrist, and a piece of yellow talisman paper appeared in her hand.


Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows.

It is said that the disciples of the church starve to death of the master, so the masters usually keep a hand.

And this talisman, presumably it was left by the Hierarch Luo Hao.

At least, Zhou Fangwu had never seen anything related to talismans when he was in Lushan, not even her apprentice Lu Yinghua.


The talisman was driven into Mrs. Aisha's body by Master Luo Hao, and then a little green light came out of Mrs. Aisha's body.

"Take her away, I have sealed her spell power, now she is no longer a threat."

"Really, thank you so much."

In fact, Zhou Fangwu was also afraid that Mrs. Aisha would activate that troublesome power, and it would be a good thing for him to be sealed by the leader Luo Hao.

Then, after saying goodbye to Leader Luo Hao, he left with Mrs. Aisha on his shoulders.

Instead of returning to the golden ship, I came to Haneda Airport.

Here, it was supposed to be the place where Hierarch Luo Hao invited all the godslayers to open the meeting, but due to the invitation from Mrs. Aisha and Kusanagi Godou, the meeting place was changed to Meiji Shrine.

However, the official editorial committee of the island country closed Haneda Airport one step ahead of schedule and expelled all the people.

All of Haneda Airport is now empty.

The reason why Zhou Fangwu chose this place was because the terrain was open and suitable for fighting, and it was empty.

Putting Mrs. Aisha on the seat, Zhou Fangwu made coffee for himself leisurely and elegantly.

And Mrs. Aisha is still in a sweet sleep.

At this time, there were more and more green light cluster particles surrounding her, enveloping her and emitting a shining light.

Zhou Fangwu discovered that these were spell powers.

I thought it was done by the leader Luo Hao, but it probably wasn't.

These should be the mantras that Mrs. Aisha gathered involuntarily, but because of the sealing talisman of the leader Luo Hao, these mantras could not return to Mrs. Aisha's body. It's getting greener.

It's too conspicuous.

If she was allowed to gather like this again, the green light would soon become a conspicuous target.

Zhou Fangwu stretched out his hand and put it on top of her head, and at the same time communicated with the [Usurpation Ring] in his body, absorbing all her spell power in one breath to replenish himself.

Feeling the increase of mana in his body, Zhou Fangwu found a way to get rich.

Pull the wool!


It's the spell power of Mrs. Aisha!

The only one who can use this method to enhance his spell power is Zhou Fangwu who has the [Usurpation Ring].

This operation lasted for 3 hours until Mrs. Aisha woke up.

"Uh...um, I'm so dizzy."

Gently exhorting, on behalf of Mrs. Aisha is officially awake.

Godslayers are a group of monsters, they are Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

When the magic power is exhausted and they fall into the trap of being exhausted and physically on the verge of collapse, as long as they are given enough time to recover, they will usually be fine in about half a day.

Even Mrs. Aisha, who is not capable of fighting, woke up after resting for more than 3 hours.

"Good morning, Mrs. Aisha." Zhou Fangwu greeted kindly.

"Good morning, Mr. Wu...?!" She asked blankly, "Why... I should have used my authority, why is Mr. Wu here... No! You have to run away!"

Mrs. Aisha turned her head and saw Zhou Fangwu beside her was holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, with the other hand resting on top of her head.

Mrs. Aisha also knew that she was special, so she wanted to run away without getting up shyly.

But before she got up, the feeling of emptiness in her body told her that she didn't have any magic power to use.

It is impossible to escape!

"Don't waste your energy, your spell power has been sealed off by Mrs. Righteous Sister."

Zhou Fangwu told this cruel fact.

"How, how could..."

Mrs. Aisha looked melancholy, but she suddenly became puzzled: "Sister Yi?"

"Ah, it's Hierarch Luo Hao."

"What, isn't it my sister!"

Mrs. Aisha seemed very happy.

"Hey, if my sis is your righteous sister, then I am also your sister? So, let me go! Okay, please!"

... This guy, did he misunderstand.

The identity of Zhou Fangwu's adopted brother was personally recognized by Luo Hao's leader, but Mrs. Keisha's identity as a adopted sister was disliked by others. Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, there is no ethical relationship between the two of them.


It's okay to want me to let you go, but there is a question I want to get rid of you to answer. "


"Before...you saved me the first time I met you in Youjie. Pandora asked you that time, or... [others] asked you."

"It's Mother Pandora!"

Mrs. Aisha answered quite simply.

The answer without hesitation is very convincing, and the first impression is that she is not lying.


This point made Zhou Fangwu make a judgment—Ms. Aisha was on the side of Pandora.

Mrs. Aisha has powers related to fate that she cannot control. The reason is that she is the ultimate tool person and **** stirrer of the goddess of fate.

That's right!

Mrs. Aisha is a tool person arranged by the goddess of fate early on, but she is not aware of it and is completely unconscious.

But she is kind by nature and doesn't like to be hurt.

That's why just now, she chose to forcibly control the divine power in the Meiji Shrine, and used [Power·Super·Fairy Corridor] to disperse many godslayers and send them back to the distant past.

This is not what Goddess of Fate asked for.

That **** has been asking the King of the End to crusade all the demon kings on the earth, how could he let them go so easily?

However, there is another question in this way.

"Ms. Aisha, as far as I know, all godslayers will blur and fade their memories after seeing Pandora in the Netherworld, but you have received Pandora's request..."

"That's right... Actually, I'm also curious about this."

Mrs. Aisha did not defend herself, but fell into suspicion like Zhou Fangwu.

Hey Hey hey!

Are you the party?

Why did you believe in the entrustment you received at that time?

Zhou Fangwu also had to admire Mrs. Aisha's degree of confusion~www.readwn.com~ Is it true that I have no doubts at all after accepting someone else's request?

"This question is up to me to answer!"


A dangerous breath burst out from the void instantly, and a space crack appeared behind the two of them.

Zhou Fangwu immediately entered the state of preparation, grabbed Mrs. Aisha at the side and flew out.


Mrs. Elsa's lovely voice let out a howl, full of panic.

To be honest, it would damage her status as a godslayer.

Compared with other godslayers, her force value is too weak, but her authority is so tricky.

Zhou Fang put down Mrs. Aisha, looked at the black figure flashing through the smoke of the explosion in the airport, and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.


Click, click, click, click, click!

The familiar sound of the clash of boots, the black armor mask, and the black cloak fluttering in the wind.

Here it is John Pluto Smith!

One of the godslayers who were sent to the distant past by Mrs. Aisha before!

In just a few hours, it appeared here again!

Godslayer, so terrifying!

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