Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 583: The key to success!

The Godslayer Civil War has come to an end, but that doesn't mean it's over.

Instead, it revolves around the ending of this world, and the final battle is finally about to begin.

Zhou Fangwu sensed the remaining time of the power.

"Less than half an hour left."

Slightly silent.

Originally, the cheating power given by Pandora could only last for 2 hours, and being able to kill all the other 7 Godslayers in such a short period of time was already a jaw-dropping feat.

But the powerful enemy to be faced next is far stronger than the other 7 godslayers combined. With less than half an hour left and full firepower, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the king of the end.


It was like a magnetic field that attracted each other. When there was only one Godslayer left, Zhou Fangwu could clearly perceive the position of the King of the End.

Think it's the same over there.

And this perception of location cannot be concealed, even if he leaves this world, he will be found.

Zhou Fangwu sighed: "Can't you not go..."

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found a long sword inserted into the ground alone in the distance.

Tiancongyun Divine Sword?

Zhou Fangwu was a little astonished.

He clearly used the Sword of Words just now to chop off the Amazono Cloud Excalibur, together with Nei and Kusanagi Godou, but he didn't expect that it still hasn't dissipated.

Is it because it is not a power, but a divine reason?

Unlike [Chaser] and [Exile], Amazono's Divine Sword is a real artifact.

Out of curiosity, Zhou Fangwu wanted to check it out.

But before he got close, a middle-aged man with messy black hair appeared in front of him, wearing a kimono and stepping on clogs.


The middle-aged man looked at the broken Tiancongyun sword inserted into the ground, and his face was a little ugly.

He waved his hand lightly, and Tiancongyun Divine Sword let out a joyful sword cry, like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

The identity of the middle-aged man is already clear.

"Hayasu Sayuki's life?"

"That's right, it's the old man."

Facing Zhou Fangwu's questioning, he admitted it openly.

"Oh? I didn't expect Mrs. Yu, the strongest steel in the island country, to appear here."

Zhou Fangwu's tone was a little dangerous: "Why, do you want to fight with me? Yes, it's better to say that you want it."

"...No, this old man is not here to fight. Besides, this old man has already graduated from that position." Susanoo chose to back down very conscientiously.

But Zhou Fangwu would not believe his nonsense.

If he had graduated, he would not have handed over his Amacongun Excalibur to Kusanagi Godou, and he would not have taken the initiative to be recruited by the King of the End, Rama.

This insidious and cunning **** of tricks definitely has other plans!

"What a stupid boy, the divine sword that can 'borrow' power and martial arts has not exerted great power in his hands."

Susano muttered.

The stupid kid in his mouth was none other than Kusanagi Godou.

Zhou Fangwu on the side immediately realized why he didn't cut off the Tiancongyun Divine Sword.

Derived from myths and stories, Tiancongyun Divine Sword not only has the ability to [seize], but actually also has the ability to [imitate] to a certain extent.

About 70% of the opponent's power can be imitated.

Although it can't be said to be a strong hole card, it can also make the owner stronger than before.

It's a pity that Kusanagi Godou was killed without any use.

"Then, what is the reason for your Excellency Yu Laogong to appear here, can you tell me?"

"The reason... the old man is just here to deliver a message for others, and has no intention of fighting your Excellency."

"Ah, it's really a pity that you didn't choose to fight. However, I still remember clearly the 'favor' you gave me before, Mr. Yu! If you can pay back, now is the best opportunity. "

Zhou Fangwu's words were full of danger, and there was a sense that a war would start if there was a disagreement.

Regarding this, Mrs. Yu had no choice but to smile wryly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's true that I did something wrong, and I won't make any excuses, but I still hope that you can forgive me for my mistake."

As expected of a heroic **** who is good at using tricks, even if Zhou Fangwu is so pressing, he is flexible and hastily apologized.

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to be consumed again before the battle, but it would be better if he could get some benefits.

"Forgive? Then it depends on the sincerity of His Excellency Susanoo."

"Sincerity... well, let's talk about the reasons for choosing Kusanagi."

Susanoo began to talk about his centuries-long plan.

After all, it's all about wanting to get rid of the shackles of mythology.

Indeed, as he said, he had already graduated from that position, but in fact he was just trapped in the Netherworld.

It's like Pandora's scornful name for him: a dog raised by the gods in the nether world.

Unlike Pandora, the master of the Netherworld, who can dodge at will and is not restrained, Susanoo is no longer a **** of disobedience even if he is free from the god's [disobedience], but as long as the gods want to, they can inspire them through myths at any time. His madness.

It is similar to the kind of 【Monkey King Monkey King】—as long as there is enough dragon snake blood and divine blood, it can make him passionate and remind him of the poisonous nature of tyranny.

Those gods also have the same method to make him return to the nature of the [God of Disobedience] again!

That's why he wants to get out of this control.

As for why Kusanagi Godou was chosen, the reason can be known from the fact that Amazono Cloud Excalibur is also known as Kusanagi Sword.

It's just that after planning for such a long time, with the right timing and authority, but being cut off by Zhou Fangwu first, Susano couldn't sit still.

So he acted decisively and asked his adopted granddaughter, Kiyoshuin Ena, to serve her allegiance before Kusanagi Godou became a godslayer.

He was also afraid that Kusanagi Godou would not be controlled, so he temporarily possessed Kusanagi Godou with his Amazono Cloud Excalibur, manipulating his body to kill gods.

Originally, according to the rules of [Usurping the Ring], one must fight alone, and after defeating the gods with the help of outsiders, one cannot usurp power.

But Tiancongyun Divine Sword is not a simple subordinate god, but it is also a divine tool.

It is equivalent to the existence of weapons.

With the help of this loophole wandering around the edge, his plan was successfully implemented.

Very successful, but also very unsuccessful.

Because this plan was discovered by those gods before it was implemented.

No, it's better to say that everything is going on under the noses of those gods, and it has been exposed long ago.

In the face of the gods who came to him, Susanoo didn't want to be distorted and turned into a puppet controlled by the essence of "disobedience".

With the same interests, he agreed to the request of the gods.

—Helping the birth of the 8th Godslayer.

This is also his crucial first step!


After the success of Gu, Susano hadn't reacted yet, and the gods couldn't wait to wake up the King of the End to complete the harvest, which completely disrupted his plan.

Kusanagi Godou didn't get any growth, he just came to make up the numbers!

In this situation, Susanoo actively looked for a solution.

In the end, he chose to take the risk.

Take the initiative to become one of the 4 heroes of steel who awakened the King of the End, and at the same time be absorbed by [Arrowhead Disc] to become its subordinate god!

This is done for two purposes.

On the one hand, it is to constantly observe the movements of the King of the End to find its flaws, and on the other hand, it is to cooperate with Kusanagi Godou to create opportunities for him to grow.

Obviously, the plan was perfect.

From the fact that Kusanagi Godou was able to survive from the hands of the King of the End three times in a row, it can be seen how successful his strategy is.

Unfortunately, Kusanagi Godou was not the final winner of the Godslayer Civil War.

All Susanoo's plans fell through.

Although it is a pity that his century-long plan was in vain, Zhou Fangwu became impatient.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Yu, what do you have to do with me if you say so much? If you want to brag about your strategy, please see if the timing is right?"

"...Really, young people nowadays are really impatient."

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu was a little angry, Susanoo quickly got to the point.

"3 times! That stupid boy fought 3 times with Prince Rama, the King of the End! Although he escaped in embarrassment every time, he also forced out a lot of cards, and the old man even found the key to victory!"

"The key to victory?! What is it?!"

To tell the truth, this slick hero of tricks went around a lot, and finally talked about what Zhou Fangwu was interested in.

"that's it!"

"...Amazon Cloud Excalibur?"

Watching Susanoo release the Amazono Cloud Excalibur again, Zhou Fangwu was slightly taken aback.

Will this divine tool that was almost cut off by him just now be the key to defeating Rama, the King of the End?

"To be precise, it's this one."

Susanoo pointed to the black part of the sword body.

The wrapped part of the sword exudes an evil aura, coupled with its already strange shape, it is really uncomfortable to perceive carefully.

"This sword was taken out of the fourth head of Yamata no Orochi. Although it has the supernatural power to control the wind and clouds, it is an indelible fact that it was taken from the body of the evil dragon snake.

Coupled with the fact that this sword is my subordinate god, the complexity of Gein's mythology has infected me with evil attributes.

And when I become the four disobedient gods who wake up Prince Rama, the king of the end, my evil—the evil that comes with Amacongyun Excalibur will pollute its divinity.

No, it would be better to say that it has been polluted!

Because that [Sacred Sword of Salvation] has been polluted! "

The last king, Rama, has only a few abilities.

【Sacred Sword of Salvation】, 【Big Hair of the Covenant】, 【Disc of Arrowhead】 and 【Flower Palace Vimana】

[Flower Palace Vimana] Leaving aside the fact that the strength is too weak, it is basically a moving castle.

And when the Godslayer Civil War is over, the corresponding [Covenant Dafa] will be useless, and [Arrowhead Disk] can only absorb the gods who do not obey to help fight, which is not good for Zhou Fangwu.

Only [Sword of Salvation] was the most difficult thing for Zhou Fangwu.

After all, as long as the Divine Knife of Salvation is not destroyed, Rama, the King of the End, will not die, and the Divine Knife of Salvation itself will not be destroyed, because it represents the correction power of the world.

And that's not all it does.

The Divine Sword of Salvation is not just a divine sword, but an integrated appearance of the weapons possessed by Rama, the King of the End.

After being completely liberated, the [Shen Dao Cha Man Luo] can release countless [Salvation Thunder], and each of these [Salvation Thunder] is actually a magical tool bestowed by God to the King of the End to defeat the demon king on the ground, to assist him in completing the crusade The mission of the Demon King.

Due to the existence of [Sacred Sword of Salvation], the King of the End has a unique advantage in facing any **** or godslayer.

After all, he can use his affinity to summon all kinds of magical tools from the magic circle to target his opponents.

That is to say!

Even if Zhou Fangwu gathered all the powers of the 8 Godslayers, Rama, the King of the End, still has a way to find a weapon to restrain Zhou Fangwu from his divine tools!

This is an alternative version of [King's Treasure]!

The power of the spell is thousands of times greater than that of ordinary godslayers, and they have an arsenal capable of restraining all powers. When thinking of fighting such a powerful enemy next, even Zhou Fangwu has no idea.

Even if one knows all about him and his weaknesses, there is no room for victory.

Because his strong strength completely covered up his shortcomings!

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are useless!


In this case, Susanoo said that he relied on the evil aura of Amazono's sword to successfully pollute the sword of salvation.

Zhou Fangwu suddenly realized that this might be his only chance to come back.

Suddenly, Susanoo threw the Amacongun Excalibur over.



"The old man's goal from the beginning was to get rid of the myth and achieve true independence, so it doesn't matter who can help the old man achieve this wish in the end. And...you and the old man have the same interests, don't you?"

The Iron Hero God of this island country is far more cunning than imagined, and also carries an indifference that ordinary people can't understand.

The candidate he was optimistic about was defeated by Zhou Fangwu. Instead of thinking about revenge, he chose to join forces with him.

Worried that Zhou Fangwu would disagree, he even took the initiative to offer sincerity that people could not refuse.

"So that's the case~www.readwn.com~ Are the interests the same?"

Whether Susano wants to break free from the shackles of the myth, or Zhou Fangwu wants to rescue Pandora, he needs to defeat the King of the End Rama head-on!

Holding the Tiancongyun Divine Sword inserted on the ground, the evil aura wanted to swallow him, but was suffocated by Zhou Fangwu's sun-like heat.

Unlike its cunning master, this sword was still a little bit annoyed that Zhou Fangwu almost cut it off just now.

It's just that after being cleaned up, he became a good baby honestly.

Like the islanders, it chooses to obey in front of the absolute strong, but once the strong shows its flaws, it will show its fangs accordingly.

As long as you are strong enough and continue to be strong, it is the best tool in your hand.

Zhou Fangwu also knew this well.

"By the way, the King of the End asked the old man to bring a message to Your Excellency." Susanoo finally explained the purpose of his visit.


"That Prince Rama is waiting for Your Excellency at the edge of the Netherworld."

"Where is the battlefield where the battle will be decided...I know."

"Then... I wish Your Excellency the best of luck."

With Susanoo's sincere blessing, Zhou Fangwu used [Power · Fairy Corridor] to break through the space and go straight to Yujie.

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