Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 597: mayfly shaking tree

The battle was joined by no other colonies.

This is Rick's request.

Except that he didn't want people from other colonies to die, most of it was because he was afraid that people from other colonies would not listen to the arrangement.

After all, people in the colony trust Rick very much, and believe that he can lead everyone to live better in this war.

Even if they were to die, they would not hesitate to die, and other colonies would not have this kind of executive power.

But even so, Rick had to mobilize before the war.

Not to pick more people to fight, but to weed out those who don't want to fight.

Those who have no fighting spirit will not be able to participate in the war.

In the settlement of 2,000 people, the elderly, weak, women and children accounted for more than 70 to 80%.

The subsequent battles will not allow everyone to join, and it is necessary to eliminate the combat power that can maintain the normal operation of the colony.

And at this time, the number of people that can be gathered is - 180 people!

Only 180 people, less than one-tenth!

Now, they are all gathered in the secret room.

Rick, as the leader, shouted to the people present: "One day, the war will end! ——Recognize the reality! This future will never come!"

He surrounded the crowd with a fierce tone, a tone that could inspire people's hearts.

"In this **** world, surviving on the last breath, and then just praying for the end of the war?! Then, who should we pray to?! Is it to the destroyers who call themselves [Gods]?! Or even those guys Other existences that cannot be stopped?! Then, what should I do?!"

Rick lowered his voice, then gradually raised it, roaring with endless grievances and unwillingness.

It seems to be complaining loudly to someone, and it seems to be confiding to someone in a low voice.

"Those guys seem to be fighting over the throne of the only god, but the **** who participate in this kind of war, will they really end the war because one of them wins?! I should expect that kind of unrealistic future?!"

Rick's voice gradually subsided, and he said the truth that everyone had been unwilling to face without emotion.

"Give it up, it's time for us to admit that in this world—hope doesn't exist at all."

Everyone has a sad expression on their faces.

They know it, everyone understands it.

The human species will not live well even after the war ends, the weak are still just the weak, without any right to speak.

Even with Zhou Fangwu's help, he can take a breather in the increasingly fierce war, but everyone knows that this is only temporary, the rope around his neck has been hanging on it, and he doesn't know when it will be tightened mercilessly. Let them lose their lives.


Because of this, they had nothing to lose and had to make a choice.

With a sullen face, Rick said something that shocked everyone.

"—we're going to fight!"

It's a short sentence, but it's powerful.

While making everyone walk out of the heaviness, they also focused their unbelievable eyes on him.

At this moment, Rick laughed.

"That's right. We want to fight and defeat the enemy who stands in front of us, no matter who he is! Just use our power, even if it is to deceive everything to preemptively strike, use any strategy unscrupulously like the weak, and be humble and flatter Others are praised when they are inferior, and praised when they are inferior!

And then...win!

Even though the consecutive defeats are repeated wirelessly, meaningful defeats will eventually bring about a crucial victory!

History will be written by the victors!

This is the proof of who we are, stupid proof of our existence! "

Rick is just like any other colony leader.

Already tired.

In this doomsday war, begging for a tomorrow that never comes.

He has long been tortured by the war, and he would rather win the unattainable hope and make his own cry than lose his life in such obscurity.

— To make a human voice, even if they are the weakest existence on this planet!

That's right.

- This is the game!

The gods are just capriciously showing their interest in this game of pursuing the [Star Cup].

It's a game called [Compete for the Only Throne]!

It's a game without any rules!

Then, things are very simple!

Since they pulled us into the game unreasonably, we should just create the rules we want without their consent to set the board and rules of the game.

Rick's speech echoed in the silent square, and everyone held their breath and looked at him intently.

The current Rick is even more dazzling than Zhou Fangwu.

Looking at Zhubi, looking at Zhou Fangwu, remembering what you promised him, obeying your own heart, and setting rules that are extremely difficult and surprising even for others.

First, no one can be killed.

(Kill to be killed, and don't want to kill anyone)

Second, no one will die.

(If you let people die, you will die, and you don't want people to die)

Third, it cannot be seen through by anyone.

(If you are seen through, you will die)

Fourth, any means are not considered cheating.

(But as long as it is not seen through, all means can be used)

Fifth, their rules have nothing to do with us.

(If you compete on the same stage, you will definitely lose, so you must not abide by their rules)

Sixth, violation of the above regulations is a failure.

(Victory against the rules has no meaning, since what has been promised must be done)

"—Inducing the battle situation.

Even if we are weak, we can't fight those powerful races even if we get the [Fire Seed]. The [Ghost] didn't exist before, but now we are the [Mayfly] that has been hiding in the depths of the ground for countless years, only for this time's glory.

…Although we are great in our eyes, we must still be stupid [monkeys] in the eyes of others.

Heh heh heh heh heh——

very good!

That's great!

Let those proud and arrogant upper species see!

If we really want to end the war, what kind of funny expressions are on the faces of those arrogant and blindly arrogant gods!


I can't wait to see it! "

It doesn't matter, we will win.

Even if it is an extremely crazy and nonsensical decision.

It doesn't matter, we will win.

Even if the enemy is a **** with absolute strength.

It doesn't matter, we will win.

Even if the chance of winning is not even one in a trillion.

Even so, I have always firmly believed that as long as the weak human beings have the intention, they can dig mountains and smash rocks and smash stars.

— even though it's just a lie to deceive oneself

"Once this game starts, it will not stop. You will either win or lose. There is absolutely no tie. We will use all means to gamble, and we will use the future as a bet (all_in).

The enemy is the existence that can reduce human civilization to zero without any spare power.


If you can really win in this game, you can say loudly the words of the declaration of victory.

— We used to live the best and most handsome life!

After we finish saying this, we can puff our chests out and die contentedly.

Don't you guys think this is the best ending? "

The best ending ever, and the best ending ever.

No matter how you think about it, it is the most exciting thing for weak human beings living underground to overthrow the gods who are high above them, right?

That's what Rick was talking about, the human cry to prove that we once existed on this planet.

"Then... the guy who wants to play the game, stay here for me."


Rick closed his eyes gently.

He is waiting, waiting for the judgment of those who are here.

Although what he said was very contagious, very inspiring, and what he said was enough to make people's blood boil.

However, this does not mean that someone will choose to die with him.

Consider the gap between the two sides!

Even if the fragile human race gets the [Fire Seed], the gods in the sky can wipe out all human beings with just a breath.


Mayfly shakes the tree!

There is no qualification to compare with it at all!

Probably no one will stay.

The corner of Rick's mouth curled into a smile, but it was a bitter smile, a smile that didn't expect his speech.

Until, he opened his eyes.

— 180 people!

No one left!

"To be honest, I thought you guys would be smarter." Rick scratched his hair in distress: "By the way, I've made it all clear, we are going to overthrow the gods in the sky, really want to join me up?"

Although he was 'distressed', it was just hiding his embarrassment.

After all, is his language really so contagious?

And the [Mayflies] who were present also showed the same wry smile as him.

Ivan patted Rick on the shoulder vigorously: "Hey, hey, do you really think we will back down? Rick, you are our leader! We all believe in you unconditionally!"

It's not because of Zhou Fangwu's relationship with the battlefield, but because all of them believe in Rick.

—Although what he said is like a fantasy.

The arrival of Zhou Fangwu did bring the whole colony back to life, but the role of [Fire Passer] is not as important as Rick, the leader [only 47 people died in 5 years].

There is a big difference between giving charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake.

If Zhou Fangwu went to other settlements, it was a timely gift, but coming to the settlement led by Rick was at best the icing on the cake.

From nothing to something, Zhou Fangwu couldn't make up for this gap.


"Don't be afraid, we will follow in your footsteps, leader!"

"Smart people or something, does this world hurt people who are smarter than you?"

"That is to say! Your cleverness is recognized by everyone."

"Isn't it normal? Under this war, I'm already abnormal! It's better to say that your decision, Rick, is my own!"

"The wise choose to die, and the wiser choose not to be born."

There is no [Fire Passer] factor at all.

They just believed in Rick, even more than Zhou Fangwu.

People are stupid.

Knowing that the winning rate is infinitely close to 0, but still choose to gamble.

But it is precisely because they are stupid that all will hone their wisdom so that they will not make mistakes in the future.

——It is like this to eat a pad and gain a wisdom.

However, this time they were not given a chance to correct themselves.

Because this is a game in which everyone's future is at stake.

In order to survive, all human beings - intelligence, wisdom, technology - are bet here.

Even if it is insignificant and not worth mentioning in the eyes of other races, this is already the strongest power that the human species can produce.

If this is not a noble fool, a weakling who deserves respect, what is it?

"I was born in this world without any intentions, and lived without any meaning.

But if you can die meaningfully and handsomely.

—Isn't this the best result? Could there be a better result?

Let's play cool till the end!

We all believe in you!

Please, chief! "

Ivan expressed the aspirations of everyone present.

They looked at Rick with eager and expectant eyes, and chose to entrust their future—the weight of life to Rick.

Rick shook his head and smiled bitterly, but also chose to bear their future.

"Is... everyone so abnormal? I doubt my ability to choose people. Really, really...reliable! So! Since you stupid people chose the game—"

He unfolded the map.

There are countless lines drawn on the map displayed in front of everyone. It is an exaggeration to say that it may be the most complete map on this planet.

If you want to win, information is the most important.

And this, they have already got it.

"Okay, let's start the game."

"Swear to the will!"

"...that sentence has been banned. Now we swear and act not to the will, but to the rules that have been agreed by everyone."

"Yes!—swear to the same will!"

"very good."

Rick nodded in satisfaction.

The future that has been taken away, the hope that has been taken away, and they who are desperate for despair are finally tired of their current life.


Instead of waiting, they took the initiative to find it.

Under the leadership of Rick, the [Mayfly], which had been hidden in the depths for a long time, began to move.

Even if a mayfly shakes the tree, the 'stupid' people will unswervingly follow Rick's footsteps.

In order to find the future.


Zhou Fangwu left the secret room lightly.

Rick has already told him about the future plan, and it doesn't matter if he listens or not.

But as soon as he left the secret room, Cole greeted him.

She has been waiting outside the secret room, and presumably heard Rick's mobilization.

But she didn't bother.

She knew it was a necessary result.

"Cole, come with me."


Zhou Fangwu took her to the underground priest's tower.

All the way unimpeded.

"Master Wu, why are you here?"

"Leave seeds for mankind."

Zhou Fangwu said a sentence without beginning or end, but luckily he explained it.

"There will be a battle after that, but Rick has taken away all the talented people. I am afraid that there will be a gap in development, so I will make some preparations."

This is a lie.

With Rick's intelligence, how could he not have thought of this aspect.

He's only here to do something else.

Fortunately, Cole would not doubt it.

It's not that she is stupid, but that she completely trusts Zhou Fangwu.

The priest's tower glowed under Zhou Fangwu's modification, and Cole just watched quietly.

In the past, Rick would never agree to bring things with elves back to the colony, but Zhou Fangwu said that he used a certain technology to gather the elves in the leylines to the nodes, which would not attract the attention of the demon species, so he It was agreed to build the tower underground.

Not only can it charge energy, it can also connect to other colonies, and it can also retain information inheritance.

Now it seems that this tower is far more important than she imagined.

Just when Cole was distracted, Zhou Fangwu called her name softly.

"Yes, Cole."


"You are the leader of all human beings, and you can imagine how important it is, so I arranged a bodyguard for you, you should know?"

"Yes, Rick told me."

Cole nodded, and at the same time Meluxin, who was hiding in her shadow, came out.

"But do you know? Meluxin's senses are connected with me."


"That is to say, whether you are sleeping or taking a bath, I can sense it."


Cole's face instantly became extremely red, and her mouth moved up and down lightly, speechless in surprise.

You can tell by looking at her that she doesn't know.

Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Didn't Rick tell you?"

"No! Didn't tell me at all! This idiot brother!"

Cole shyly knelt down with her head in her arms, she was already ashamed to face Zhou Fangwu.


The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

She decided to teach Rick a lesson!

Thinking of this, she got up angrily and wanted to leave.

"Wait...this is for you."

Zhou Fang threw a crystal to Cole and said, "This is the [key] to activate the tower. If we fail, we will use it to activate the tower. I have left the hope of a comeback inside."


Cole was eager to teach Rick a lesson without asking too much.

"Yes, I understand!"

Leaving this sentence, she hurried away.

Well, the timing is just right, within my expectation.

【leave the seeds】

What Rick will do next almost gambles the future of all mankind.

Because once he fails, the powerful people who reacted will be furious and find trouble for the remaining humans to avoid future troubles. What Zhou Fangwu left behind can only be regarded as an insurance, it cannot save them, but it also leaves a small hope.

Looking at the priest's tower in front of him.

Zhou Fangwu's eyes were loose, as if he was looking at a certain place through countless worlds.

He said he didn't want anyone to die~www.readwn.com~ but he was always deceiving himself and deliberately didn't face it.

Can the extremely hypocritical self really be considered a [hero]?

Is the duplicity of myself really considered a "pioneer"?

Is the selfish self really counted as "hope"?

What would you do if it were you?

Presumably, you will definitely choose to stand on the side of human beings without thinking.

"Aqua...what should I do?"

I miss you so much, everyone.


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