Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 600: The figure under the battle [five thousand three hundred]

【Goblin species】

Ranked 8th out of 15 races (excluding humans).

The hair is real silver, and the eyes are sensory copper. They have the functions of amplifying elves and synchronizing souls respectively, and they are excellent magic materials in themselves.

They are the creations of [God of Forging Okenin]. Although they cannot use magic directly, they are very good at making magic machines and possess the most advanced weapons in the entire planet.

It was discovered that the fallen sky battleship was built by the goblins.


The goblins possess unrivaled manufacturing technology, and are spurned by all races in war.

The reason is that they are determined to destroy the whole world and create hell.

That's right.

Unlike other races who wanted to win the final victory and help their main **** seize the final throne, the goblins wanted to destroy the whole world from the very beginning.

So they did something pretty egregious.

- Wanton mining of ore and deforestation.

Although other races have also destroyed the planet, they are relatively restrained, and the goblins are nakedly engaged in environmental destruction.

In order to obtain excellent magic materials, the goblins will not let go of anything useful.

So other races hate goblins.

Especially elves.

Because they lived in the forest, and they not only destroyed the environment, but even the soul stone on the elves' foreheads were never let go, so the elves especially hate them!

And now, Zhou Fangwu actually told Nina Black that [Marrow Explosion] was developed with his assistance in the research and development of the goblins, and he also helped the commander of the goblins, Ronnie DeLeounier.

This made Nina Black even more angry!

Ronnie Deleounier

He is the commander of the goblins, an unprecedented genius of the entire race, and also Nina Black's lifelong enemy and the first opponent to defeat her.

25 years ago.

The war at that time was even more chaotic than it is now. There was no peace between various races fighting each other, and the goblins were even more against the elves.

Not only is the soul stone on their foreheads a top-quality material, but also because the elves' experiment of manipulating high-level races (fairies) poses a great threat to the goblins.

And at that time, the experiment failed.

The subject of the experiment [Fairy Species Cloud Vortex] ran away, and was intervened and massacred by the Flügel, and all related facilities were also destroyed.

Such a great opportunity, goblins will never let go.

The main fleet led by Ronnie Deleounier attacked [Merrillon], the first city where the elves were short of troops, and at the same time dispatched a high-speed fleet to induce a detailed attack on the city in the north of the elves, hoping to Suppress the city and seize relevant experimental technology and materials.

Unfortunately, this ploy was seen through.

Nina Black had already set up the four-fold spirit damage technique in the capital, completely destroying the entire main fleet, and almost wiped out the entire army.

Fortunately, Ronnie Deleunier adjusted and successfully interrupted the spell in time to reduce the loss of personnel and fleet.

But he didn't really succeed.

Because Nina Black used the hindrance technique—Second Protection, an angel—Jibril who was passing by fell down and was injured.

In a fit of anger, this willful special individual activated the strongest and most powerful [Magic·Sky Strike] of the Flügel.

In an instant, the entire capital of the elves, 3,000 elves, and almost the entire fighting power of the goblins were wiped out.

It's really a Flügel who is extremely capricious and extremely exaggerated in strength.

Ronnie Deleunier, who survived because of the third protection all day long, thought with a wry smile.

Unexpectedly, all the combat power of the goblins is no match for a Flügel.

This made him realize his own insignificance.

And Nina Black.

Before she met Ronnie Deleounier, she had always been proud, thinking that she could rely on her will to influence this battle.

It wasn't until she was defeated and ravaged by the Flügel Jibril that she realized how weak she was.

And this is also the reason why the two developed [Void Zero Protection] and [Marrow Explosion].

Because they want to counter [Sky Strike]!

"By the way, didn't you find out? [Void Zero Protection] has a lot of references from [Marrow Explosion]! And... I told you all these materials, don't tell me you have forgotten, cute Miss Mori."

The man in front of her was still hitting her, causing her to be dragged into the next vortex before she could digest the previous information.

Nina Black clenched her fists.

"...You, why did you do this?!"

She can't understand.

She is an enhanced version of the standard [Chen Gong style] personality, and she will be especially handy when dealing with things she understands, but once she loses her expertise, she will lose her judgment more than ordinary people.

Even though she had already obtained the title of [Lord Corolla], Nina Black was at a loss for the first time in the face of a person who hadn't known her true face and purpose even for five years.

So, she wanted to know why.

Even if the intelligence game between the two is over, she simply cannot accept this statement.


"Don't you understand? It seems that I really think highly of you."


The man in front of him spread his hands, as if disappointed by her anxiety.

But the man in front of him didn't seem to intend to fool her, so he chose to tell her the answer directly.

"I said it, because I want balance."


Nina Black chewed the word again, as if she understood something.

"[Sky Strike], [Marrow Explosion], [Void Zero Protection]...these three super powerful final weapons are equal in power in a sense."

Zhou Fangwu intends to clarify everything: "Since the Flügel has received a super powerful attack, you can't end up being crushed, can you?"

Hearing this, Nina Black suddenly felt shuddering.

Her voice trembled slightly: "...you, do you really want to balance, instead of destroying the entire planet?"

Even if she is called the unprecedented number one performer of the elves, her body is cold now, her heart is full of fear, and her brain is frozen and unable to think.

How is this trying to balance?

This is to make them beat their heads to the ground!

Three pillars? !

It seems so.

But no matter who it is, as long as they are cornered, they will release the final weapon, thus guiding the other two races to release the final weapon.

Even one of the ultimate weapons - [Marrow Blast] is still in the hands of the elves who want to destroy the entire planet and create a **** of despair!

Thinking of this, Nina Black clenched her hand even tighter, and the pale hand was no different from her pale face at this time.

"...Why, why, why... why did you do this!"

Although Zhou Fangwu had told her to create balance, Nina Black didn't believe what he said at all.

This nervous repeated questioning made Zhou Fangwu feel that her [Superintelligent Character Design] is a bit broken?

In other words, her arrogant personality must have been completely destroyed after being hit by Ronnie Deleurnier and Jibril one after another.

"Really... You really can't compare to Ronnie DeLeounier in this regard."

Zhou Fangwu scratched his cheek, and said the name that alerted Nina Black: "You know, the goblin coach guessed my intention immediately after he realized that I was deliberately helping him with your research. "


Nina Black couldn't believe it.

But she reacted immediately.

"No! You said that person knew that you were helping me research [Void Zero Protection]?! But you said you didn't tell the goblins! You lied to me?!"

Although she is flustered now, it doesn't mean she is really stupid.

She still grasped the doubts.

But Zhou Fangwu spread his hands: "It's not me. He guessed it himself, and he didn't tell anyone... Do you know the reason why he did this?"

"... destroy the world?"

"No, no, no, no matter how you look at it. Although that guy is passionate, he is not a destroyer."


"To end this war."

Zhou Fangwu said something she couldn't understand.

If there is no [Sky Strike], if there is no [Void Zero Protection], then maybe the goblins will really have the last laugh.

But the Flügel has [Sky Strike] aside, with the help of Zhou Fangwu [Void Zero Protection], the experiment was also a perfect success. Why do they say they want to end the war when they are so stiff?


The goblins who have successfully researched [Marrow Explosion], how could they not use this to attack the elves?

"That's right! It's you!" Nina Black was surprised: "It was you who deliberately delayed the time to complete the final weapons of the two races at the same time, and the Flügel who was entangled with each other was also involved, so they didn't take the initiative to launch a big war !"

"Bingo! You guessed it right! That guy understood right away. But he wanted to speed up the research of [Marrow Explosion] and eliminate the elves. It's just that I saw through that plan and successfully stopped it!...In other words, I, who worked so hard, Miss Mori, don't you want to give me some rewards?"

Zhou Fangwu said something that made Nina Black almost unable to hold back tears, if there was no final call for credit.


human colony

Rick and Jubby, who were negotiating in the secret room, welcomed a little guest.


"Nona? Why are you here?"

Rick looked at the timid Nona.

Her father, Ivan, was out on a mission. Could it be that she came to ask about his father?

When he thought so, Nona said: "Rick, I want to ask...Where did Mr. Wu go? (Your father won't come back for a while...

Rick froze for a moment: "Huh? Nona, aren't you worried about your father?"

Nona said: "The adult said that Dad will definitely come back safe and sound, and Rick also said that he will not let anyone die, so I believe you!"


Looking at Nona's pale face, Rick's heart felt warm for being able to trust himself so much.

He knelt down and put his hand lightly on top of Nona's head.

"Well, Nona is such a good girl."

"Hey hey—"

"It's a pity that both Wu and your father have gone on missions, and they won't be able to come back for the time being."

"how come…"

Nona's small face was full of disappointment, which was adorable.

But Rick said again: "By the way, I happen to have some time, why don't I come and play with Nona."

"Really?!" Nona's eyes lit up.

"Well, really."


Rick watched Nona running back and forth in the secret room, and chatted with her after she calmed down.

"Nona, I have something I want to ask you."


"[Firebearer Prometheus]...Didn't Wu chat with you before? He said it, the name [Prometheus]."

"Um... well, he said it!"

"Can Nona talk to me?"


Nona's small face wrinkled slightly, she was deeply immersed in her memories, and then she spoke slowly.

"Master Wu said that Prometheus is a noble god. He walks on the road and imparts the seeds of wisdom (fire) to mankind..."

The childish voice echoed in the secret room.

Rick listened carefully.

Jubby on the side saw Rick being so serious, and she also understood that there was something unusual in it.


The ultimate weapon.

This is a very terrifying power, which can be seen as a check and balance.

The party who has it will always be more active. If you don't have it, you can only be beaten, and if you have it, you can restrain each other.

But if one party releases the final weapon first, the other party will have to use the same force to fight against it.

"My purpose is very simple, to maintain a certain balance... only before [Hope] appears."

"...In other words, this is a complete conspiracy?!"

Nina Black is like a puppet being manipulated.

She was complacent about researching and developing the [Void Zero Protection], but she was actually the one who was led away from the beginning!

"Even if I know the information, even if I struggle, I was actually led away by you from the very beginning, and you saw through everything!...Do you mean that?!"

"...well, that's it."

Zhou Fangwu nodded noncommittally, completely unaware of his excessive behavior.

This made Nina Black squint her eyes slightly.

Since just now, she has been led away by Zhou Fangwu, and she didn't take the initiative to think at all, as if everything had been seen through.

With such a status, she desperately wanted to win back.

But at this time, she suddenly changed her tone and temperament, her voice became brisk, and her smile gradually warmed and softened.

"I'll bear with being led away. But~ By the way, there are things you don't know~ Nina Black is actually a pseudonym, my real name is—"

"Cink Barbarian."

Before she could finish speaking, Zhou Fangwu called out her name first, making her deliberately teasing smile stiffen on her face, which looked extremely funny and ridiculous.

The act of desperately wanting to win back a city turned out to be the last straw that overwhelmed her.

Cink Nilvalen couldn't stand it any longer.

This is something that even her nemesis, Ronnie DeLeounier, doesn't know!

Everything about her has been seen through!

From the very beginning, he had already fallen into the trap of the man in front of him!

"Hehehe—, to be honest, I am now~really~really—extremely angry~"

Nina Black put on an embarrassing expression of being outraged but forced to smile.

to be frank.

If it wasn't for her good upbringing, she might have been yelling at me by now.

Zhou Fangwu shrugged his shoulders, and replied indifferently: "It is right for me to say this. I never choose to deceive, but Miss Xin Ke has been deceiving me from the beginning to the end, even in the published research. Not a real name, but it gave me a good meal."

"Hehehe—I'm so sorry~"

What responded to him was a laugh like grinding teeth.

Cinque Barbarian's rapidly rising and falling chest made one wonder if her heart would pop out.

"Then, the information has been brought, so I will leave first."

Just as Zhou Fangwu turned to leave, he heard it again.

"—By the way, do you know? Have you ever heard the rumor that elves are clingy?"

"Ah, I've heard of it. I often hear people say that if you have a grudge against an elf, even if it's more than ten generations away, you must get revenge... Such an exaggerated rumor."


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Cinque Barbara smiled repeatedly, and a flower-like smile bloomed on his face, which was extremely bright and dazzling.

It's just that what she said next was like a ghost demanding her life, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"... I gratefully accepted the information you sent me, but I can't let you go for your inducement and manipulation of me!

I will definitely find out your true identity, and then I will kill you! I want you to regret that you are so immortal that you played with me and me in the palm of your hand~

Because of the source of the rumor that the elves are very clingy~... none other than my Barbarian family! "

The smiling Mori-san spoke like a sick girl (shaking S).

If you don't have a big heart, you may have your legs too weak to walk when you hear that you can use the eight layers of protection.

But Zhou Fangwu did not.

He chuckled, looking at the exasperated and beautiful girl in front of him, he felt that she was quite cute in a different way.

I have been with Cinque Barbarian for 5 years, and I still have a certain affection for this Miss Mori who forgets to eat, drink and take a bath once she enters a state of concentration.

"...I see. If you didn't hate me, I would have mistakenly thought you liked me."

"how is this possible!"

"Hey, Mori-san... how long is your lifespan?"

"A thousand years."

"Really? Then it seems that you can't take revenge. It's a pity... The next time we meet may be six thousand years later... No, even if you can live to that time, the person you meet is not me..."

"…what are you saying?"

"It's nothing. I just feel that you have a strong killing intent on your face. It's a pity to waste such a beautiful face."

Zhou Fangwu did not answer her words.

And Cinque Barbarian didn't believe what he said at all, and even said: "Do you like it~ If you tell me your real identity, it is not impossible to let you marry me after thinking about it."

She kept smiling, but her real purpose was to delay time and continue to steal information.

Zhou Fangwu shook his head: "Forget it. Although I get along very well with you, shaking S is really not my style."

Still, a crystal was thrown to her.


"what is this?"

"It's just a crystal - it can open the protective shield to some extent, it doesn't have much effect... just treat it as a thought."

Facing Cinque Barbarian's puzzled eyes, Zhou Fangwu still explained.

Then turn around and leave.

"Hey! Anyway, tell me your name!"

"Zhou Fangwu... Just call me Wu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Wu... well, I remember your name! Wait for me! I will definitely find you and avenge you!"

"Oh! Then I'm looking forward to that day. It's just...don't let that day come, you won't dare to take revenge."

"how is this possible!"

In Cinque Barbarian's murderous eyes, Zhou Fangwu slowly disappeared before his eyes.

only left-

"Being with you for 5 years, I still like you, Miss Mori."

It's just that after he left, Cinque Barbarian clenched the crystal in his hand again, his eyes were slack, as if he was thinking about something.

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