Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 611: Fading Light [Hope]

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Someone always jokes:

[The happiness of the rich can't be imagined by the poor]

In fact, this sentence is not so accurate.

Although they no longer have to worry about running around for food and clothing, there are still other worries haunting them, even more involuntary for some rich people.

This is called--

【The rich have the difficulties of the rich, and the poor have the happiness of the poor】

Zhou Fangwu's family background is not considered wealthy, but he will not be troubled by money. In addition, the old man in the family is in a high position, so his social circle is also equal and has a certain status.

Those people are enough to be called the children of nobles and prepare for the social elite.

They have received elite education since they were young and learned all kinds of relevant knowledge. When they grow up, under the arrangement of their family members, they will marry with a family of the same size to maintain the prosperity of the family. The win-win cooperation between the two parties can make the future of the family more stable and prosperous.

As long as they come step by step, as long as they follow the established path, they will be able to live more comfortably than 99.999% of the people in the world.

They can easily get what others can't reach.

But even so, there are still some people who resolutely choose another way to live.

Zhou Fangwu didn't understand.

Don’t you find this practice of [bring delicate rice to your mouth but don’t eat it, but choose to lie down on the ground to find hard-to-eat dry stone rice) very puzzling?

He has never been able to understand this practice.

until now—

"Well, the remaining 8 are done, so that's all, right?"

Zhou Fangwu wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking like he was working hard.

On a battlefield where a big battle could happen at any time, it is undoubtedly difficult to arrange sophisticated magic devices.

Just like now.

Above Zhou Fangwu's head, the elves and elves were beating their lives and erupting with huge energy, which affected the surrounding mountains and changed the terrain many times.

Both sides were angry, and all kinds of powerful magic kept calling on each other.

But this is also a matter of course, after all, it is necessary to [kill] the other party as a condition, so naturally you have to use your real skills to save your life.


However, they didn't realize that there was another person below who was making shady tricks, arranging magic like no one else, as if they didn't care about their battle at all.

This phenomenon is really surprising!

If a passing existence sees this scene, they will definitely exclaim: "Are you an idiot? You're just a mere human, and you don't choose to escape and still engage in petty tricks here?"


Just kidding~

He raised his head and looked at the goblins and elves who were beaten to death.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help sighing: "It's really full of energy~ But, this should be the last, so let's show our strength to the fullest, it's the last time."

【Access device】The layout has been completed.

After Zhubi's 'strike', Zhou Fangwu, who was more powerful than him and could also deploy magic, took over her job logically, and finally successfully deployed the remaining 8 magics after nearly half a month.

Normally, with his ability, he could finish it in 2 or 3 days at most, but due to some special reasons, he chose to slow down the pace.

The purpose is to give that person a little buffer time.

[Access device] layout is complete, [Sky Strike], [Marrow Explosion], [Void Zero Protection]... all the prerequisites have been completed.


How are you getting ready?

Don't live up to my expectations.

With some expectation, Zhou Fangwu pulled the hood on his head, ignored the battle above, turned and left here.

It's just that everyone didn't see that the starlight behind him was extremely dim, and it was almost wiped out and lost its brilliance.

...and the 'eyes' that watch everything in the dark.

half a day

Zhou Fangwu returned to the settlement.

Since Jubby's death, the atmosphere in the colony has been a little strange.

Everyone knows that Jubby is Rick's pillar (wife), and it is because of her appearance that Rick, who is almost collapsed, is revitalized.

And now that Jubby is gone, I don't know what will become of Rick.

From the eyes of other people in the colony, it must be extremely depressed, and there may even be thoughts of 'going to die' in their hearts.

Cole thought so.

She is Rick's older sister, and she is very close to her younger brother and understands her very well.

Knowing that Rick looks strong but is actually extremely fragile, Jubby's disappearance is definitely a devastating blow to Rick.

She was afraid that Rick would be overwhelmed, and because of this, she would have been waiting outside the door.

Zhou Fangwu stepped lightly and came to her side.

Sensing the presence of someone approaching, Cole raised his head, "Master Wu... are you back?"

Her eyes were covered with thick eye bags, bloodshot, and her face was pale, looking very haggard.

It seems that she has been waiting here for an endless amount of time.

Zhou Fangwu said softly: "...Keer, you need to rest."

"But..." Cole struggled.

"Don't worry, I'll go and enlighten him."

Zhou Fangwu looked directly into her eyes, with the meaning of "believe me" in his eyes.

Cole struggled for a moment, "...Okay...then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Wu."

In the end, out of trust in Zhou Fangwu, she agreed.

Watching Cole leave, Zhou Fangwu sighed slightly.

After adjusting his mood, he knocked on the door behind him.

thump thump—

Silence, no response.

He had already expected this situation.

Without stopping, he pushed open the door and walked in without hesitation.

As he imagined, Rick is now extremely depressed, sitting cross-legged in front of a chessboard, but his eyes are not focused on the chessboard, and he is thinking about something with his head down.

No, it may also be recalling.

International chess

This is a game that Jubby often plays with Rick in their spare time. Basically, they play a few games every day, but Rick loses miserably every time.

Zhou Fangwu walked to his side, put his hand on his shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Rick, it's time for you to rest."


no respond.

"Rick, you can't be depressed because of Jubby's 'leaving'. You have to know that there are still many people who care about you."


Still silent.

"Your sister Cole, and others in the colony...everyone cares about you."

Maybe this sentence played a role, Rick seemed to come to his senses, and slowly raised his head.

His eyes were empty and confused, like a dead fish without life, and his face was much paler than Cole's.

Jubby's 'leaving' hit him too hard!

The fist clenched subconsciously again.


Rick's voice was weak and hoarse.

"It's me." Zhou Fangwu replied softly: "Please rest assured, the remaining 8 [access devices] have been arranged, your plan has not been affected, and we can still win."

"...Victory...?" Rick smiled wryly on his pale face, "Where can it be called victory?"

【Conditions for Victory】

[2] Never let anyone die.

【6】Violation of the above conditions shall be regarded as defeat.

That's right.

This [game] was already lost after Jubby's death.

"Rick... you should rest."

"Wu, play chess with me."


Zhou Fangwu wanted to say something more, but saw his pleading eyes and took back what he wanted to say.

Sitting silently opposite Rick.

Rick raised the chess piece in his hand and gently placed it on the chessboard.

Zhou Fangwu also picked up the chess piece in his hand and gently placed it on the chessboard.

The two of them just fell silent.

plate after plate

Zhou Fangwu is not smart. Although he has the ability of [analysis and imitation], it does not mean that he is smart.

That's right.

Just because he is not smart, he loses to Rick every time he plays chess.

It is precisely because he is not smart that he will be caught.

While playing chess, Rick spoke silently.

"Now the whole race is vigilant against each other, and the situation of [Artoxiu camp] against [other camps] has been successfully formed. It is as expected here. In this way, one side will definitely attack first."

If [Combined] starts to attack, the elves and goblins will fall into a stalemate before finding out the opponent's final weapon, [Marrow Explosion] and [Void Zero Protection].

But [Artoxiu camp] will not wait so honestly, they will definitely launch an all-out war.

But in the same way, the losing side is definitely [Artoxiu camp].

After using [Sky Strike], the Flügel will have no combat capability for a short period of time, and they can only rely on the huge Phantasmal Species to fight.

But no matter how powerful Avant Heim is, it can't show any combat power in front of [Void Zero Protection] - a fantasy killer, plus [Marrow Explosion] is a **** killer .

This will also step into the arms of the [United] camp.

After that it's easy.

The remaining elves and goblins will fight each other until the two sides fight for the final victor.


All of the above are based on the precondition of the [Artoxiu camp] launching an attack first, so the [Artoxiu camp] must not attack first, otherwise it will be a losing situation!

But actually.

[Sky Strike] is just an inducement to trigger a full-scale war, as long as [Sky Strike] is launched, the other two races will also launch attacks.

Just bring this magic together into a powerful attack that pierces the surface, and turn the board over—

At that time, the [Star Cup] will appear!

"Excellent plan, Rick." Zhou Fangwu praised sincerely: "You who ended this peerless war will definitely make those high gods dumbfounded, and you will definitely make this story spread on the planet forever."

"Forever passed on...?"

"Ah! You are the hope of this world, Rick!"

"Oh, hope..."

Rick's tone was very disdainful.

Whether it is to make those gods dumbfounded, or to let the story go on forever.

Obviously, he was looking forward to this kind of thing before.

Rick gently picked up a chess piece and placed it beside Zhou Fangwu's 【King】.


Lost again.

Zhou Fangwu wanted to admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, Rick spoke first.


he asked.

The deep voice carried a different kind of emotion.

Zhou Fangwu, who was very sensitive to his emotions, didn't know what words and tone he should use to answer his question.

For no reason, I was upset.

Rick continued to ask: "During this time, I have thought a lot...a lot...a lot...

Wu, answer me...

Why do you want to do this?

To impart knowledge and power to humans, and to build a tower to unite them all; to be able to freely go to the capitals of the elves and goblins, and even to ignore the battlefield where the phantasmal species are located... That is the existence that even the Flügel would shy away from... "


Wordless silence answered him.

But Rick said to himself: "You obviously have the strength to help human beings, you obviously can lead them to live a better life, and you obviously have the ability to end this war... Tell me, why do you ignore human life and death..."


"Even... even Jubby..."


"Hey, why can't I win?! Not even once?!

tell me...

If you keep losing and losing in this kind of world, and get killed all the time—

What is the value of human existence? !

Answer me, Wu! "

Rick sat up unsteadily, yelling pleadingly.

"Answer me! Wu!

Are you not a god? !

Aren't you a **** born from the cloister of elves?

Aren't you a **** who obeys the wishes of human beings and chooses to respond to this emotion? !

Aren't you a **** that human beings place their hope in? !

O Prometheus—

【Fire Passer】My lord—

tell me!

What is the purpose of your doing this!

Why should the heavy future—all this be forced upon me!


Why—you have to abandon so many talents!

Why—regardless of human life and death!


...You must abandon Jupi..."

Rick held his head in his hands in pain, crying heart-piercingly, as if he was seeking the answer to all this, and also as if he was crying his pain to the **** in front of him.


A slight noise caught Zhou Fangwu's attention.

Turning his head, he saw a dim light reflected from the steel.

That's how it was exposed.


Rick is a genius.

In Zhou Fangwu's view, Rick is the smartest human being in the world.

That's why he bet everything on Rick.

But he overlooked one point.

That is whether Rick can bear the weight.

The heavier the expectation, the more it can crush a person, especially Zhou Fangwu is still pulling away his pillar (wife) at this time, of course he will collapse under this situation.

But that's right.

Why do you do that?

It is to escape.

In order to evade the responsibilities that should belong to him.


Gain strength (divine power), gain faith (mind), gain recognition (sacred essence)... as long as you follow the steps, you can become the supreme [only God].


Why are you so resistant?

This is something everyone wants.

It's time to admit it.

【I am not the only one】.


Accept it, this result.

It's time to pass it (hopefully) on to the next me (future).


The light (hope) behind is dimmed.

It is because of my own inaction that I have abandoned hope, abandoned human beings, even abandoned Jupi, and abandoned all people who believed in me...

They are all crying, scolding themselves loudly, saying that they did not do well, how can such a self be called a "hero"?

accept it.

bear it.

Resign yourself to fate.

After struggling for a hundred years, what UU Reading www.uukanshu.com finally got... is a future without any results, and it is also a future that will definitely make everyone suffer...

Not reconciled!

Not reconciled!

Not reconciled!

Zhou Fangwu roared loudly in his heart.


Slowly let go of his clenched white fists, and let out a soft breath.

Forcibly let go of the obsession in my heart.

This feeling is really painful...

"Sorry, Rick."

Zhou Fangwu softly apologized to Rick who was crying in front of him: "Because my willfulness caused you to suffer too much, I feel really sorry for you."

"Wu...?" Rick stared blankly at Zhou Fangwu.

But he found that the **** in front of him exuded a warm light, and said something that made him throb: "It's okay, you have worked hard enough, leave it to me. Don't worry, the war will end soon, after Not one more person will die, I promise."

After speaking, Zhou Fangwu turned and left.


Under Rick's gaze, Zhou Fangwu walked up to the sky step by step, just like walking on a ladder leading to the sky.

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