Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

: 】1 The beginning and end of everything

early morning.

The temperature in spring is not too cold.

The sun has just risen from the horizon, and the gentle sunlight shines on the earth. With the crowing of roosters in the farmhouse, people wake up from their deep sleep.

But at this time, someone just came back.

Lord's House.

A gleam of light flashed, Zhou Fangwu felt a little tired, and stretched lazily.

"Ah, I'm exhausted."

Although he was complaining, the smile on the corner of his mouth clearly showed his true mood.

Just now, he saved the world again.

Although it seemed to others that Zhou Fangwu had only been away for an hour, in fact he had been away for more than a month this time.

Thanks to [Power Fairy Corridor] and [Power Fairy King's Crown], coupled with the connection established with Aqua, he can accurately locate time and space and travel back and forth in different worlds.

Relying on these two powerful abilities, Zhou Fangwu saved many worlds again.

Whether it is strength or characteristics, they have been greatly increased, and their hearts have also been greatly satisfied.

He raised his head and looked at the clear sky.

There is no more flames of war, and no more boring depression.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but murmured softly: "Has a year passed..."

That's right.

One year has passed since defeating the Demon Lord.

Although Zhou Fangwu's process of defeating the devil gave people a kind of anticlimactic drama, but his achievements cannot be erased by any means. Coupled with the testimony of many adventurers and princesses, the news of the defeat of the Demon King was confirmed as a fact and spread throughout the different world.

For a time, the reputation of [Hero·Zhou Fangwu] was known to everyone.

Axel Novice Village has also suddenly become a tourist attraction, and almost everyone will choose to come here to worship.

But reputation is a double-edged sword, which has advantages and disadvantages.

While getting the convenience, the constant stream of challengers every day made him feel very dizzy, so he had no choice but to close the door and not pick up customers. At the same time, he took this opportunity to save other worlds by relying on his own ability.

Rewards were also issued from the capital.

Titles, territories, treasures, these things needless to say have already been arranged, and they even want him to marry Princess Alice!

After all, the purpose of the royal family is to marry the strong to optimize their genes. There is no reason for Zhou Fangwu, a strong man who defeated the devil, to let go. At the same time, Princess Alice also expressed that she also has thoughts in that regard.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu rejected him on the grounds that he was too young and the contact time was too short and he had no feelings.

But the royal family's determination was stronger than he had imagined, and they forced Princess Alice over abruptly, in the name of getting in touch with each other and cultivating feelings.

Because of this, the wedding between him and Darkness could not be held.

That way of seeking profit is really ugly!

…Although he really wanted to reprimand so loudly, he couldn't refuse the poor Alice who was begging, especially when there was another party involved—Darkness persuading her from the sidelines, so he had no choice but to agree to stay in Ake Searle Novice Village.

I always feel that the knight with some special hobbies is enjoying something. Every time he saw him with other women, he didn't stop him, but hid in the dark with his face flushed and looked at them expectantly.

However, Her Royal Highness, who has a good etiquette education and a natural ability to arouse others' desire to protect, gets along very harmoniously with the rest of the team, but because of the influence of those unruly people in the team, her personality is a little bit off.

Zhou Fangwu has been painstakingly correcting her in order to prevent her from getting along with those waste materials.

Generally speaking, they haven't changed anything because of Her Royal Highness's stay.

By the way, the rewards from the heavens have also come down.

For the feat of defeating the devil, they allowed Zhou Fangwu to choose a reward at will as a [customs clearance special code], not limited to becoming a **** to obtain a priesthood, returning to the original world...etc.

But these, Zhou Fangwu refused.

He chose—

"Hey! Wu, breakfast is ready!"

"Come right away!"

"It's my turn to cook today, don't look at me like this, I'm no worse than Darkness in cooking!"

"Yes, yes, our goddess of water is a top-notch player except for her job. I'm looking forward to it."

"Hmph, just look forward to it!...Wait, Wu, what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything, you heard me wrong."

"Ah! I heard it all, you said I'm not a goddess!"

The two returned to the Lord's Mansion noisily.

That's it.

Zhou Fangwu's chosen 【Customs Clearance Code】is this idiot goddess.

There is also Sato Kazuma, who also made outstanding contributions to destroying the Demon King with Zhou Fangwu, and Tianjie made an exception and agreed to let him also choose a [custom clearance special code].

And he chose the goddess Eris.

Unlike Zhou Fang, who took away the goddess who was regarded as the "most unpopular" goddess in the trouble of Zhou Fang, what Sato Kazuma took away was the goddess of the "most popular and most wanted to work under her" in the sky, and became the goddess of the sky for a while. public enemy.

It's just that these have nothing to do with them.

When I came to the dining table, I found that the team had already assembled.


"Wu, are you back?"

"Yo, Wu."

"Senior Zhou Fang!"

"Lord Wu!" X2

"Wu, you didn't summon me!"

"Brother, welcome back..."

The cordial greetings kept coming.

Before I knew it, there were so many people in the Lord's Mansion.

Aqua, Darkness, Megumin, Yoyo, Beatrice, Princess Alice, Kazuma Sato, Eris, Claire, Rhine... Familiar faces who haven't seen each other for the first time in a month make Zhou Fangwu feel happy Become happy.

"Okay! Everyone is here? Then, let's have dinner!"

"I started!" x11

The crowd enjoyed a noisy breakfast.

These idiots really don't know where they come from so much energy, and they are not tired of making noise every day.

However, it is their nature to be noisy, and if they stop being noisy one day, they will not be them.

After dinner, everyone did not stay at home idly.

Due to the previous arrival of the Demon King, all the monsters became agitated, and there was no sign of easing even after a year passed.

Thanks to the many adventurers who came to this novice village, those restless monsters were gradually suppressed.

Now there is only a little finishing touches left.

Although Zhou Fangwu just came back, he didn't feel tired, but before he got up, Akuya who just ran out hurried back outside.

"That's right! Wu, I have your letter."


As a celebrity in this world, many people write to him every day, whether they know him or not.

But under normal circumstances, it would be ignored by him, it is impossible for Akua not to remember this kind of thing.

"This letter is a bit strange." Akuya shook off the letter in her hand, and explained: "It didn't appear in the mailbox, but appeared directly on the table in your room. I will find you in the morning." time to see it."

"Oh?" Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows.


Didn't it come from the front, but did you choose to go slanted to attract your own attention?

Have to say, it definitely caught its own attention.

But when he saw the white envelope with his name written on it, a feeling of awkwardness came to his mind, a vague feeling of wanting to grab it but slipping away.

He had a premonition that all the mysteries would be revealed by it.

Seeing Zhou Fangwu stunned, Akuya asked with concern: "Wu? What's the matter, are you okay?"

"Ah...it's okay." Zhou Fangwu shook his head.

No matter what, he has to face it.

He took the envelope and opened it in front of everyone.

【From Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu】

[Tell troubled boys and girls who have supernatural powers, if you want to try your own talents, then abandon your relatives, friends, property and everything in the world, and come to our "Little Garden"! 】

At the moment of reading this letter, it seems that the answer to the mystery has finally been revealed.

The shackles hidden in the depths of the memory were simply and neatly opened because of the appearance of the [key].

As if telling myself that the time has come, the thought came through in an instant.

Unknown memories flooded into my brain in an instant.


"Hey, hey, are you really going to do this?! We have other ways! It's too risky to do this! Just give up, okay?"

The one who spoke was a handsome guy wearing a black bowler hat, a black tuxedo, and a round monocle eye.

At this time, he lost his usual elegance, but waved his hands excitedly, as if trying to dissuade the person in front of him who wanted to go his own way.

but heard—

"No way? Croa, aren't you the **** in charge of life and death, love and happiness? You who have always believed in the possibility of human beings, why did you suddenly say such unconfident words?"

The one who mocked him was a man with wavy short blond hair, shell-shaped earrings, a pure white gown with a purple camisole inside, and black boots with heels on his feet.

Is a fairly young and beautiful woman.

"There must be a limit! Canary, you know it too!"

Hearing being ridiculed, the man in the bowler hat... No, Croix shouted excitedly: "That kind of thing, even the 2-digit powerhouse——Jehovah has exhausted countless efforts to achieve it!"

These words silenced the beautiful woman named Canary.

Obviously she also understands how difficult what they are about to do is.

It can be said that it is almost impossible to achieve, and there is only the possibility of success in theory.

But when the air froze, another man smiled softly and said: "But there is still a possibility, isn't it? Moreover, if it can be done, you can get a strong double-digit strength in one go, and the problem in front of you is not too difficult. It's easy to solve, isn't it?"

"That's what you said!...Although you said that!" Croya rubbed his head excitedly, and continued to persuade: "The leader... Kasukabe has already gone to find a solution, and we don't need to...!"

"Kloa! Xiaoming is no longer 'qualified', you know this! So... only I will do it! Even if the hope is so slim."

The heavy facts made Croya, who wanted to persuade him, silent, unable to say any words of persuasion.

In the end, he could only murmur in a low voice: "Hey, Wu... you are sure, are you sure?!"

There was inquiry and begging in the voice.

Got a confident answer.

"Of course! Otherwise, I wouldn't act rashly. Rather, you two can 'expect' me now."

"Ha...then I'll look forward to it."

Croya couldn't help but smile wryly, and didn't continue to dissuade him.

"Then, let me explain the battle plan again."

Afraid that the two of them would be impulsive after they left, so they chose to tell the two of them again before that.

"I will split myself into countless parts, and at the same time, the characteristics of [Gift·Hero] will be attached to the soul of each 'me', and then let them save the world and gain the belief in their world..."

"Wait, isn't this the same as that 2-digit deity did?"

"It's similar."

"But will those people agree with you to do this? They will definitely sabotage it secretly!"

"Probably. However, I need your help at this time, Croya."

With the [Crossroad of Life and Death], Croya can forcibly take him there, and shrink the realm of life and death back to nothingness.

At that time, the great pressure from death would make his [Gift·Hero] evolve into [Gift·Hope], and he would not choose [Life], but actively choose [Death], so as to avoid the enemy's attack. track down.

After all, he was already dead at that time, and it became an established fact, so how could he be found?

And all the other [life] are his bait on the bright side, attracting the attention of the enemy, allowing the only [death] to escape smoothly.

【The only hope】

As long as he gets it, with the help of the faith absorbed by his characteristics, he will become a **** in one fell swoop!

No, it is to become the center of the gods!

Take advantage of the trend to obtain [own universe and worldview], and possess a powerful strength comparable to that of a 2-digit god!

This is the whole picture of the plan!

"But it's still too dangerous."

Croya couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"The first step of the plan is quite dangerous. The [eternal crossroads] where life and death, the world of humans and the world of gods meet forever, once you get there, no one can escape except me, unless it is true as Wu said. To promote one's own gifts in such a way, otherwise one will definitely lose one's nature and self-destruction.

Once you make a mistake, you will die completely, and even if you avoid death, it will cause other problems, such as loss of nature, thinking, emotion, memory... Not to mention, you are seeking to die in the first place. "

This plan sounds beautiful, but all three people present know that this is a great cause that is basically impossible to achieve, and if they are not careful, they will fail miserably.

And this kind of failure is something no one can afford.


"But someone has to do it, doesn't he? Especially I am the most suitable candidate. Besides, it is the best way to die and survive."

He chuckled, not having the fear of death if he was not careful at all, but he was ready to welcome death with relief.

Among the existence of all known powerful forces, which one is not facing countless catastrophes?

The Jade Emperor’s 1,750 catastrophes in exchange for unmatched luck, Yahweh’s extinction of the world 3 times with thousands of physical bodies to spread faith, Shakyamuni’s 10 catastrophes and 8 catastrophes...all these show that if you want to obtain a powerful godhead, you have to go through it Numerous upgrades and changes can make oneself grow.

Zhou Fangwu is different from them.

From the very beginning, he sank himself into the lowest valley, as long as he overcomes the initial ordeal, the road ahead will be extremely smooth!

"Everything has been arranged, no matter how hard I struggle, everything I do will become my nourishment. So, Canary, don't do stupid things."

"…Will not."

"Hey, look me in the eyes when you say that."

I found that the beautiful woman in front of me was too far away, and I always felt that she would do something stupid after I left.

"Forget it, I will leave it to you later."

The last exhortation before leaving, with a look of reluctance.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, only Jujue remained.

"Canary, poetry...please."


Canary nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and sang softly, followed by the spirit of words like a hymn.

—You are the [Pioneer] who guides mankind and guides them forward;

—You are the [hero] who saves mankind and smashes all evil;

—You are a ray of light in the darkness, the 【Hope】to dispel all the haze;

[The World] will always be by your side.

As the mysterious poems reverberated in this space, Zhou Fangwu's figure disappeared into countless figures, and their plan officially started.


"Wu? Wu?! I said, Wu—!"

Akuya's loud shouts could be heard next to his ears, and Zhou Fangwu's divergent thoughts slowly returned.

"Wu, are you okay?" Akua asked with concern.

Zhou Fangwu apologized softly: "...Sorry, I made you worry."

"What happened, look at you in a daze."

"...Hey, Aqua, remember when we first met?"

"What's wrong?"

"That sentence you said, I...is dead. That, is it true?"

"Yes, it's true."

Akuya replied without hesitation, without thinking at all.

But Zhou Fangwu didn't doubt her unreliability, because he had already made a judgment in his heart.

"Really, [the only hope]..."

Looking at the envelope in his hand, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help laughing.

It seems that my journey is not over yet.

[Hakoniwa], here I come.

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