Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 70: Boyfriend is robbed, girlfriend is of course very angry

"You are... very sorry, this beautiful big sister!"

Zhou Fangwu's face changed slightly, but in the next second he returned to his original state, scratching the back of his head pretending to be a daredevil, and said happily:

"Because I was in a hurry to catch up with my companions, I didn't look at the pedestrians on the side. I bumped into you. I'm really sorry."

"Heh heh heh~ It's okay."

Elsa brushed her fingers across the snow-white skin on her chest, then tapped her lips, and licked her fingertips with her sweet tongue, as if she was reminiscing about something.

"My little brother happens to be the type I like, so I'm not angry. Rather, I'm very happy."

Every move shows the charm of a mature woman.

"Ahahaha, isn't it? It's the first time someone can say that."

Zhou Fangwu also laughed heartily and said:

"Big sister is such a beautiful mature beauty, and it happens to be the type I like! To be honest, because there are all problem children around, I prefer mature ones."

"Ah, the little mouth is so sweet~ little brother, do you want to experience the happiness of adults with me?"

Elsa approached slowly, and Zhou Fangwu could even smell the sweet and fragrant scent of poppies on her body.

"Okay! ... As much as I want to say it, but you see ... my companion is angry now."

Zhou Fangwu took a step back, and at the same time, his face also showed the intention to go with her, but he pointed to Nayue Subaru in front of him, and rejected this tempting proposal as if it was a pity.

"Ah, what a pity~"

Elsa turned her head to look at Natsuki Subaru, and found that he was frowning, trembling all over, and his face was extremely pale and looked very ugly.

He leaned further, blew the fragrance in Zhou Fangwu's ear, and said softly: "Fear, fear, hatred, that little brother seems to hate me very much~ In the end, why?"

"Is there a reason..."

Elsa pushed forward, and Zhou Fangwu leaned forward, not to be outdone, and leaned close to her bumpy body, feeling her softness, and replied softly:

"Probably angry...Because I'm so intimate with other girls, of course he is very angry."


Elsa was taken aback by this unexpected answer.

"You see, if a boyfriend makes out with other girls, as a girlfriend, he must be very angry. Also, he is afraid of his boyfriend being taken away, hates women who are better than himself, and fears breaking up their relationship The feelings of mutual love...it is inevitable that there will be such a performance."

"Ah, 'girlfriend's him'?!"

Elsa looked at the expressions of the two, as if seeing some rare treasure, and said softly:

"Could it be... are you in that kind of relationship? It's unbelievable, great!"

There was a blush on his face, and his expression of interest became more intense, and he looked like he wanted to explore it very much.

"Let me state in advance, that child is only obsessed with me unilaterally! My sexual orientation is normal, and I really like a beautiful and mature beauty like you."

After speaking, Zhou Fangwu took a big step back.

Then he yelled at Subaru Nayue, whose front legs were trembling all the time, and his body kept shaking: "Hey, Nayue-chan, hurry up and apologize to this beautiful big sister!"


Caiyue Subaru's hearing is not good, and he couldn't hear the low-pitched conversation between the two at all. Even Zhou Fangwu suddenly asked him to apologize, and he looked at a loss for no reason.

But he reacted quickly, straightened his body and then bent over 90 degrees, shouting loudly:

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Although he didn't know what was wrong, if Zhou Fangwu asked him to apologize, he would not hesitate.

This is the trust in Zhou Fangwu generated by being together for 5 days.

—Zhou Fangwu will not harm him!

"It's okay, it's okay! But it's a pity, obviously the little brother is my type."

"Yes, obviously big sister is also my type."

The two smiled lightly.


Elsa posted it again at a very fast speed, and Zhou Fangwu didn't react at all!

When he reacted, a soft jade hand was already on his body, stroking his waist and abdomen as if he was stroking his lover, and he froze on the spot for a while, not daring to move.

So fast!

Really fast!

"Brother, you say you like it, but your eyes don't show any affection, and the smell on your body doesn't change at all...Even if you're lying, there must be a limit!"

Elsa's false softness instantly turned into a chilling glamorousness, and her icy voice was enough to make people's blood stop suddenly.

Killing intent? !

Only then did Zhou Fangwu realize that Elsa in front of him was not only an assassin, but also a intestine hunter who would not lose the wind in a face-to-face confrontation with him!

Although his body was tense, Zhou Fangwu did not show the slightest timidity, and said softly:

"In order not to show **** in my eyes and make you feel disgusted by you, Big Sister, I have worked very hard to restrain myself! Haven't Big Sister heard a saying, 'Desire is presumptuousness, but liking is restraint'."

Zhou Fangwu's eyes were extremely clear, and he looked at her without any dirty or dirty eyes.

"Ah, that's right."

Elsa's heart moved, she put down the jade hand that was caressing Zhou Fangwu's waist, and put it on her snow-white chest to feel the beating of her heart carefully.

At the same time, he said: "I hate it, brother, you really know how to please women. There must be many women who fall in love with you."

After Zhou Fangwu heard this, he asked with a smirk on his face, "So, does the big sister like what I said?"

"I like it, I like it very much."

Elsa didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Actually, I like my brother very much... But unfortunately, I still have important things to do now, otherwise, I will definitely take my brother away, [Taste well Let’s do it.”

"That [taste it well] really makes people fall into reverie!"

Zhou Fangwu was also interested, but said regretfully: "Unfortunately, big sister still has important matters, so I can only look forward to seeing you next time."

"Yes, only next time."

Elsa chuckled, then walked past Zhou Fangwu, and whispered in his ear: "Brother, you can look forward to meeting again next time, hehehe~"

"Oh! See you again when you have a chance!"

Zhou Fangwu gave a thumbs up, expressing that he must look forward to it. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

With a warm smile on his face, he bid farewell to Elsa until she swayed and disappeared from Zhou Fangwu's sight.


Seeing his enthusiastic expression, Caiyue Subaru hurried over, and was about to say something, but found that Zhou Fangwu's turned face instantly turned cold.


At this moment, Natsuki Subaru seemed to understand.

Zhou Fangwu had been playing tricks with Elsa just now, in order not to arouse Elsa's vigilance.

"Wu, she is..."

"She's that gut-eating demon Elsa Grandhirt, isn't she?"

Zhou Fangwu said her full name first, "Seeing that you look like you are dying of fear, you don't need to think about it."

Not good!

Really bad!

Although I knew that Elsa was comparable to myself with the stripes turned on, I didn't expect the assassination to be so terrifying!

The ears and nose that Zhou Fangwu imitated from my wife Zenitsu and Zaomen Tanjiro could not hear her walking at all, nor could she smell the blood on her body.

(Chapter 34, 35, and 36 of the main text have been written, but they are written in one stroke)

From the time I traveled to the present, in terms of assassination techniques, I, Zhou Fangwu, would like to call you the strongest!


Nayuki Subaru showed worry, because he went to the guard room of the royal capital on the way, and this time it was different from what he had encountered a few times before.

"It's ok."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, telling him not to worry too much, and turned to him and said: "Mr. Cai Yue, hurry up, I have a bad feeling."


Natsuki Subaru answered loudly.

Afterwards, the two continued to dig deeper.

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