Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 81: Put a shackle (shu) on Rem (fu)

After leaving the bedroom, Zhou Fangwu separated from Ram.

One leisurely went for morning exercise, while the other hurried out to prepare breakfast.

Looking at it this way, it seemed that Ram had come to help him change his clothes specially.


Although the words on the mouth are very harsh and merciless, but in fact, the heart is still very kind, isn't it?

Come to the courtyard.

I found that Natsuki Subaru and Emilia were doing radio gymnastics, and the atmosphere of talking and laughing during the period was very good.

Although Natsuki Subaru is a master of tricks, in fact, what he said was very nonsensical and puzzling, it was purely awkward chat.

Fortunately, Emilia is also a kind-hearted and innocent silly white sweet, even if she doesn't understand what he said, she won't leave him alone, but chats awkwardly with Natsuki Subaru.

Unexpectedly, during Emilia's accommodation, the atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fangwu still didn't choose to disturb them.

He is not so ignorant.

Turn around and walk to the other side.

But before he reached the corner, he found a person hiding here and peeping.

—It's Rem.

I thought she was going to prepare breakfast with Ram, but I didn't expect her to hide here and peek at Emilia and Natsuki Subaru.

No, it would be more reasonable to use the word [surveillance].

After thinking about it, Zhou Fangwu slowed down and approached her gently.

It might be that Rem was too focused, or it might be that the [Assassination Technique] skill that Zhou Fangwu secretly learned was very practical, but Rem didn't notice that Zhou Fangwu was approaching secretly from behind.

"Do you care?"


Zhou Fangwu said something softly, which startled Rem.

"What do you care about? Rem can't understand what the guest is saying."

But she quickly collected her emotions and wanted to leave here quickly. She bowed and said, "I'm sorry for the guest, Rem has to prepare breakfast, so I'm sorry."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Zhou Fangwu whispered behind her: "Emilia...no, it's Caiyue-kun!"

Originally, he wanted to tease her, but when Rem turned around, he wanted to leave as soon as possible, so he quickly pointed it out.


Rem was unmoved, and walked forward without looking back.


"Witch Cult."

"Ghost Twins."

Every time Zhou Fangwu uttered a word, Rem would slow down until he stopped.


It's like being uncovered by someone who dare not recall the past.

Rem suddenly turned her head, looked at Zhou Fangwu angrily, and growled, "What do you mean? Where did you know this? Where is Lord Roswaal? Did Lord Emilia tell you?"

It seemed that she trusted her sister very much, and she didn't suspect Ram at all.

It made Zhou Fangwu want to lie to her in a wicked way.

But when Zhou Fangwu saw her ferocious face full of regret, self-blame, and pain, he gave up this bad practice.

The deep friendship between sisters should not be provoked so easily by him.

If an irreparable crack is left, then he will be a big villain.

"Yes, where did you know that..."

Zhou Fangwu was ambiguous and didn't elaborate with her, but turned the topic to Nayue Subaru and asked, "Let's not talk about this, what do you think of Nayue-kun, Lei Mu?"

"Barus? Barus is the new butler recruited by Lord Roswaal, I believe we can get along well..."

"Not talking about that!"

Zhou Fangwu dismantled Rem's false disguise and the killing intent that could not be concealed for a long time, and said bluntly to her: "The [Witch's Miasma] on Caiyue-kun... no, it is called [Witch's Afterglow]... Rem is What do you think?"

"What 'how do you look at'... Hehehe, that **** is a member of the Witch Cult at first glance, and the miasma on his body is disgusting!"

Rem knew that there was no point in hiding it any more, so she simply revealed her strong killing intent towards Subaru Natsuki, cursing in a low voice: "Everyone from the Witch Cult should die, I must kill him!"


Zhou Fangwu didn't expect that Rem would confess his heart to him so quickly, and even bluntly said that he would kill Natsuki Subaru.

It seems that she has endured very hard these two days.

But, how could he let Rem kill Natsuki Subaru?

"Although Caiyue-kun and I came together, which is equivalent to the relationship of companions, I did not protect his thoughts."

Zhou Fangwu explained his position first, and then tried to enlighten her.

"Rem, you are too one-sided."

"One-sided? Rem?!"

Rem looked at him angrily.

"That guy is more painful than you can imagine."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to Nayue Subaru who was with Emilia, "Look carefully at his face...how, it looks like pain."

Although Natsuki Subaru was joking with Emilia, he kept frowning.

Even if he was with his favorite Emilia, he could feel the confusion and pain on Subaru Natsuki's face.

Gives an expression of [he is resisting something].

"Painful, how could he have the pain of Rem? If it weren't for these disgusting guys, the village wouldn't be destroyed, and my sister wouldn't..."

Rem's pent-up anger has an outlet, so how could she easily believe what a stranger said?

"Really... you too."

Zhou Fangwu did not argue with her, but said sympathetically, "You are also a victim of the Witch Cult."


Rem's angry expression instantly froze on her face, and this [also] successfully aroused her curiosity.

"Natsuki Subaru, like you, is a member of the Witch Cult... No, it should be said that she is the object of the Witch's teasing!"

Rem couldn't believe Zhou Fangwu's words.

"Demon, witch means..."

"Yes, that's the witch you thought of."

"No, it's impossible!"

Rem refuted Zhou Fangwu's words on the spot, saying bluntly: "How could that witch..."

"How is it impossible?"

Zhou Fangwu interrupted her again, "That's a witch, who can understand what a witch thinks?"


Rem remained silent. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"That guy is more painful than you can imagine."

The meaning of Zhou Fangwu saying this sentence again is even more profound.

"I don't know why I am being targeted by the witch and suffer, I don't know the meaning of my existence and I am forcing myself, I don't know what to do in the future and I stop at a loss..."

"Of course, these are just my one-sided words.

You will not and cannot believe what I say so easily, but I hope you can get to know him first before making a decision.

Although he is arrogant, arrogant, rude, and arrogant, he is actually an immature child. After getting along for a long time, you will know what he is like.

Of course, I won't force you to accept him, even if you ignore him, just be patient. "

After a moment of silence, he said again:

"And... don't let your sister worry too much about you."

In order for Natsuki Subaru to not reincarnate, the first thing to do is Rem.

Although he was there, if Rem really wanted to kill, she would definitely find a chance.

So Zhou Fangwu wanted to solve it from the root cause, so that Rem could temporarily put down his murderous intentions.

I believe that after the two get along for a long time, Rem will know what Subaru Natsuki's character is, and he will naturally let go of his murderous intentions.

Of course, Zhou Fangwu was afraid of being insecure.

I deliberately added a sentence at the end, "Don't let your sister worry too much about you" as a hint to restrain Rem, think about Ram's position before making her impulsive.


Rem didn't speak after listening, just bowed and turned to leave.

I don't know if she listened or not.


It's so hard for me!

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